Some important things you must not ignore as a blogger

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2 years ago

I read several interesting articles the other day that sparked my idea for this article's topic. The first was an article by @Infinity titled "Fall asleep," and the second was by @Davinchysax. The two pieces address the problems that most bloggers face as a result of overwork and lack of sleep. While the first described how he fell asleep at work, the second described how he became ill as a result of a lack of sleep. Reading the articles makes me really concerned, and writing this article is the only way I can show it.

Working as a blogger can be so hard that you need to sacrifice so many important things to achieve your goals. However, if you are good at writing you can make much progress and achieve something good in a short frame of time. Most times you skip meals, go sleepless nights, isolate yourself from family members, friends, and even your pets, just so that you could achieve your writing goals. Good as this may seem in helping to achieve career objectives, it can also be counterproductive in the long run which can be more harmful than good. There are some important things you must not ignore as a blogger while striving to achieve your goals.

1. Your health

Most of us won’t realize this until it’s too late. Your health is your greatest asset and should be your utmost priority. We often forget that there's a limit our body can bear, we go the extra mile stretching our body beyond its limit, and we are broken down in illness we start looking for a cure. Prevention is better than cure. We need to start minding our health at an early age and also start with our kids early if we have any. This is very significant because we can either use food as medicine, or medicine as food as we grow older.

Most writers hardly eat cooked meals, because they don't have the time for cooking. They stocked up their cabin with juke foods or snacks for a quick hangup. These types of quick meals can cause harmful effects to the body down the line as we grow older. Cooked meals are still the best. No matter how busy your schedule may be as a writer find some time to cook quality and nutritious meals yourself. If you are a man and you are married don't ever skip your wife's meals. We eat to live. Good food is medicine to the body.

Rest is also one way to improve your health. It's a common practice among writers to go sleepless nights trying to meet up with a set out objectives or goals. But not having adequate rest or sleep affect the brain and make you lose concentration on your work. This can be dangerous when it is prolonged for a period of time.

2. Your best friend

The fact is that being a writer isolates you from social life and by extension your friends. This helps to concentrate on your job as you are always working remotely. But we must remember that no man is an island and if no one else, you mustn't ignore your best friend. Not the person that has many friends, or multiple “best” friends. But I’m speaking of the one you call on for almost “anything” in good and bad times and that person has your back, which is quite significant. Such a friend that is very hard to come by, is also more difficult to replace if lost due to neglect.

While building your career also create time to build a lasting and beneficial friendship with a trusted person. This person doesn't necessarily have to be in the same profession as you. But must be one who truly cares for your interest. All these depend on you if you will sacrifice the time to build a lasting friendship.

3. Your Partner

You must not joke with your partner if you are married. Blogging can take you away from your partner. Most times even when you need to be in the bed with your partner at night you stayed up typing away across midnights, and by the time you are done, you are exhausted and have no energy to meet the longing of your partner. Blogging should have helped us to be closer to our partners because our home is our offices.

It's quite hard nowadays to find an honest, loyal, trustworthy, humorous, non-disordered, and supporting partner. If you have such a person as a partner, treat them with respect and give them your time in return for their love and care towards you.

4. Your family

Just as it is with a partner, the family deserves all the attention from you. You must not ignore them for any reason because they are the ones who will be there for you in any circumstances. Work is important but the family must not be traded for financial success. If you are a dad try to spend quality time with your kids and give them the love they desire from you, after all, they are the ones you are working for.

Kids can be so chaotic at times which may be annoying and an infringement on your work speed. But when you consider their innocent hearts and the fact that having you around makes them happier, that's a sense of accomplishment. I find it so satisfying to have the time to play with my kids, and the kids cherished such moments that they always wish I could continue doing that with them all the time. Even while typing this writing sitting on my couch, my youngest daughter is head and heel over me. And no matter how I tried to stop her she wouldn't give in. I felt her innocent heart and the joy she found having me around.

Moreover, it is particularly good for us to pay attention to our families because after the ups and downs of life they are the ones who will be there for us.

5. Don't forget to give yourself a treat

Life isn’t always fair, but for the most part, it is, you are alive and healthy and that's most significant. We often live as though there's something in this life that is more important than ourselves. We give more attention to so many things while giving less to ourselves. We pay others for everything they do for us but we never really pay ourselves for what we have done. We believe that the money and material acquisitions we have are enough for us. Truth is that none of those things actually belongs to us, we are holding them for others. No matter how much money you will make you are certainly going to leave for others which basically could be your family members.

The only thing that is truly yours in this life is the care that you give yourself. So why not celebrate yourself by giving yourself a treat for every little victory you get. You are your hero, don't ignore yourself.

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2 years ago


These are things to take into account, so we must always try to have balance in all perspectives of our lives, as you say the main one is our health and our loved ones.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Health is wealth. Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think this message is not only for the bloggers but also a warning to all the workaholic people that Life is vanity. Most times working days and nights don't mean one will be rich. Even if we become rich we will still be chasing not to be poor again, doing more and more till our last breathe. Health is wealth. our Family should be considered first in all we do coz they need us more than we do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Health issues even shouldn't be taken lightly, cause you can only blog if you're healthy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Now I manage to treat myself little by little and still get a time to rest, even I am into blogging again. I hope I could continue this healthy habits. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yep all those topic matters very much, not only for bloggers but for most of the working people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I manage to sleep a few more hours :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well said. There are a lot of things to put in mind as a blogger. Health must be on top. 😇

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks so much for the information,I'll definitely work towards this. Being a better writer isn't an easy job, but we must also learn that the same "all work and no play makes jack a full boy" also refers to "all play and no work makes jack a stupid boy". Happy Sunday sir. Love your style of writing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All these are important for every blogger. We need to give ourselves rest and also take out time to stay in constant contact with friends and family.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hello my friend, I was worried about you going MIA all these days, happy to see your comment here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sir, i was busy with the HOD games we were having in my department.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was relate on this sir, multi tasking is really crazy specially if people want to earn like me. As I said earlier having 4 kids house chores modular learning!! Mother's like me find it hard so this will really help a lot of writers that striving hard just to earn or write

$ 0.02
2 years ago

In the midst of everything it's your body that will bear the blunts. So it's good to cool it down a bit and give your body it's due.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Self care is very important not only in blogging but in any career you've chosen for yourself. Even if you don't have anytbubg going on for you it is imperative as a sane human that you take care of yourself. At the end of the day, the things that really matter always matters regardless of if you're a blogger.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, you are right in your assertion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am more concerned about my health by any other thing. I have a friend that doesn't Cook because of his engagement with his phone but I am not that type. And at times we just have to give priority to what and those that deserve them

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's the greatest danger to health, eating junk food.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well all your point is correct, did you apply it on yourself as well?

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, of course. I don't play with my health, my partner and my family. I don't stay awake all night because I want to make money, if my wife says it's enough go get some rest so be it. The last time I spent most nights without sleep in November last year I fell sick, so that has taught me a lesson to never take my health for granted. I don't involve myself in too many things at the same time, my family needs me more than I need them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's so great of you, indeed family first.. maybe I just have longer times to do things in crypto since my partner is not here.. but recently I can't handle to stay active much like before as I have more time in real life too when we came back to my mom's province.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You've stated the most important thing a blogger should put into consideration , and all this things you made mentioned of , I think I'm guilty ., But I'm gonna try to make adjustment.

There are some times I was totally carried away with blogging, operating in different platforms, and at the end of it all, too much stress broke me down , and now I'm trying to minimize everything because of my health .... I can't count how many times I skipped meals, was just smiling while reading this, but adjustment must be done....☺️

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I suffered like that also in the past skipping meals and staying up late at night and some times going for days without a single moment of sleep until I fell ill.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

OurSelf and our family is most important then else. We can't buy happiness with metallic coins nor relationships. All five are unforgettable things and we must keep them in priority.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you for your comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago