@Olasquare activity

4 days ago: published the article
1 week ago: commented on the article ""
That's it...that's strength and courage.
1 week ago: gave $0.05 tip to
1 week ago: gave thumbs up to the article
1 week ago: published the article
1 week ago: commented on the article "Do we humans consider helping our children in dist..."
That's it. Servants of gadgets they should have power over. We forget our responsibilities and focus on what's not important. It's sad.
1 week ago: commented on the article ""
You are most welcome, my friend.
1 week ago: gave thumbs up to the article
2 weeks ago: gave thumbs up to the article
2 weeks ago: gave thumbs up to the article
2 weeks ago: published the article
2 weeks ago: published the article
2 weeks ago: published the article
2 weeks ago: published the article
Christians: The Generous Life.
3 weeks ago: published the article
3 weeks ago: commented on the article "Men's Mental Health, II."
Thank you, my friend.πŸ€—
3 weeks ago: published the article
Mental Health in General.
3 weeks ago: commented on the article "Men's Mental Health, II."
That's right and men need to show it sometimes so they can get the needed help.
4 weeks ago: published the article
Men's Mental Health, II.
4 weeks ago: commented on the article "It's World's Mi Amor Day."
4 weeks ago: commented on the article "It's World's Mi Amor Day."
Thanks a lot.
4 weeks ago: commented on the article "It's World's Mi Amor Day."
Hahaha thank you.
4 weeks ago: published the article
It's World's Mi Amor Day.
1 month ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"Nostalgic feels"
1 month ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Nostalgic feels
1 month ago: commented on the article "Men's Mental Health."
Thank you 😊
1 month ago: published the article
Men's Mental Health.
1 month ago: published the article
Christians: God Truly Cares.
1 month ago: commented on the article ""
Thank you brother. Let's gooooooo.
1 month ago: published the article
1 month ago: gave thumbs up to the article
1 month ago: published the article
Christians: All About God.
1 month ago: published the article
International Women's Day.
1 month ago: published the article
1 month ago: commented on the article ""
Absolutely... positivity and gratitude. It goes a long way.
1 month ago: commented on the article ""
Thank you.
1 month ago: published the article
1 month ago: commented on the article "Where Are The Youth In All These?"
Hello my dear friend. Been a while. How have you been?
1 month ago: published the article
Christians: Perspective on Gratitude.
1 month ago: commented on the article "Christians: The Struggles Behind Your Dream."
Very true, my brother. We have a part to play by committing it into Him. God always keep His part.
1 month ago: published the article
Where Are The Youth In All These?
2 months ago: published the article
Christians: The Struggles Behind Your Dream.
2 months ago: published the article
Christians: Celebrating Love: Family.
2 months ago: commented on the article "No One Knows."
Thank you very much.
2 months ago: published the article
Christians: Wisdom For Living.
2 months ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Bitcoin Cash: Year Of The Dragon"
2 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bitcoin Cash: Year Of The Dragon
2 months ago: commented on the article "Christian: God Wants To Use You."
No worries at all.
2 months ago: commented on the article "Christian: God Wants To Use You."
2 months ago: published the article
No One Knows.
2 months ago: published the article
Christian: Why Do We Need To Dream?
2 months ago: published the article
Christian: Time To Dream Open Doors.
2 months ago: published the article
More Than Enough.
2 months ago: commented on the article "New Places, New Faces, Zero Traces..."
Thank you very much. I am encouraged. Deeply appreciated.
2 months ago: commented on the article "Christian: God Wants To Use You."
Yes... I have been using Ecency for a long time. I have been on Hive since 2017 as well.
2 months ago: published the article
No Excuse.
3 months ago: published the article
The Years Keep Counting...
3 months ago: commented on the article "Christian: God Wants To Use You."
Earning is hard here now...no more earning... I am just keeping my page alive. I enjoy posting.
3 months ago: commented on the article "Loving You Is Easy."
Thank you.
3 months ago: published the article
New Places, New Faces, Zero Traces...
3 months ago: published the article
Christian: God Wants To Use You.
3 months ago: published the article
What's With The World?
3 months ago: published the article
Loving You Is Easy.
3 months ago: commented on the article "Christian: Bless The Lord."
Anytime. ❣️
3 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 months ago: published the article
Life and It's Ways.
3 months ago: published the article
Slowly, The Year Goes.
3 months ago: published the article
Happy New Year, 2024.
3 months ago: commented on the article "Merry Christmas From Mine To Yours."
Absolutely. Happy new year. 2024 will be favourable to us all. Hope it's a great start to the new year for you?
3 months ago: commented on the article "Merry Christmas From Mine To Yours."
Thank you very much. Compliments of the season to you and yours.
3 months ago: published the article
Christian: Bless The Lord.
4 months ago: published the article
Mama Is Rare; Pastor Dee.
4 months ago: commented on the article "What Do You Do When Jesus Shows Up?"
Thank you very much. Duly noted. I will take note of that going forward. I really appreciate this.
4 months ago: published the article
Merry Christmas From Mine To Yours.
4 months ago: published the article
What Do You Do When Jesus Shows Up?
4 months ago: published the article
Happy Birthday, Deborah Rise.
4 months ago: published the article
Happy Birthday, Padi Mi.
4 months ago: published the article
Keep Resting, Tola.
4 months ago: gave $0.02 tip to
"The Most Powerful Cryptocurrency Brands"
4 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Most Powerful Cryptocurrency Brands
4 months ago: commented on the article "Make A Move."
Hahaha yes, it could be. Thanks a lot for that.
4 months ago: published the article
That's Life...Embrace The Faith.
4 months ago: published the article
Make A Move.
4 months ago: published the article
Happy Birthday, Moyosoreoluwa.
4 months ago: commented on the article "He Shows Up!"
Thank you ☺️
4 months ago: published the article
He Shows Up!
4 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
4 months ago: commented on the article "Zero Worries..."
Absolutely...it's an endless release...a life of no stress.
4 months ago: published the article
Move Ahead...
4 months ago: published the article
Zero Worries...
4 months ago: published the article
It's All About You...
4 months ago: published the article
Live In The Moment...
5 months ago: published the article
Thriving, Despite What's Thrown At You.
5 months ago: published the article
It's Not New.
5 months ago: published the article
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
Absolutely, my friend. Absolutely.
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
I absolutely did and same today also.
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: published the article
Life and It's Dynamics.
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: published the article
No One Cares...
5 months ago: published the article
Shoot For The Stars.
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The views makes me calm
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Freedom is the New Goal
5 months ago: published the article
Worry and Faith.
5 months ago: published the article
I Miss You, No Lies.
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
I am suspecting Rusty too. I think I like the anonymous tips.
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
I am doing great too. Thanks to God..
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: published the article
I Don't See You.
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
Absolutely. How have you been, my anime friend?
5 months ago: commented on the article "At What Cost, Really?"
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: commented on the article "Just Don't Stop..."
Absolutely...my brother. We have to be tough. Life isn't easy bro.
5 months ago: published the article
Just Don't Stop...
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: published the article
The Inner Beauty.
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Satoshi Never Intended Bitcoin Users To Run Full Nodes
5 months ago: commented on the article ""
I hope it's not a bug hahaha. The increase is astronomical.
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5 months ago: commented on the article "At What Cost, Really?"
Thank you very much. She looks absolutely dashing..
5 months ago: published the article
At What Cost, Really?
5 months ago: published the article
We All Have It.
7 months ago: published the article
7 months ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"The teacher give him a star even he had a trantrums"
7 months ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"I Tested Astaria's NFT Loans And I Was Impressed!"
7 months ago: gave $0.01 tip to
7 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
7 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The teacher give him a star even he had a trantrums
7 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I Tested Astaria's NFT Loans And I Was Impressed!
10 months ago: commented on the article "Pure at Heart - Purity."
Thank you my friend. You are so wonderful.
10 months ago: published the article
14 Years Without You...
10 months ago: published the article
Pure at Heart - Purity.
10 months ago: gave $0.03 tip to
" Ode to Bitcoin Cash "
10 months ago: gave $0.02 tip to
"Aping into Arbitrum: Exploring GMX & GLP"
10 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Aping into Arbitrum: Exploring GMX & GLP
10 months ago: commented on the article "Becoming A Living Witness."
I am happy. That really delights my heart. Thank you.
10 months ago: commented on the article "Becoming A Living Witness."
I feel honoured to share this and thanks to you too for being here.
10 months ago: commented on the article "Becoming A Living Witness."
Thank you, my friend. We all need daily and timely reminders to live right.
11 months ago: published the article
Becoming A Living Witness.
11 months ago: commented on the article "Love and Life."
Thank you. πŸ€—πŸ˜Š
11 months ago: commented on the article "Exercise Your Authority."
I'm glad you do. It's encouraging. Thank you.
11 months ago: commented on the article "Exercise Your Authority."
Thank you so much. Deeply appreciate your thoughts.
11 months ago: published the article
Love and Life.
11 months ago: published the article
Exercise Your Authority.
11 months ago: commented on the article "Love..."
Thank you, my friend. Indeed, what comes from the heart touches the heart.
1 year ago: published the article
1 year ago: commented on the article "Something About Them..."
Sweet and priceless...they are impressionable.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Something About Them..."
They are to be adored and cherished, no doubt. Thank you.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Something About Them..."
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your appreciation of this work.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Uncertainties Abound..."
We need to focus on our growth, no doubt. Thank you.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Uncertainties Abound..."
Deep... Yes... We get better and improve every single day. Thank you for that.
1 year ago: published the article
Uncertainties Abound...
1 year ago: published the article
Something About Them...
1 year ago: published the article
1 year ago: published the article
Beauty and Delight.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Love, Never Ending?"
We have different ways of handling, loving and even expressing love...no doubt.
1 year ago: published the article
Love, Never Ending?
1 year ago: commented on the article "Family Inspired."
I love how this means a lot to you. I share the same sentiment too. Family is life.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Family Inspired."
Absolutely we do. Family is precious and important.
1 year ago: published the article
Family Inspired.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Absolutely πŸ€—
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
1 year ago: commented on the article "Faith For Recovery."
Very true. God's way is the sure way.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Faith For Recovery."
We can trust God to help us recover what we have lost. Nothing is impossible with Him.
1 year ago: published the article
Faith For Recovery.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Amen. Thank you very much. Yes, she is... I love every of her outfit there in the pictures too.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Amen. Thank you so much.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Yes oh. Thank you so much, iyawo. Your head is there. Deeply appreciated sweetie.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Thank you so much my brother. Thank you for celebrating with us. It means a lot.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Learn To Live..."
Happy to hear this.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Amen. Thank you and I am deeply appreciative of this. God bless your heart.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Thank you so much for this. I'm grateful.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday, Popsicle."
Thank you very much, my friend. Deeply appreciated.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Learn To Live..."
God has been helping dear. I can't complain. Hope business is moving too?
1 year ago: commented on the article "Financial Abundance."
Anytime and thank you too.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Faith For Change of Levels."
No worries.
1 year ago: published the article
Happy Birthday, Popsicle.
1 year ago: published the article
Learn To Live...
1 year ago: commented on the article "Financial Abundance."
We can even create funds for different purposes based on our goals. That's spot on.
1 year ago: published the article
Faith For Change of Levels.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Financial Abundance."
Money is indeed needed for evangelism, no doubt about that. It helps...
1 year ago: published the article
Financial Abundance.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Most Parents...Poetic Justice."
Yes oh... Plenty.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Life In Different Folds."
1 year ago: commented on the article "Understand His Ways..."
Thank you so much, Chelle. Deeply appreciate you being here.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Understand His Ways..."
That's nice. Reading and getting to know more gets us to the point of closeness with our maker.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Life In Different Folds."
So good to finally have you. Indeed, it's been a long while. Thank you so much. I'm encouraged.
1 year ago: published the article
Understand His Ways...
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Entertainment at Sports Gala And my Entry for Zapfic50Monday
1 year ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Music of CARO Emerald"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Music of CARO Emerald
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My Whacky Delivery Stories /February Author of the Month
1 year ago: commented on the article "#8 Small but amazing creature "
Super well organized. Humans should learn.
1 year ago: commented on the article "2 Years in sBCH, I have Spice, Banana And NFTC wit..."
It's both of the worlds...we just have to hope for more good days.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Four things you should never try to waste"
I'm glad to be here too.
1 year ago: commented on the article "Be There For Yourself."
That's my baby.
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"Get to know me. "
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Get to know me.
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"After 4 Months Of Ghosting "
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
After 4 Months Of Ghosting
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"Parenthood: What Is Needed From every Parent!!!"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Parenthood: What Is Needed From every Parent!!!
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"#8 Small but amazing creature "
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
#8 Small but amazing creature
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"Bitcoin cash (BCH) on Trust wallet"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bitcoin cash (BCH) on Trust wallet
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"Four things you should never try to waste"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Four things you should never try to waste
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"Coming Back in March"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Coming Back in March