My dogs are much more than that… they are my children (part one)

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1 year ago

<Dogs are not our whole life but they definitely make our life more complete filling it with satisfaction, love and happiness daily just with their presence>

On several occasions I have told you about how my first dog / son came into my life, for those who do not know I will summarize the story a little, my grandmother passed away at a critical moment because we had already gone through two loss of also beings dear in that year, at that time sadness touched the lives of my brothers / cousins ​​and of course mine so they decided to give us a dog in order to be busy and not think so much about the absence of my grandmother and other relatives deceased, in short everything was rosy until one day my baby Hachi had a heart attack, just after three months, which meant a new loss therefore they gave me another one that until today after 12 years still he is with me, in honor of my first baby we also named him Hachiko, with hachi 2 we learned countless lessons, but also with his presence he has filled my life and that of my family with great happiness thanks to him Coco and Brando were born who are sons and offspring of hachi two.

Today I want to make special emphasis on Coco, who in recent days has been very sick, which makes me very sad, since as I explained they are more than a dog, they are furry children that one always wants to see them well, without any discomfort, anyway I will tell you a little about his story. Coco was born in December 2012, almost 10 years ago, I still remember when in the first days of January 2013 the owner of who is his mother decided to give him to me, without caring that he was still a baby almost days because he had not yet turned a month, they were hard days because it was just like having a baby, because he still hadn't stopped consuming his breast milk, but thank God we were able to maintain him with special formulas, it was a complete sacrifice, because he ate food as if it was a newborn, that is, that month and the next he ate his food every three hours, so it was up to me and my sister to take turns taking care of him, so that he could grow up healthy and strong, in short, he has always been a very healthy dog Until now, for a few months and even a year he has been afflicted by a skin problem, but we have been able to take all the care he deserves, but that is not what is worrying.

<No one knows what they have until they lose it>

Last week I had one of the most alarming situations I've had with them, since Coco was sick from one moment to the next, having too much drowning, that is, not being able to breathe well, it was extremely rare because he was fine and the next moment he afflicted with this respiratory disease, there are also complications due to his age, since he is not so young, he is already 10 years old, which if we compare with dog age is enough for a dog, in short, until today I was able to tell you a little more because his health status today is much better than in the days before this, they were days of anguish, of uncertainty, unfortunately although the designs of life say that no one is eternal, one wants the people or things they love to be eternal , that they do not go away, thanks to life I can enjoy the other days more, with this I want to leave you with a beautiful lesson, love always crosses borders, we must value even more the presence of these furry ones in our life, they are a source of love, empathy and happiness for our lives, at the moment in which they are ill and something afflicts them definitely one like their owner also happens to be like this, since it is impossible to want to see them suffer on the contrary the desire is that they live a healthy and happy life.

<Definitely today I confirm that the dog is man's best friend>

At this point my conception of dogs does not allow me to see them as a simple pet, on the contrary, a dog is part of my family, of my daily life, today I value their presence in my life, I can say without fear of being wrong that they are only source of support and love, they do not judge, they do not care if we are pretty or not, if we are tall or short, they offer us all their love and loyalty in exchange for some affection, no matter if ever we reprimand them they will always be animals that the only thing that defines them is nobility, because even when we do not have good days they will undoubtedly be waiting for us to make our days more complete.

Many find it difficult to accept that they are spoken of as part of the family, but it is something that they have even studied and it has been confirmed that these wonderful beings stimulate the hormone of love in our lives, which is why they cultivate and generate in us such a bond. strong and unbreakable, they only bring benefits to our lives because they reduce loneliness, since without hesitation they make us feel accompanied and supported at all times, it relieves us on any bad day, since just thinking that at home a human being who is happy to see us and the only thing he does is show affection without bringing problems to our lives, I also share that many studies have shown that this kind of animal helps to reduce and take care of certain diseases such as sugar, there are also the special beings that take care of and help people, that is, guide dogs, we definitely have to give more value to these, we must respect them, take care of them and try to return the same love that They always try to give us

I am always grateful for the divine creation of dogs, especially for my three babies who appeared at the right time to heal my wounds.

Thank you for reading!

See you in another post!


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1 year ago
