The soul is the most fertile land

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1 year ago

<We must always be selective, sow in our soul and life in general only qualities and feelings that add and do not subtract>

Fertile land can be found in many situations or circumstances, there is not only one that allows food or plants to flourish, on the contrary we can find and find fertile land in us, in our soul, in people, in situations, fertile land is the one that undoubtedly allows us and helps us to change, change everything bad for good seeds, to generate vitality in any circumstance, as I said before, it is the one that provides us with food, it is the one that on many occasions we do not even value, talking about land In every sense of the word, to speak of the one that allows food to be born that nourishes and helps us live in this world is undoubtedly to speak of the world, to speak of the magical things that abound in it, to speak that these things are only synonymous miracle, because without them the world as we know it today would be totally different, just as talking about them is also referring to all the people who decided to give their working life The lands, also called peasants, many do not credit them, they do not seem relevant people but they are because without them, without their care, the lands would not produce food, plants and flowers capable of nourishing us, helping us and beautifying environments, today they are true examples, we must be like them, we must take care of the lands that delimit our lives, take care of our soul, uproot weeds, uproot everything that binds us.

Sometimes egocentrism wins us over, it handles us at will, it is something that does not allow us to observe and accept the importance of the minorities that exist in our lives, that is to say, that we only give great importance to everything that according to current fashions are more important, such as living by appearances, showing others that we are supposedly in a world of fantasy when we should give even more importance to the little things, to the things that make us full of health, vitality day by day, Those things that not only feed us physically are also responsible for filling the soul, going beyond, making us happy from the soul, because the soul is the most fertile land that we can find in this world, but for this we must be extremely selective , choosing the seeds of good, of qualities, emotions and feelings that push us day by day to be better, not to harm, on the contrary, to be more empathetic, to do good without looking at who or on the contrary. I want to sow seeds that only lead us down the path of apathy, the path of laziness, where we do not feel comfortable or with ourselves, therefore creating divine connections with the fertile land that is our soul, will help us live in well-being always having calm in the soul.

The path of life of each human being is determined by the options that he himself chooses and chooses in key and determining points, for this reason we must be more aware when making decisions or, on the contrary, try to see the situation from possible perspectives. to be able to make wise decisions, decisions that only lead us to sow good seeds in our soul, that generate kindness, love, generosity, that help us understand that we are all different and not for that reason we do not deserve disrespect on the contrary we deserve to be respected , the key to living a calm, happy, satisfactory life is to let ourselves go, for the good things, for the things that truly add to our life, for this we must be even more grateful for what we already have, ingratitude is a great poison of the soul, therefore we must cure it little by little invading our life with gratitude the great fertilizer that will fill us with more aspects and will bring only positive things with n the passing of days, always having faith, because the last thing that is lost is hope and faith, a life without these is an empty life, a life that does not even have the strength to continue, that is why we must reconnect with our soul , disconnect from everything that robs us of peace, energy and strength to return with renewed and intact faith, because in it lie the best things in life.

As every year, the day of the fertilized earth is celebrated today, a land that we must help protect, value and care for, as a result of the fact that we also inhabit this planet, therefore we must be bearers of good customs, bearers of examples that push others to raise awareness, because it is never too late to take care of the lands that day by day allow us to survive with their food, with medicinal plants that help in the discovery of alternative medicines for people who are afflicted by diseases and only find a chance of life in these or by on the contrary, also in the beautiful flowers that fertile lands give us to beautify environments and give to our loved ones, without a doubt they deserve our care just like our soul, our life deserves to be uprooted, feelings, defects that are disguised in form of qualities, people who steal our peace and experiences of yesterday, which belong to our past that does not allow us to flow and be happy. Let's take care of all the fertile lands that we possess in our lifetime!

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1 year ago
