@wakeupkitty activity

4 days ago: commented on the article ""
Thank you. How are the tulips doing?
4 days ago: published the article
Bear with me...
6 days ago: commented on the article "Life of an Earthworm"
Will you give up on spraying? 😉
6 days ago: commented on the article ""
I still hope by every few days. My only issue is posting.
6 days ago: published the article
The Powerful 7
1 week ago: published the article
Life of an Earthworm
1 week ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"The Unhappy Home."
1 week ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Unhappy Home.
1 week ago: published the article
Rotten Tomato
1 week ago: gave $0.05 tip to
1 week ago: gave thumbs up to the article
1 week ago: commented on the article ""
Can you also not post articles?
1 week ago: published the article
The Last Wife's Insurance
2 weeks ago: published the article
Animal Abuse
2 weeks ago: published the article
Rise with the Sun
2 weeks ago: gave $0.10 tip to
"It's my birthday "
2 weeks ago: gave thumbs up to the article
It's my birthday
2 weeks ago: published the article
Evil Mothers
3 weeks ago: published the article
Don't Argument - Trust the duck
3 weeks ago: published the article
The Other Capital
3 weeks ago: published the article
4 weeks ago: published the article
Courage From The Keyboard
4 weeks ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Crypto Hustle and Life: What are the Plans"
4 weeks ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Crypto Hustle and Life: What are the Plans
4 weeks ago: commented on the article ""
I'm so sorry for you. What is it you regret?
4 weeks ago: published the article
Monkey business
1 month ago: published the article
Hip Hip Hurray
1 month ago: published the article
1 month ago: published the article
Her House
1 month ago: published the article
The True Story - Moving House - Realism
1 month ago: published the article
The Last Boy
1 month ago: published the article
The Amber Light
1 month ago: published the article
Countdown - A luke warm welcome
1 month ago: published the article
The rising of Nationalism x Identity Crisis
1 month ago: published the article
The Three Little Pigs - a fable
1 month ago: published the article
An Angry Bag
1 month ago: published the article
Hair Styles
1 month ago: commented on the article "The unexpected tap (2)"
Perhaps you should post in self-motivation.
1 month ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The unexpected tap (2)
1 month ago: commented on the article "The unexpected tap"
Sounds as if that book was left behind for you.
1 month ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"The unexpected tap"
1 month ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The unexpected tap
1 month ago: published the article
Hot Dip
1 month ago: published the article
The Soft One
1 month ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Scam Sewing up Shoes"
1 month ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Scam Sewing up Shoes
1 month ago: commented on the article ""
Everyone feels super hot???
1 month ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How Is Your Health
1 month ago: published the article
Credit & Loans
1 month ago: commented on the article "Never Say Never"
It is what most do but it means also no one knew him for real
1 month ago: published the article
Bicycle Day
1 month ago: published the article
A Pair of Losers - fable
1 month ago: published the article
The Story behind 'The Painter's Honeymoon'
1 month ago: commented on the article "Pictures Can Speak"
Let's see if that will happen. 👍
1 month ago: commented on the article "The Girl & The Mother"
Thank you for reading and commenting.
1 month ago: published the article
1 month ago: published the article
The Girl & The Mother
2 months ago: commented on the article "My wife complained about her phone."
Each battery can be replaced. There are plenty of videos online how to open a phone.
2 months ago: commented on the article "My wife complained about her phone."
And that is indeed how it works. If the wife is happy she makes you very happy. Can't you replace the battery?
2 months ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"My wife complained about her phone."
2 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My wife complained about her phone.
2 months ago: published the article
2 months ago: published the article
Morality versus Reality
2 months ago: published the article
The Flood
2 months ago: published the article
2 months ago: commented on the article ""
Welcome back!
2 months ago: published the article
The End of the Empire
2 months ago: published the article
Not a duck!
2 months ago: published the article
The Ghostwriters
2 months ago: commented on the article ""
It's good to hear you managed it. 🍀❤️
2 months ago: published the article
Deadly situation
2 months ago: published the article
The Cattle Dealer
2 months ago: published the article
Deadly boring
2 months ago: published the article
Please, help me!
2 months ago: published the article
2 months ago: published the article
Test subject
2 months ago: published the article
Don't feed the aliens!
2 months ago: published the article
Date - Let it bleed
2 months ago: published the article
Say cheese
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: published the article
Lion in the kitchen
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: published the article
Ticket to the other side
3 months ago: published the article
Proclaim your love
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: published the article
Contacted by aliens
3 months ago: commented on the article "A Heartfelt Thank You: Celebrating 500+ Views on M..."
It'good you decided to pick up your pen again. 👍🍀❤️
3 months ago: published the article
Protect the goblin
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: commented on the article "Unusual relationship"
Only reading is a possibility too..
3 months ago: published the article
What will it be?
3 months ago: commented on the article "Unusual relationship"
Interesting personality? What a great compliment. Thank you! Old enough to be your mom?
3 months ago: published the article
Wrong wording
3 months ago: published the article
Supernatural conference? - A poll about travelling
3 months ago: published the article
Unusual relationship
3 months ago: published the article
Available to date
3 months ago: published the article
Empathetic devil - scam!
3 months ago: published the article
Big adventure
3 months ago: published the article
Way too high
3 months ago: commented on the article "Party?"
A great 2024 to you as well. 🍀❤️
3 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Thirsty to Grow in Wisdom
3 months ago: commented on the article "Party?"
Thank you. I happy New Year to you. 🍀❤️
3 months ago: commented on the article "Christian: Bless The Lord."
Thank you. 🍀❤️
3 months ago: published the article
The right context
3 months ago: published the article
3 months ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Christian: Bless The Lord."
3 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Christian: Bless The Lord.
3 months ago: published the article
Slow day
3 months ago: commented on the article "Dead ghostwriter"
It is indeed.
3 months ago: published the article
View of the wall
3 months ago: published the article
Dead ghostwriter
4 months ago: published the article
You owe me
4 months ago: published the article
Sweet tea
4 months ago: commented on the article ""
What if people do not have family? Merry days to you. 🍀❤️
4 months ago: published the article
Blue Bee
4 months ago: published the article
Observer of people
4 months ago: published the article
Just a regular guy
4 months ago: published the article
Not the norm
4 months ago: commented on the article "A kite conflict"
If that is what you read I am satisfied. I used 7 or 8 prompts to write this story.
4 months ago: published the article
Wrong horoscope?
4 months ago: published the article
It's personal... or not
4 months ago: commented on the article ""
Was he? Perhaps that is the atmosphere at that working place.
4 months ago: published the article
A kite conflict
4 months ago: published the article
A man of prestige
4 months ago: published the article
Health insurance
4 months ago: published the article
A call
4 months ago: published the article
4 months ago: commented on the article "Where Have the Pennies Gone?"
He can always come back. Write because you like to wrote and support others so they will support you.
5 months ago: published the article
Just Nobody is perfect
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
LOH#161 Eggless Chocolate Pudding for the festive season
5 months ago: commented on the article "Bitcoin Holders Seems Not In A Mood To Sell It"
I hold my BTC since there is a limit to the amount, not its value.
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bitcoin Holders Seems Not In A Mood To Sell It
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: commented on the article "Writing an essay"
In the classroom?
5 months ago: commented on the article "Writing an essay"
You let others write for you? 🙄 We write an essay in the classroom.
5 months ago: published the article
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
Why can't you walk your dog if it is raining?
5 months ago: published the article
Do not weigh me
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Where Have the Pennies Gone?
5 months ago: published the article
Not another election
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Can Cryptocurrencies Provide Absolute Freedom?
5 months ago: published the article
5 months ago: published the article
No nuance
5 months ago: commented on the article "Shoot For The Stars."
I rather stay inside instead of going outside. It's cold! 💕🍀
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Shoot For The Stars.
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Expecting for nothing
5 months ago: commented on the article "Expecting for nothing"
5 months ago: published the article
5 months ago: commented on the article "What do I think about life?"
A type of "magnifying glass" which is placed in front of your screen.
5 months ago: commented on the article "Reasons for improvement"
I like stories like these. How are you feeling today? 💕🍀
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Reasons for improvement
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What do I think about life?
5 months ago: commented on the article "Trading with cryptocurrencies"
Thank you for sharing these words. I hope there's time enough. 💕🍀
5 months ago: published the article
Trading with cryptocurrencies
5 months ago: published the article
5 months ago: published the article
Weak material
5 months ago: published the article
NaNoWriMo 2023?
5 months ago: published the article
Passion or
5 months ago: published the article
Potential pie
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Did DeFi Protocol On Solana Quit UK Market?
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
I hope that spirit will be around the entire year. 🍀💕
5 months ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"My cats"
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My cats
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
Why is that if I may ask?
5 months ago: commented on the article "Part 2: Angels vs. Demons and Purgatory vs. Heaven"
Ever read the "Christian" version of Harry Potter?
5 months ago: published the article
Bleak outlook
5 months ago: published the article
The bus is late
6 months ago: published the article
Memory chip
6 months ago: commented on the article "I need help, I can't see well, everything is blurr..."
Okay, I am waiting for your answer. Good luck. You may send me an e-mail too. wakeupkitty@gmail.com
6 months ago: published the article
No referral
6 months ago: published the article
Pure fun
6 months ago: commented on the article "I need help, I can't see well, everything is blurr..."
How bad is your sight? Where do you live?
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I need help, I can't see well, everything is blurry.
6 months ago: published the article
Stake through the heart
6 months ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Hiking again "
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Hiking again
6 months ago: commented on the article "The passenger terminal"
The idea of something eating you...
6 months ago: published the article
mud pie
6 months ago: published the article
No need
6 months ago: published the article
High volume
6 months ago: published the article
Pet lion?
6 months ago: published the article
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The ice cream cup
6 months ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Christians: What comes after a divorce? (discussions)"
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Christians: What comes after a divorce? (discussions)
6 months ago: commented on the article "My 1st 2023 BCH-Backed House Build Update and Bitc..."
Thanks for the update. It is indeed difficult to live a life with crypto only. Kudos you came this far. 🍀💕
6 months ago: commented on the article "Little light"
I hope this means you are back on your feet. 🍀💕
6 months ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Little light"
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Little light
6 months ago: published the article
No sign of intelligence
6 months ago: commented on the article ""
I am happy to hear it worked. 🍀💕
6 months ago: published the article
Economic loss?
6 months ago: gave $0.05 tip to
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
6 months ago: published the article
Not so hard was it?
6 months ago: published the article
The last battle
6 months ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"A relaxing environment (sketchtember week 5)"
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A relaxing environment (sketchtember week 5)
6 months ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Goodbye Cookies: When and Why Cookies Are Going Away"
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Goodbye Cookies: When and Why Cookies Are Going Away
6 months ago: published the article
In my line of sight
6 months ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"About quails and plants"
6 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
About quails and plants
6 months ago: published the article
Broken cable