@TLGirl activity

4 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Major step From Crypto Towards institutionalization
5 months ago: published the article
I made the stupidest mistake!
7 months ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Expert Piano Player Italian Kid
7 months ago: gave $0.02 tip to
"Expert Piano Player Italian Kid"
7 months ago: commented on the article "How can I take back my BCH from the SmartBCH!! "
But these are a lot of bridges, a lot of fees, there is no other way? A shorter one?
7 months ago: published the article
How can I take back my BCH from the SmartBCH!!
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
All TiMe FrEe EnErGy
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My Confession
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The NEW Version Of Noise (noise.app) Is Ready To LAUNCH!
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Hive Vs Medium: Which Writing Platform Is The Best?
1 year ago: gave $0.02 tip to
"Happy Youth's Day"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Happy Youth's Day
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The 'SweatCoin' App That Pays You Just By Walking.
1 year ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"7 Tips for Writing a Good Article"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
7 Tips for Writing a Good Article
1 year ago: published the article
SmartSafe the SmartBCH wallet
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Smart Safe: Multisig SmartBCH Wallet
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Spirit Communication & Walking Portal
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
8 Free PlaTforms to generate income in Bitcoin Cash [updated]
1 year ago: commented on the article "Some useful tips for using SmartBCH dapps"
You are welcome dear
1 year ago: commented on the article "Trust give you 2 results : Person for life or less..."
Akid alla karim bass ma tkoun ktir albak tayeb illa ma3 yalle byestehalo yalle hinni maximum 3ayltak il zghiri w good luck 🀞
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Trust give you 2 results : Person for life or lesson for life
1 year ago: commented on the article "Some useful tips for using SmartBCH dapps"
ow 😞 Because of the bearish market? or failed project?
1 year ago: commented on the article "Some useful tips for using SmartBCH dapps"
In what you invested?
1 year ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Good Effects From Read Cash."
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Why Does Big Tech Hide Natural Treatment of Monkeypox?
1 year ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"how to make money online 2022"
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
how to make money online 2022
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
As a Small-Time Trader
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
[2]Main PlaTforms Sharing Decentralized Economy Fueled by BCH
1 year ago: commented on the article "Some useful tips for using SmartBCH dapps"
I am talking about the one's I am using dear, of course there are plenty 😊
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Metaverse Games Of The Future
1 year ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"This is not the "End""
1 year ago: gave thumbs up to the article
This is not the "End"
1 year ago: published the article
Some useful tips for using SmartBCH dapps
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"The Real Life Testimony of how God Blessed Her."
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Real Life Testimony of how God Blessed Her.
2 years ago: published the article
My Faucets and how to use them (part 2)
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Is the "Modern Fairy" NFT Collection a Scam?"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Is the "Modern Fairy" NFT Collection a Scam?
2 years ago: gave $0.09 tip to
"My faucets and how to use them (part 1) "
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Just a little bit more and we'll get there
2 years ago: commented on the article "My faucets and how to use them (part 1) "
Thanks a lot, they work in parallel with the blogging sites for me. 😊
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Is Your Blog Internet Searchable?"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Is Your Blog Internet Searchable?
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bitcoin Cash Memes Entries.
2 years ago: commented on the article "My faucets and how to use them (part 1) "
I will, thanks 😊
2 years ago: commented on the article "My faucets and how to use them (part 1) "
Wouldn't you like yo share it with us?
2 years ago: commented on the article "My faucets and how to use them (part 1) "
Oh really! What does your faucet give?
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Promoting the Bitcoin Cash Here in the Philippines."
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Promoting the Bitcoin Cash Here in the Philippines.
2 years ago: commented on the article "My faucets and how to use them (part 1) "
Nooooo, I missed that too, what a loss. 😒😒
2 years ago: published the article
My faucets and how to use them (part 1)
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
When everything goes south, then let's take the north. Ehe
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Earned 0.04 BCH Within 5 Days
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Stand Your Ground With Bitcoin Cash
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
LNS: Bitcoin Cash Naming Service
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Gamble game | The way manipulate our mind
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to Improve Your Net Worth Through Investing
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Pandaland! GameFi on smartBCH
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
CBDCs And The Upcoming Battle For Metaverse Dominance
2 years ago: commented on the article "Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem"
I believe in that too 😊
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bitcoin Cash can't be overshadowed.
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
BCH Is Useful, the True P2P electronic Cash payment Tool
2 years ago: commented on the article "Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem"
It will have the bright future, im certain!
2 years ago: commented on the article "Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem"
Thank you for stopping by and Im glad you liked it πŸ‘
2 years ago: published the article
Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Bitcoin Cash Podcast Meme Competition ( WIN BCH)
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"SmartBCH: An Analysis Of The First Six Months"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
SmartBCH: An Analysis Of The First Six Months
2 years ago: commented on the article "Odysee: A whole universe of videos from regular pe..."
Oh really! So he is a nice guy. Sure you are welcome, but I don't post anything, Im a viewer 😊
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
First Shop Accepting BitCoinCash In Lebanon
2 years ago: commented on the article "The bad side of Ethereum coins and tokens"
Yes they are really extremely high!
2 years ago: gave $0.02 tip to
"Cryptocurrencies Define your Personality. "
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"The bad side of Ethereum coins and tokens"
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"The bad side of Ethereum coins and tokens"
2 years ago: commented on the article "The bad side of Ethereum coins and tokens"
Thank you for commenting Mahi, Im glad you liked my article.
2 years ago: published the article
The bad side of Ethereum coins and tokens
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"The strong need of crypto in Lebanon (part 2)"
2 years ago: gave $0.08 tip to
"The strong need of crypto in Lebanon (part 2)"
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Wonderful And Happiest Week End"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Wonderful And Happiest Week End
2 years ago: published the article
The strong need of crypto in Lebanon (part 2)
2 years ago: gave $0.10 tip to
"Between β€œmining” and β€œhelium”"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Between β€œmining” and β€œhelium”
2 years ago: commented on the article "Bitcoin.com supports Love on Valentine's day ️"
Same here hehehehe hopefully BCH will spread fast in your country and you find Love.
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"How BitCoinCash Changed My Perspectives..!! "
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How BitCoinCash Changed My Perspectives..!!
2 years ago: published the article
Bitcoin.com supports Love on Valentine's day ️
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Life's Lesson #3"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Life's Lesson #3
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Ten Simple Tips To Succeed As A Writer On read.cash"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Ten Simple Tips To Succeed As A Writer On read.cash
2 years ago: commented on the article "The strong need of crypto in Lebanon "
Thank you so much Bittantis, hopefully we will πŸ™
2 years ago: published the article
The strong need of crypto in Lebanon
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Some Best Photography of mine
2 years ago: commented on the article "Earning from SmartBCH DEX Mistswap.fi has never be..."
2 years ago: commented on the article "Earning from SmartBCH DEX Mistswap.fi has never be..."
They are the pioneers, I cannot agree more on your words.
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"My faith in humanity has been restored "
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"My faith in humanity has been restored "
2 years ago: published the article
My faith in humanity has been restored
2 years ago: gave $0.10 tip to
"SmartBCH Spotlights : OASIS.CASH"
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
SmartBCH Spotlights : OASIS.CASH
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"My country is wasting my time... "
2 years ago: commented on the article "My country is wasting my time... "
He was totally right. We can feel it in Lebanon.
2 years ago: published the article
My country is wasting my time...
2 years ago: commented on the article "What if cryptocurrencies disappear!!!"
That is a good step from your government, hopefully things will be good for you and your country.
2 years ago: commented on the article "What if cryptocurrencies disappear!!!"
I totally understand you, may God be with you too, we have the same bad situation.
2 years ago: commented on the article "What if cryptocurrencies disappear!!!"
Hopefully this will never happen...
2 years ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"What if cryptocurrencies disappear!!!"
2 years ago: gave $0.03 tip to
"What if cryptocurrencies disappear!!!"
2 years ago: published the article
What if cryptocurrencies disappear!!!
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Exploring new DEXs on SmartBCH "
2 years ago: published the article
Exploring new DEXs on SmartBCH
2 years ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Let the Harvest on smartBCH begins!"
2 years ago: gave $0.08 tip to
"Let the Harvest on smartBCH begins!"
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Let the Harvest on smartBCH begins!"
2 years ago: published the article
Let the Harvest on smartBCH begins!
2 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"How I got my first smartBCH coins"
2 years ago: commented on the article "How I got my first smartBCH coins"
Try it, it is very profitable πŸ‘
2 years ago: published the article
How I got my first smartBCH coins
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to FARM on MistSwap: NEW DEX on SmartBCH
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
BTC vs BCH, a necessary war?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Recently people are facing what high fees means.
3 years ago: published the article
A crypto lover from Lebanon
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A Voice of Lebanon
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Photoshop contest By Cain
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Why BCH?
3 years ago: published the article
Cryptos will save our lives!!!