Rotten Tomato

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There are times we are not in the mood to write or we do not seem to find the right words. There are prompt but still...

My suggestion to you is to #freewrite. Just write (type) for a minute of 5-10. Don't care if it makes sense, about failures, if you are done you can read and edit.

What helps me is to type in a certain rhythm.

An extra help can be to generate a picture for example with there are plenty to find on the internet. The weird pictures AI shows can trigger your imagination.

What helps me too is writing a short story. One with a max of 50 words or 240 characters only or even less. No idea what to write about if you see the prompt 'rotten'? Try to generate a picture

The one above is mine and not my cup of tea, either are the other three I was provided with. Since I didn't want to invest hours again in instructing AI I decided to use this one. Do you see that SPLASH?

Here is my story - 50 words only

Let's end this for once and for all, the chicken said to herself. She had it with the bragging ball above her head claiming he was the one who started and gave life. She grabbed an egg - whoosh - smash - bull's eye. Such a relief finally, that rotten tomato was gone.

It's not the answer to the burning question of who was the first, the chicken of the egg, all we know is that the chicken is left and she's able to lay the next egg.

Happy writing to all!

$ 0.00
