Tourism generates multiple benefits for us, including many favorable to health.

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1 year ago

<<An authentic trip not only has the perspective of discovering but also of learning and being willing to see other perspectives and perspectives implicit in the world>>

All of us for some specific reason have known other cities and there are even those who have the possibility of building memories in other countries, although tourism is implicit in the air, as I said, we have all known other towns, cities or countries that are obviously different from the ones ours, because tourism also means doing it in our country of origin, leisure and entertainment has always been a primary factor and basis for human beings and their lives, boredom undoubtedly leads us to break routines, to live outside of precedents, in addition a born characteristic of people is that we are curious, challenges are in our blood, this especially happens when we understand that the value of life is found in what we collect around memories, needless to say that we have limited time on earth , time cannot be bought, time is gold, it is the greatest treasure we have, therefore we must raise awareness about how to invest it, we must stop re thinking about certain aspects that generate discomfort instead of injecting us with life and tourism generates that life in us.

Now, tourism is the actions that we carry out while we are visiting or getting to know a specific place, we must bear in mind that although tourism can be done in our city or country of origin, it is usually planned to places that are unpublished and unknown. for us, places capable of injecting us with love for life, magical places that are always in promotion for us, to grant us new perspectives and even to help us overcome difficult and even traumatic stages, the best universal advice that someone ever said and people have spread to the present is to live in the moment, to live in the now, life passes us by making plans which we give up, we postpone and everything becomes uncertain, because we have not bought life, therefore you must do what that generates peace, well-being and euphoria, that which helps you to create but above all to make your life a dream come true, we see people today Saving everything for the future, if you ask them many usually have the same answer and that is that their goal is to travel but in the future minimizing the only real thing they have at this time, their present and their life as such.

This is a practice that has millions and millions of years among us, it should be noted that it is rumored that it was born in ancient Greece, also about saying that these people were very visionary, they were pioneers in many areas that until today's sun in the middle of the century XXI are still in force, like the Olympics that were created for the first time in this country and precisely from there it is said that tourism is born, that people's desire to know beyond what was in their limits is born, now I also highlight a famous Englishman whose last name was Cook who was the one who devised and organized a trip with logistics and strategy that later led him to form the first travel agency, which evidently managed to create a precedent in history and in the world, since tourism also of providing us with entertainment, it is also very therapeutic since it helps us to distract ourselves in order to forget what we feel, tourism through the beauty of the world and distant lands has given us It has been shown that it can even be a way to promote finances. We see how every day people make tourism a centerpiece of their lives, this also thanks to the wide range of jobs that can be done through a telephone or computer screen. .

Today is World Tourism Day, an event that, although many underestimate and do less, has managed to create a precedent by providing us with many benefits, especially consolidating itself as an important and irreplaceable aspect of any country, since it has managed to impose itself as an essential aspect of the world economy, since many of us want to know places and invest in addition to our money, our time and our effort to be able to fulfill dreams of expanding culturally, of knowing cuisines from distant lands, another great benefit that it gives us is to foster connections with native people who stop being strangers to become friends, my country Venezuela is widely known, not only because of such negative situations we have a wide portfolio of positive aspects such as tourist destinations where many can do healthy and recreational tourism, we also have super wonderful areas like the famous Angel Falls, which is public science ca which is the largest water pipe in the world, also the Catatumbo phenomenon, a strange phenomenon of lightning and the most beautiful beaches and mountains, there are definitely super adverse situations but they do not dim the light of how beautiful and beautiful Venezuela is.

My dream is to visit Italy. What countries or cities would you like to visit, let me know in the comments?

Thank you for reading!

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$ 0.65 from @TheRandomRewarder
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1 year ago
