The lion takes a walk alone because he knows his potential

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2 years ago

<Although many doubt your potential, the only one you should take care of is not you>

Potential a word with indeterminate perspectives, a word that can never be missing from our vocabulary and life dictionary, potential is something that lies dormant on countless occasions, we must find a way to bring it to light, thanks to knowing it, using it and constantly putting it into practice exalts us and makes us more powerful beings because it gives us a capacity for resilience to be able to face the events that will gradually be put into our destiny, as well as being a kind of force that does not allow us to give up. until we have fought and fulfilled objectives that lead to personal growth, we see the potential implicit in many aspects of life, including animals, especially lions, their ferocity and courage to reach and take care of their survival is supremely admirable even if it is an animal that their diet is only carnivorous, their tenacity to fight against everything that confers a threat to them is admirable. In addition, he does not comply in one way or another as a requirement for his objectives, he simply prefers to walk alone to be surrounded by others who do not join him and only want his fall, they are realities that happen everywhere as we clearly see, not only in our society also in the animal kingdom, therefore developing potential as well as the ability to prioritize our sense of intuition must be essential in order to live a calm and peaceful life.

We all have even often hidden talents, although many fervently believe that they do not possess it, it is actually the opposite, within us there is a world that cries out to be explored, as the world grows with its great and countless charms they blind us, they take us by Other paths separate us from the true reality and the goals that can truly help us grow and develop until we find success, it also distances us from the innate authenticity that comes within us, it leads us to take and copy examples of other people's lives that we do not they stick to our true identity, many times we take these essences but time has ways of explaining to us that by evading our true self and authenticity we were only tearing ourselves apart and hurting ourselves inside, especially our soul and our mind, thanks to the nonconformity we feel towards us, the unfortunate thing about this is that it creates voids, voids within that we do not know how to identify what was were the causes, therefore, to avoid wasted years, years of wandering around the world, wandering and empty, full of ideals and beliefs that do not identify us, we must raise awareness about taking time for ourselves, not fearing loneliness, not being afraid to spend time with alone with your soul, because that time is gold, supremely valuable, time that helps to understand your life from the root, from the beginning of everything, time that helps to accept our life as it is, in addition to everything that comes with it , accept so that the real change comes to us.

<The moment you are not afraid to be yourself, nor are you afraid of others or their criticism, you stop being a sheep to become a lion>

The born fighters, those who do not rest until they see their dreams on track, those who decide to give their all to seek their source of motivation in life, which on a daily basis only gives them fuel to continue fighting, even knowing that in life nothing it is easy, that all processes take time, that there may be thousands of inconveniences, that there will be disappointments, sadness, but there will also be thousands of reasons not to give up, to fight constantly, because the end of one goal is the beginning of another opportunity, the Goals are just that, they are a means to an end, that is to say, goals link us to others, they lead us to climb higher, because when we think that we have conquered a mountain, that we have reached the top, we realize that the true top it is much higher, right at that moment it is where it comes out to reduce our potential, by not giving up on wanting and having the conviction to embark on new adventures, discovering in us new passions even talents that we thought could not exist in us, our potential and our internal fire is as great as that of a lion, lions have a spirit of improvement comparable to that of human beings, we are characterized by not even resting until we get what we we wish, not only for us but also for our loved ones, lions feel very close to their family or packs, the same thing happens in society, with our families, a bond that unites us until death and that even goes beyond because it is unbreakable.

We definitely have a lot to learn from lions, they are creatures that inspire, that have achieved with a lot of effort, sacrifice and perseverance to become highly recognized, not only because they are predators, because of their spirit of victory, because they are not daunted by anything, always they impose, they always make a difference, they always have goals ahead of them and they fight until they are met, their spirit lives in each one of us, only it is turned off, but turning it on makes us lethal, not because we want to hurt others on the contrary, to distinguish ourselves from those who do not seek to follow their hearts and fight for what they want and deserve in their lives, we have to adopt many characteristics of the lion so that our lives change, so that our beliefs and actions begin to give us long-awaited fruits, the objective of these words of this new article lies number one in praising those irreverent animals that yesterday was their day, an even day to celebrate these beautiful ones, who are part of the nature that makes human life on earth possible, as well as to motivate, through these words, to start the search for that fire of the lion that lives in each one, that fire that It helps us take firm, focused steps toward the future we deserve.

Thank you for reading!

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2 years ago
