Perfection doesn't exist, we can't like everyone and that's okay

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2 years ago

<Never forget that what makes you authentic and different are your imperfections>

Unfortunately, the world has imposed parameters where we must all be perfect where it is not worth getting out of them because we are automatically rare, defective, people who have a mind that is too square, they are stereotypes that distance us from our essence, they are nonsense things that do not allow us to be . People who do not allow their minds to expand to new horizons, accept that each person who inhabits this planet is different, that is precisely what makes it interesting, fun, that we are all beings that are made of mistakes, failures that are like wounds of wars that help us learn, that make our journey more interesting, that if the world were perfect and everything was straight, nothing would be the same, nothing would be so magical in one way or another. It is a mark that in one way or another will identify us for the rest of our lives, they cannot erase it, being imperfect is not giving up, it is not defeating, accepting that we are imperfect is valuing ourselves, it is being ourselves, at our best. essence, with mistakes, failures, achievements and successes, is to accept that although we made thousands of mistakes we must even forgive ourselves, being imperfect is liberating, being imperfect is a form of self-love for ourselves.

Being imperfect is accepting ourselves as we are, accepting our physique, our way of thinking about life, without trying to change ourselves for wanting to please others, on the contrary, that is a square form of perfection that if we do not put a stop it can bring us great consequences, it would rob us of valuable time, trying to carry out an idea that will not exist and that will never be authentic, because in one way or another imperfection is what makes us authentic, different, many may want to be like You, they will try but they will never be able to match you, because each one came with something special, which must be exploited, cultivated, known every day, we are our own treasure, an adventure that we must undertake every day to get to know each other better, to know what we will be able to accept and that others would never accept, life is a journey of self-discovery, towards our interior and of course to the outside, always trying to find places, people that generate us peace, that they add and not that they subtract, we come to learn new things, to learn daily through the experiences that life brings but we also come here to unlearn customs that instead of filling us with life take it away every second that we put them into practice At some point in our existence, hopefully sooner rather than later, we discover that we come with a purpose, but not to be perfect, because in some way perfection is a collection of errors, because no one is born knowing them all.

You become wiser by putting things into practice, it doesn't matter if everything is a mistake at first, because as long as you don't stop practicing you will achieve great results, but although many want to cover the sun with a finger, what lies behind of someone's success in any area of ​​their life is error, in fact trial and error is a very solid base and is known by most of the people who inhabit the earth. One of the biggest mistakes we make is letting ourselves be carried away by unhealthy comments from people who even claim to be close to us, people who basically don't deserve to be in our lives because they are people who are more negativity than good, people who through their actions only sink us, because there are many who still do not have barriers so that these comments do not hurt them, actions that bring disastrous consequences mainly in reference to mental health, peace and tranquility, because we begin to get involved in the fact that we are not enough , that we are not and will not be capable, things in which we have to be very focused, because letting ourselves be carried away by that and not getting out of that circle only brings us negative consequences, such as loss of valuable time and energy that we could be putting into our goals and goals.

Mainly I advise you that we must above all things, understand that we are enough, valuable, that we can with anything that God and life put in our hands because even with so many imperfections we are capable of achieving anything because we do not let ourselves be intimidated by the defeat, hatred, tiredness, or any similar feeling, on the contrary, we are people with drive, who are not afraid of adversity because we have confidence in ourselves in our knowledge and skills, because perfection cannot be achieved except by in the midst of imperfection making mistakes that will make us wiser. A mistake does not define you, if you do not see it that way, give yourself a space and look around everyone around you and even those who are famous and that you admire so much to reach their goals made mistakes that did not define them because it is even an opportunity , opportunity to take new paths or do things differently, we should not make ourselves less for it, on the contrary, we should have patience, treat ourselves with the same or more love and respect with which you treat others, because in us it is in one way or another the secret to success, one of the secrets is to enjoy the process, because there will never be a more interesting journey than the transformation we have day by day, in addition to not letting ourselves be daunted by actions full of bad vibes we must let them become insignificant giving value to what is and never, ever stop believing in ourselves because even with mistakes and thousands of defects we are perfect.

Never let anyone tell you that you can't, let that serve as gasoline to draw up an action plan to achieve it, an experience that I never forget was when someone who is now past and of course is forgiven said that I would not be able to finish my studies, that I would be a failure for the simple fact of not knowing much about a subject at first, when I was starting university now I can understand that they were unhealthy comments sent directly to me to give up the idea of ​​wanting to study but it was the opposite I used it as gasoline to become little by little, with patience and slow but sure steps in my best version. Always believing in me.

Believe in yourself and not even the sky will be your limit.

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$ 2.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for milaagrosramirez
2 years ago
