Happy Youth's Day

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1 year ago

August 12, The world celebrates International Youth Day

It is designated by the United Nations to draw attention about issues facing youth.

This year, the theme is: "Intergenerational Solidarity : creating a world for all ages."

Source: pixabay/youth

Youth in poor and third world countries suffer from a lack of interest from their governments where there is no planning or vision for their future. Young people struggle alone to provide livelihoods on individual initiatives without any support from local or national authorities.

The most important challenges facing youth are:

  • Education: especially high education in Universities or Faculties Where are not found in rural and remote areas.

  • Work Availability: it is very hard to get a job.

  • Nutrition: Because of the wars currently going on in the world, and the outbreak of Corona disease, this led to inflation and therefore the rise in grain prices.

  • Sports: Playing sports is one of the most important qualities of young people, but there are many who do not practice it due to the absence of local clubs, guidance and encouragement.

  • Travel: for work and study or for knowledge and adventure. Many youth don't have the money for.

  • Mariage: Buying or renting a house and starting a family is very difficult nowadays.

  • Trying what's going on in this globe: politics - economy - environment.

Source: pixabay / youth

Governments are obligated to their people to provide decent livelihoods, work, education, health... Through planning and studies of the needs of the people through the establishment of projects and guidance.

Youth are the future. Governments should support them.

Happy Youth's Day to everyone here.

Thanks for reading.

#internationalyouthday #youth

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