Judging does not make you a better person

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2 years ago

<Perfection and standards are our greatest limitations, getting rid of them is only synonymous with freedom>

Judging others is something more common than many think, it is an action that we commit unconsciously, repeatedly causing harm even unintentionally, hurting for it, we must be aware that it is a habit that does not generate anything good, that it is better eliminate it from our lives, that it is better to replace it with one that instead of harming someone, contributes to it, because many times this does not physical damage but mental damage, which is currently even worse, because words stick in the mind and the heart therefore it is very difficult to erase them, it is not so easy, it is very similar to trust when it is lost it is very unlikely that it will be recovered, recognize that we hurt, that someone hurts us or other people It is extremely relevant since we can seek help in any of the aforementioned situations, either to get out unscathed without the need to use greater forces such as blows or violence, on the contrary, finding the way and the way to open the eyes of that person who is making mistakes, because he is treating as he would not like them to do or on the contrary if it is us putting our feet on the ground, becoming aware that it is an action that entails more to hate than to love and peace, therefore it is necessary to leave it, on the other hand, if it is someone who is committing negative actions against a third party, help them both, one to realize that what they are doing is not right and the person to overcome that stage of life, because bad is definitely not forever.

"The goal will never be to be better than someone else, on the contrary, it will always be to be better than you used to be, look for deficiencies every day and work on them"

Something very important to note is that we not only judge others, we are also our own executioners, because without hesitation sometimes the person who judges us the worst is ourselves, judging definitely has more to do with the ego than with what we represent ourselves, since it is very typical that by doing so we elevate ourselves, falsely think that we are better than others, we rise as if we were gods, when we are more than wrong, because the one who is doing the damage by criticizing is the person who he is doing it, he is taking all the negative vibes with him and into his life, because it is much better to live looking for solutions than to live in a constant bubble of complaints, because absolutely everything can be solved, even if we do not see it at the moment, even if the moment adrenaline clouds our senses, we must always try to calm down, because making hasty decisions will only truly distance us from our goals, because it is important So do not forget this if you do not have at least one solution, it is better not to complain, point out or judge who had the courage to seek a solution before lying down to die and complain.

We spend our lives looking for the answer to why we act like this against others but above all against ourselves, the answer is often within reach of our hand only that we are not able to distinguish it and much less do we want to do it because there are more occasions in which the truth hurts, but even if it hurts, it is better to know it, accept it and work for it, in order to be better every day, because without a doubt what makes a human being more special and better is that they accept their mistakes, that even if you have committed them, work on improving, in short, if you analyze you will definitely realize that life is a mirror, everything that we unconsciously point out or bring to light by acting negatively towards us or someone is because they are hurting us, because even We have not overcome, much less have we been brave enough to seek a solution that brings us closer to being the model of person that we have wanted so much for a long time, because everything we have to heal, defines It is clearly projected in our day-to-day actions, in the situations, in the people we attract, in the challenges, in short, in our entire existence.

All of us at some point in our lives have hurt, we have all been in one way or another toxic people towards an experience and even with some person, for this reason we should not judge anyone, even if we know that they are acting wrong, since without hesitation we would in that place, occupying the place of hatred, when we should be light, we should not only help the victim but also the one who is doing harm because he is being unaware that all the evil he externalizes against the world and even against himself is due to he is not well internally, he must not only be responsible for everything he has committed, but also for himself, accepting that he was not well and that he needs help. In people who judge, point out, hurt and are toxic we will not always find negative aspects, on the contrary thanks to them we learn, not only one lesson we can find thousands, like they are people who do what they do because they do not have self-esteem, to being aware that they are failing because they are hurt, they teach us to be braver, to get away from those people who only sink us in circles, to say enough because we are deserving of more and better things than letting ourselves be carried away by a circle of hate.

Never give concessions to toxic emotions that undoubtedly lead you down difficult paths full of hate, rancor, resentment, envy, criticism, anger, revenge, guilt, these emotions do not allow us to evolve, because to change our life or guide it towards something positive definitely we must change all the negative frequencies, even the one that we emanate, at any time we go through we always send a frequency to the universe this in turn always responds to us in the same way that is to say if we vibrate under the emotion of sadness we will be unleashing an entourage of situations that will surely revolve around this emotion, therefore we must review not only our thoughts but our actions well to emit signals that only make us flow, until we become good human beings.

"Someone will always betray you and you will also betray someone, in the first do not cling to pain and in the second do not cling to guilt, cling to always improve"

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2 years ago
