Social networks created a before and after in the world

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1 year ago

<We no longer look for news, novelties, entertainment, all these find us, thanks to the advancement of social networks today>

From my perspective of life in reference to social networks I can say that I have grown and evolved with it, the generation that I am part of is definitely very visual thanks to the birth of RRSS (acronyms used to represent Social Networks) therefore If you still do not know the true meaning of these, I share with you “Social networks are made up of masses of people or organizations called communities, which are forming certain platforms that are related to each other on the various pages that exist on the internet>. There are too many social networks that make life today, it was a novel invention that began to be carried out since the 90s, definitely at that time it marked a before and after not only in people's lives, but also in history and in the way of communicating, because these little by little became a source of entertainment and information as well as a new, different and innovative new way of communicating with people near and far, that is, we can find other cultures, people willing to engage friendships or something else, people with whom contact had been lost a long time ago, in conclusion, social networks with just one click shorten distances.

It is very relevant to note that although there are many RRSS today, not all of them are aimed at the same public and much less have the same objective, so there are also many that began in the 90s and are still in force, they have been able to pleasantly manage the transfer of the years, knowing how to retire today among the most used and recognized worldwide, many do not take even a moment of their time to know at least the objective of the social network in which they participate, there are also many who criticize , those who think that the success and magnitude of their current recognition is due to the fact that they are new, on the contrary, they are RRSS that have struggled to win the market, to be noticed, to make a difference, to reach even the most remote places, it is a whole process, success, although for some it is easier, does not come from today to tomorrow, it takes years of tireless effort to establish itself. We must always be clear as Internet users that not all of them serve the same purpose or share the same objective, there is an exclusive one for the user to spend his time entertaining himself and others instead focused on the user who is looking for a job and so there are many with objectives and different ideals, although they do have something in common and that is to establish contact with different people.

Now, you may wonder why my publication is in reference to this topic, well, yesterday, June 30, as every year, the world day was celebrated in recognition of those social networks that have given a 180º turn to the way we communicate. with the outside world, this commemorative day for all the RRSS that make life on digital platforms and in the lives of those who use them, is definitely a day focused on highlighting all the positive aspects that it has brought to the world, of course there are many negative aspects, given even to users who have not learned the true value of having a social network, in short, there will always be good and bad things for them, we must learn to use them safely, likewise we cannot ignore the fact that it is a great tool to get the most out of it even in reference to brands that have gradually taken over social networks, migrating to them with the aim of always reaching us (the public). ico), to find everything in a virtual world, from the comfort of home without even having to go outside.

It is always necessary to be aware of the festivities and anniversaries of the world, since they bring together quite relevant topics, of which we do not even know the background and what makes them quite important, so we must always try to learn even if it sounds quite cliché power is always found in knowledge and even more so if it is RRSS, which is a new way to contact people around the world in just one click, it is also necessary to highlight that we must use it consciously and responsibly , because just as in real life there are dangers in them, they also inhabit them, for this and more we must celebrate them, join this great tool that has been essential for human communication in recent times.

By the way, happy start to the month, it is incredible how in the blink of an eye we are already starting July, soon the year will even end. I hope that all the objectives set for this month are met!

See you in another post!


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1 year ago
