I have a few more minutes before October ends. Later, November will start and I'll have new things to write down—plans for the month, changes I want to do, books to finally read, and shows to catch up on. And I wonder, how many of those things will I be able to do? When November comes, will I finally have the backbone to do all my plans? Or am I going to stay as a piece of wood floating in the sea and just waiting for the waves to take me wherever?

The year is about to end and I couldn't see any changes in me. It's making me sad and frustrated. But what else I can do? I'm the one who should move. No one else will do these things for me but me.

But the question is how? Haha. This is so hard.

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@joow posted 6 months ago


You can schedule what to do daily.

I always watch films and series in December. I used to start with Christmas since we do not celebrate it but if time I start earlier. These days are great for staying inside (winter/cold) while watching old films.

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6 months ago