Sexuality is part of the nature of the human being

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Avatar for milaagrosramirez
1 year ago

<<Sexuality is connecting with the desire to live and living is being able to feel>>

Unfortunately, in the 21st century, there are still prohibited and taboo topics, topics that are an essential part of what the human being represents, therefore normal, but society has taken care to tarnish this vision, to turn it into something extremely complicated, therefore fills a large percentage of the population with great fear even though they are an inexorable part of the human body, parts that we cannot suppress, parts that we must learn to normalize and accept that they come with the grace of being a man or a woman, the human being has fostered this taboo belief given that it has been instilled in most people from generation to generation, there are very few who have dared to rethink many beliefs, reformulate them around what they think and believe.

Unfortunately, they do not even inform us and educate us properly on this subject, there are many people who have learned on their own, because it is a responsibility that prevails in the adults responsible for our education or guidance, but unfortunately they do not know and do not find the best way to communicate it, although it is evident that it can be educated like any other essential topic, because it helps us prevent many conditions in life, such as unwanted pregnancies and even diseases that can be lethal to our health and all for misinformation regarding the issue that exists throughout the world, even in schools, specifically in subjects related to health, touches these issues very superficially, when it should be a priority, an important issue because it guides us to experience sexuality , the changes that these have in us in a positive way.

There are many even more social problems that exist, that there are statistics that support it that can be prevented by imparting information, from an early age, it is impossible to cover the sun with a finger, we must be aware that as humans and even more so in adolescence or our first stages of life, curiosity reigns, the desire to experience life, to live it, but this becomes safer if we have information that guides us in said journey, information that should mainly come from our homes and then from institutes, information that satisfies us and covers all doubts, that they truly teach us the meaning of sexuality because it is a subject that we cannot erase from the face of the earth, it is a subject that will exist as long as the human being exists, we just have to stop stereotyping it , we must be voices that turn it into normal topics, into common topics that can be talked about normally as well as seek professional help if necessary. tional on the subject.

Sexuality is all the physical and psychological characteristics that identify and differentiate the female and male sexes, therefore the human body by nature is sexual, that is, we have organs that have the function of reproducing, therefore we have other elements, genes, hormones , genitalia, body figure that are obviously proper, natural and that awaken many senses that are also characteristic of the human being, sexuality, although many classify it as banal and superfluous, is energy that in one way or another exalts the spirit as well as helps us to encourage and create links that clearly lead to love and after that to reproduction, in addition to creating and promoting pleasure, it should be noted that once it begins it is a process that can even last a lifetime, of course it obviously depends on the person, Just as we are all different and that makes us special, so is our way of loving and of feeling sexualities as well. They are different.

Sexuality, sex are basic aspects of the human being, they are aspects that are not learned, they are aspects that obviously come with us from the factory and are part of the nature of every living and walking being, this is also unleashed by the desire that comes from us love, accept us and clearly feel in contact with another person, which stirs in us unique emotions and feelings that make us want to foster a bond far beyond normal, as I said sexuality is something that we must conceive and live responsibly , that is, we must be mature enough to use protection methods, not only against pregnancies but also against diseases that can be acquired through the sexual act, we must be aware that the sexual act goes far beyond the banal, that in it energies are even transmitted and it all obviously depends on the person you decide to be with, they are energies that are rumored to last with us for a long time.

To conclude, do not be afraid to talk about sexuality, it is a topic that comes with our biology and physiognomy, do not be afraid to set limits, your health comes first, both physical and mental, dare to live life without taboos, without pigeonholing it, live it to the fullest, freely but with caution and responsibility!

By the way, I wanted to do today's topic as a way to raise awareness because today is the day of sex, obviously it's something normal, that has no restrictions but we must do it in a conscious and responsible way!

Happy day, thanks for reading!

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1 year ago
