
Total users: 110,200

Active users

New users per day

Top tippers

Tipper Tipped
MarcDeMesel $ 160,848.63
Ellie $ 7,094.12
RogerVer $ 5,977.00
molecular $ 5,011.00
Read.Cash $ 3,294.92
majamalu $ 2,914.04
ancient.stone $ 2,150.23
Coolmidwestguy $ 1,961.64
ErdoganTalk $ 1,938.03
btcfork $ 1,664.08
emergent_reasons $ 1,619.05
Jane $ 1,607.91
ewyr $ 1,307.31
Pantera $ 1,249.83
Ruffa $ 1,128.19
Test75785 $ 1,120.51
Telesfor $ 1,117.80
PVMihalache $ 1,007.55
Scotty17 $ 995.54

Funded / tipped users

How many users got anything in Bitcoin Cash either in form of a tip (tipped) or in form a payment from the fund (funded)

Total tips

Total tips given user-to-user (except TheRandomRewarder)

Daily tips, USD eq.

Same, but per day (except TheRandomRewarder)


Articles per day

Comments per day

Short posts per day

Communities created per day

Upvotes/downvotes per day

Tippers vs Tipped (during a week)

How many users during last week sent a tip in Bitcoin Cash to somebody (tippers) or received a tip (tipped) (excl. TheRandomRewarder)

Total Wallets Balance, USD eq.

How much money in BCH (if converted to USD that day) to our users have collectively in their wallets

Dormant Wallets Balance, USD eq.

How much money is there in wallets, whose owners were not on the site in the last 7 days