@milaagrosramirez activity

8 months ago: published the article
The world needs more kindness and empathy
8 months ago: published the article
Does wonder woman exist?
8 months ago: published the article
Artificial intelligence, a new era?
8 months ago: published the article
return to platform
1 year ago: published the article
Greeting is part of good manners
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Do you believe in the supernatural?
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Life has meaning, only if you do what is meaningful to you
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Execute proficient Steps to unlock cash app account:
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
October Wrap Up! | Read.cash and Noise App
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Psychological pregnancy, a real issue
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
As the day ends, a few Words about the Future(Again)
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Olive Branch || Olive Grove
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Unexpectedly different children's birthday
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Family Planning: DEPO contraceptives
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Learning to fly can take time and cost several falls
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Welcoming Myself Back Here in Read.cash
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Contest: What will be the price of BCH in... Third round!
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Where to Spend Money
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Person I Am Becoming Is Going To Shock A Lot Of People
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Analogy of Flies and Butterflies
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Legend of Fonta Vox: Let's Get Lost into her Dimensional World
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I locked a blind darkness inside me
1 year ago: published the article
We must eradicate bullying
1 year ago: published the article
 Veganism and its contribution to the world
1 year ago: published the article
Saving can save us from future situations
1 year ago: published the article
Time as well as beneficial is painful
1 year ago: published the article
Animation has changed the entertainment world
1 year ago: published the article
We all deserve fairness and respect
1 year ago: published the article
The artists are from another planet
1 year ago: published the article
The world must join forces
1 year ago: published the article
Women fight every month, not just in October
1 year ago: published the article
Our planet and nature are our homes
1 year ago: published the article
Women give the world an irreverent energy and vision
1 year ago: published the article
Smiling costs nothing and gives a lot
1 year ago: published the article
Create a positive impact on others
1 year ago: published the article
Celebrate your life It's the only one you have!
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Humanity is the Best Religion"
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"The Hard Part Of Being An Entrepreneur "
1 year ago: published the article
You find the purest love with animals. My rabbit son!
1 year ago: published the article
CANCER generates fear but enhances human courage
1 year ago: published the article
Freedom is synonymous with overcoming fear
1 year ago: published the article
Democracy and its impact on human life
1 year ago: published the article
 Besides being delicious, chocolate generates LIFE
1 year ago: published the article
communication is everything
1 year ago: published the article
1 year ago: published the article
Outer beauty is nothing without inner beauty
1 year ago: published the article
We are all by nature talented beings
1 year ago: published the article
Sexuality is part of the nature of the human being
1 year ago: published the article
Gonna; man's greatest enemy
1 year ago: published the article
Reality and life itself exceed fiction
1 year ago: published the article
I can't change the world but I can contribute to it
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Thanks to this community for the enormous love"
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Grow like a tree"
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Spend Time for a Reality Check"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Spend Time for a Reality Check
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Rules Aren't For Politicians"
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"I've had hair of all colors III:"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Felt Frustrated By Rusty's Absence
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
1 year ago: published the article
After the storm comes the calm
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
It is really difficult for me currently
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Blurry Vision and Life Vision
1 year ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"My Clementine NFT turned into a Nightmare"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My Clementine NFT turned into a Nightmare
1 year ago: published the article
Exile forever from your life the impostor syndrome
1 year ago: published the article
The true heroes live among us and do not wear capes
1 year ago: published the article
Habits that drive success
1 year ago: published the article
A healthy mind is synonymous with a healthy physique
1 year ago: published the article
You don't have to please everyone persons
1 year ago: published the article
Philosophy is a fundamental part of our life.
1 year ago: published the article
Knowledge exalts us and empowers us
1 year ago: published the article
less ego and more empathy and love
1 year ago: published the article
Violence is not a game, we have to put a stop to it!
1 year ago: published the article
The brain combines with everything, always use it!
1 year ago: published the article
The mystery and legacy behind Nelson Mandela
1 year ago: published the article
Faith, can we live life without this tool of hope?
1 year ago: published the article
Is the best way to learn in life through mistakes?
1 year ago: published the article
Blooming and transforming takes time
1 year ago: published the article
Failure, its prospects, how to overcome it
1 year ago: published the article
We are like a puzzle
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Rain Delayed Us.
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I Cancelled the Wedding
1 year ago: commented on the article "A Wonderful Butterfly! "
what beautiful photographs, you can appreciate peace in them greetings
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A Wonderful Butterfly!
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Monthly Roundup
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
"How to Avoid Stress at Work?"
1 year ago: published the article
You are light, no one can shade you
1 year ago: published the article
Judging does not make you a better person
1 year ago: published the article
From any perspective love is love
1 year ago: published the article
 May the path you choose always lead you to happiness
1 year ago: published the article
The soul is the most fertile land
1 year ago: published the article
We all deserve peace and freedom
1 year ago: published the article
life is a breath
1 year ago: published the article
Thanks to life, which has given me so much
1 year ago: published the article
create within you your home, your safe place
1 year ago: published the article
time is not refundable
1 year ago: published the article
Let it be a tendency to do good without looking at who
1 year ago: published the article
In life, do you win or lose?
1 year ago: published the article
happiness goes with everything
1 year ago: published the article
Let's honor our environment
1 year ago: published the article
Connect with ourselves as an act of love and healing
1 year ago: published the article
Wishes and dreams come true
1 year ago: published the article
Self-love is also synonymous with building oneself
1 year ago: published the article
Facing fears helps the soul
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
May Report - Total Rewards: 2,5BCH From read.cash And Noise
1 year ago: published the article
People who change perspectives
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Introduce Myself to Read.Cash | Dito Ferrer
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
No knowledge is wasted
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Friendship is important so don't ruin it
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Mountains and humans
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Summer season!
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A Thief Who Steals Human Humanity
1 year ago: published the article
calm in the soul
1 year ago: published the article
What happened in this world, only the memory remains
1 year ago: published the article
The job of my dreams
1 year ago: published the article
Fate gives you surprises, surprises fate gives you
1 year ago: published the article
the magic of coincide
1 year ago: published the article
Failure is the key to many opportunities
1 year ago: published the article
In life you lose but you also win
1 year ago: published the article
Self love allows us
1 year ago: published the article
The family our safe place in life
1 year ago: published the article
the train of life
1 year ago: published the article
The ways of the life
1 year ago: published the article
failed love
1 year ago: published the article
magical stages of life
1 year ago: published the article
Today I celebrate my beautiful mother
1 year ago: published the article
The effort and sacrifices are worth it
2 years ago: published the article
Self demand, is it good or bad?
2 years ago: published the article
April: a month full of transformation
2 years ago: published the article
there are always new opportunities
2 years ago: published the article
one day with my partner crime and me
2 years ago: published the article
Does infatuation last forever or does it end?
2 years ago: published the article
Interviews that leave lessons part one
2 years ago: published the article
Attachment and detachment, help us to be freer?
2 years ago: published the article
Life is full of first times
2 years ago: published the article
Making mistakes is inevitable, don't give up
2 years ago: commented on the article "I have ZERO Bitcoin Cash left in my wallet"
you will be able to recover from this and I am very sure that you will achieve much more, because you never stop trying
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I have ZERO Bitcoin Cash left in my wallet
2 years ago: commented on the article "I found a real steady passive income source, do yo..."
read.cash has been of great help to mocos and I include myself that in one way or another we have gradually moved forward thanks to them
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Get Uncomfortable!
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A skill can determine luck
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bitcoincash; even kids knows about it.
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Crypto lover
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
La democracia y los ciudadanos helenos libres
2 years ago: commented on the article "como ser hacker ? es bueno o malo ?"
Es un tema superinteresante!
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
como ser hacker ? es bueno o malo ?
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Road Less Taken
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I Want To Become Rich And Successful
2 years ago: commented on the article "Three ways to make your own crochet scrunchies (Pa..."
how beautiful you teach without any envy that is what the world needs
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Three ways to make your own crochet scrunchies (Part 2)
2 years ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Waiting without wasting"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Waiting without wasting
2 years ago: published the article
It was a week full of learning
2 years ago: published the article
March leaves us great teachings
2 years ago: published the article
Resilience is a strength that life gives us
2 years ago: published the article
Women who inspire me daily in my adult life
2 years ago: published the article
The power dwells within you
2 years ago: published the article
A week full of learning
2 years ago: commented on the article "You put the limits"
How nice that my words serve you, thanks for reading me, you motivate me to continue!
2 years ago: published the article
Habits that rob you of energy, peace and tranquility
2 years ago: published the article
You put the limits
2 years ago: published the article
happiness and meaning of life
2 years ago: published the article
Why judge or point? When can we support
2 years ago: published the article
Toxic friendships, are they worth it?
2 years ago: published the article
4 months and counting
2 years ago: commented on the article "Crisis is also synonymous with opportunity"
Completely agree friend, we have to turn the negative into positive for our life, greetings and thanks for reading me
2 years ago: published the article
People who become family
2 years ago: published the article
Crisis is also synonymous with opportunity
2 years ago: published the article
Is attachment good or bad?
2 years ago: commented on the article "Being a woman is an adventure all and my greatest..."
Thank you very much for taking the time to read!
2 years ago: published the article
Turning the negative into positive only depends on us
2 years ago: published the article
Let's make love fashionable and not war
2 years ago: published the article
Your best and most important project is you
2 years ago: published the article
Teachings that FEBRUARY left me
2 years ago: published the article
February: Celebrating the lives of my sisters
2 years ago: published the article
Enjoying the great little things in life
2 years ago: commented on the article "Self love fixes what others damaged"
That's right, it makes us powerful girls, thank you very much
2 years ago: commented on the article "Self love fixes what others damaged"
That's right my friend completely agree, thank you very much
2 years ago: published the article
Self love fixes what others damaged
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Disconnect Insecurity
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Fruit Trees in our Backyard
2 years ago: commented on the article "Fruit Trees in our Backyard"
Nature gives us incredible things and food such as fruits that we often harvest at home, a true miracle
2 years ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Life's Tactics."
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Life's Tactics.
2 years ago: published the article
Be stronger than your excuses
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Some important things you must not ignore as a blogger