There are no absolute truths, the cards are always two-sided
<Truth can be as easily corrupted by silence as by lies.>
In the world there are many backgrounds, mysteries, that we do not know, we all by nature keep, bury and hide things that we do not want or want certain people to discover or find out, but between heaven and earth there is nothing hidden, there are many things that get out of our absolute control, get out of hand, therefore all situations always have different sides behind them like a coin, or different backgrounds, we don't know what we will run into. They are not only situations and experiences, we see it even with people, we never get to know people, they can always surprise us, as the famous colloquial phrase says "we see faces but hearts and intentions we do not know". Truths and lies have something in common, trust, which in turn is the vital organ for the propagation of ties and interpersonal relationships, not only in the loving sense, but also in the field of friendship, professional and even family, trust is a quality that was granted to us to give us security in terms of having and having faith and hope in others, that is to say, it is to be sure that certain people or circumstances will not disappoint us, on the contrary, they always find the way and way of show us their loyalty and all the entourage of qualities that make us include them in the select group and even VIP of our lives.
I want to comment and place special emphasis on the descriptions and meanings of the following aspects that many forget, even lose through the years and need to be reminded in order to find the north again:
Let's start with the "TRUTH", something that many think and assume that it is certain aspects but still do not take the time to truly investigate what this quality of the human being entails, well "The truth is the coincidence that is found between a fact in I specify and the affirmation” now, if you have not understood yet, I will explain to you what it is when someone is very faithful to their idea or, failing that, to the “truth”, in another context as a way of giving them a little more wisdom in reference to the context of the truth I tell you that we can also find the absolute and relative truth, I tell you its meaning below, the first refers to when you know the subject or situation from head to toe, on the other hand the second arises especially when you only know half or a third of the situation is therefore known as the relative truth.
Now, concentrating again on the context of this mini blog or publication, I want to talk more about lying, the one that, as they traditionally say, has short legs, in short, it is “when a subject makes contrary statements about something that is known in advance that is not it is true” therefore, the values and moral integrity of the person begin to be questioned, that is, little by little and even once and for all, they can make the people around them or those they are referring to or their lies are affecting them stop trusting him or her, because of their dishonesty, because from the first contact they pretended to be people of integrity, honest, loyal, respectful and in whom one could trust when it was quite the opposite.
Doubt causes people to begin to distrust people, due to their own actions, such as lying or going against the principles of another person, although on many occasions people are not able to accept that situations and circumstances have double face, that is, he may have acted the way he did due to aspects that led him to do so, so we must understand that duality exists, that although we think that everything is lost, it is not, because we must give a space for dig deeper into the motives that led that person to act the way they did after that without offering a verdict.
It is not about forgiving, it is about being flexible, about including duality in our values and way of living, which is the existence of a background in a situation or in people, that is to say that behind their actions there is a why, the duality is not a weakness, many think that it is letting ourselves be seen as a clown, on the contrary, thanks to this we can find courage to even help others, to accept opinions and differences, things that many do not dare to see for fear, fear even to what they will say, duality is undoubtedly synonymous with freedom, empathy, it makes us think and put ourselves in the place of others, it makes us think and go further, as if to even understand motivations, duality fills us with freedom, makes us share and be compressive to whom society even labels as rare and incomprehensible beings.
Duality allows us to reconcile with the path of truth, not only to understand others, to understand ourselves, it makes us be more understanding and kind to ourselves, because above all to be able to love, to be able to be understanding, to be able to be empathic with others we must start with ourselves, duality makes us seek the path of understanding, of self-knowledge that is so important and relevant to be able to draw the plan to continue with our lives, to be able to know exactly what we want and what not for our life.
Let's make peace, that the flag we stick to is always that of love and never that of war, that we understand that we are all different, that although we think differently, we dress differently, that although our actions do not resemble each other in absolutely nothing we all deserve respect, we deserve empathy, understanding, for this reason it is of vital importance to understand and understand that truths can be absolute and even relative, but above all there is a why, which we must be brave and pursue until we clarify and be able to grant a verdict, that is why we must integrate these steps, which as time goes by make us even more accessible and wise people, knowing how to typify them even in our own way without hesitation will make us better human beings.
I leave you a small typified summary with everything relevant to this article!
-The truths can even be corrupted by the years and by the silence of those who know them.
-There are half-truths, omitted truths, that the more they are hidden from those who need to know and understand them, it is very difficult to predict their reaction and the damage that these can cause even if they have been omitted with the aim of not doing any kind of damage, for therefore you have to know how to expel the truths in time even if they hurt.
-Forgiveness does not free the person who hurt you, it frees you, it frees you from that experience and said past, you can walk towards your present and light future without burdens, you can begin to find new experiences and people.
-Being more open, understanding, empathic beings, in short, integrating duality in your life does not make you weak, on the contrary, it makes you incredibly strong and admirable for being able to leave behind everything that hurt you one day.
Tell me your opinion!
See you another time!