You put the limits

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2 years ago

<Limitations only exist in your head, because not even the sky is the limit when you want to, you feel like doing something, never forget that you are powerful>

To be born is to accept the best adventure in which we could embark, because life is a journey which is full of thousands of experiences, some good, others not so much, but nevertheless everything we can experience and live is profit because success is made up of the sum of mistakes or failures that we have committed at some point, nobody is a scholar therefore nobody is born learned, we all embark on this journey learning even from the simplest things such as going to the bathroom, speaking or using our senses essential, because without parents or people who lead us, guide us, we would not be what we are today, life is a great teacher or in short, a great university that holds millions of surprises for us just so that we learn from each one of them. these, prepares us little by little for the events that will even happen in the long term, many times we falsely believe that there are many coincidences when they are really causalities caused by life and her goal that we learn with every step we take while we are in it, it is undeniable to say that she is an excellent teacher and par excellence one of the best we will have, but it is impossible to live a life without something that we are passionate about, without something that makes us a little crazy, without something that every day helps us to improve ourselves both personally and professionally, the passion for what we decide to do in this life is what will make us understand that the limit only lives in our mind that if we fight to break those imaginary barriers we can have everything we want in our hands.

The first step to achieve anything we set out to do is to be aware that we are capable as long as we put our mind, soul, heart and above all will and overcoming, because working every day on our goals requires that we are 100% focused, in addition to being clear about what to evolve. It requires leaving attitudes that are toxic, we must undertake the best fight to be able to reach the desired goal and it is the internal one, many times our worst enemy lives in our mind, because it is this that puts limitations on us that, although they are invisible, we usually continue at the foot of the letter, we live falsely deceived that we cannot do this or that, but if we can, we can do whatever we want, because we are powerful, capable and we must never lose faith in ourselves, that is the key, believe in us although sometimes the circumstances are not in our favor, in those moments where we must be clear that these are passing moments ind Depending on the problem to which we are tied at that moment, we are creative beings capable of solving any situation, which is why we must focus on educating our minds, or better said, restoring them from the factory and reestablishing behaviors, thoughts, and patterns that, instead of letting us evolve and grow, are holding back, the moment we unlearn those behaviors and learn new ones that make sense and best of all help us evolve is a total win for us, we will have already won a battle that will serve us positively for the rest of our existence.

Be the architect, the architect of your own happiness and success, do not let the limits consume you, for this reason I invite you to accept the best challenge of your life, to do so you must clearly mold it to you, to your needs, to your tastes but above all whatever you want and not what others tell you to do, please yourself, because you must live for the rest of your life with what you decide to do, others have already made their lives the best they wanted and that they It was convenient, now it's your turn, design it best suits you, design it from the heart, do not be afraid to be what you want to be because the passion for it will lead us without a doubt to be successful, do not care about anyone's remarks because we are not here to judge ourselves, we are here to LIVE something that many forget and prefer to live poking their noses into other people's lives, when they really want to live their life their life has gone because they are wasting time, time is a valuable instrument friend things that we cannot recover, that more than having time, time is running out, every year, every second and minute that passes, because it is one more year or one less? It is not to alarm you, on the contrary, it is so that you put the feet on the ground and accept that you must start doing something for yourself, something that you are passionate about and brings you more benefits than discouraging things, because no one is more than anyone else we are all equal and deserving of the same respect, so do not be afraid to do anything that makes you happy because we come to this world in total search for everything that ignites our soul and in turn makes us happier. Erase the word "No" and "I can't" from your mind and vocabulary, convince yourself that if you can, as I mentioned before we must unlearn many things from our mind, but if we manage to conquer the mind we will undoubtedly have already won, because at the beginning they will have few people who bet on you, so you must blindly believe in yourself, because that is the key to achieving what we want in this life.

We all have stories, some deeper than others but without a doubt at some point there was a special one, there was a rupture that at the time perhaps the person, or the experience that led to it, only wanted it to go badly for us, that it be something negative but without a doubt We have to thank him, because he wanted to throw poison at us and ended up motivating us to be better, to seek a better life, to seek to be better in whatever we set out to do. This is a story that I have had the pleasure of writing and telling you in my previous publications. I do it because it is something that I will never be able to erase from my brain, because it was what made me leave the limits aside and bet on me, even at that moment. no one else did and that is when my university process began. It was a process full of curves to deny it, but today I thank God, life and the universe for having done it that way, because those curves that at times even brought tears to my eyes today have made me a wiser person, who discovered and thanks to those who at some point even only take care of throwing hate because they are conducive to changing our lives, in short I will tell you again it was my first week of classes in graphic design, as I have mentioned I also decided to study it at last minute because my family was really going through a critical situation and at that time we did not have the means to go to study outside my state, I admit that at first I felt frustrated, I wanted to stop studying and try it on a whim , but it took me a short time to understand that if I did it it would only hurt me, so I tried to do something that I liked and that was when coincidence or causality led me to run into g design rafically, in short, this career had absolutely nothing to do with the one I wanted to study, therefore I was entering a totally new world for me, but that first week in one of the first classes I saw, a teacher very discouragingly told us to the whole group that we had to be there already learned, if you analyze it is impossible that at first you go somewhere being wise, on the contrary you learn along the way, that is why many people felt like me, lost and even They withdrew but if I love something, it's the challenges, I never let myself be daunted, on the contrary I undertook one of the best paths and without a doubt the goal was better than I expected.

Never let anyone tell you that you can't because YES you can, you are capable and powerful, turn the negative into positive, change it only depends on you, don't be afraid to take the first step!

Believe in yourself because not even the sky is the limit.

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2 years ago


It's easy to feel discouraged when you want to achieve something but keep on failing. It's easy to lose faith on yourself. I've been feeling down about this lately but reading your post made me feel better. Thank you!

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2 years ago

How nice that my words serve you, thanks for reading me, you motivate me to continue!

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2 years ago