@YamceyLou activity

2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Tuli de Pokpok
2 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Ethics in Life and Business
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Poisonous Crab
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Am I?
3 years ago: published the article
Focus lang
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
godbless 😘
3 years ago: published a short_post
Have a GreatFull Sunday Everyone ❀️
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Motivating Story
3 years ago: commented on the article "The Life and Legacy of JosΓ© Rizal"
Oh great ❀️Pilipino ay magigiting sa larangan ng pagsusulat gaya nito.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Life and Legacy of JosΓ© Rizal
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
how. share naman po?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My Next Crypto Move will be...
3 years ago: published the article
Talk with God
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Sen Bong Revilla, nakikipag Budots na kay Kamatayan
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Thank you all πŸ‘ have a great time πŸ˜‰
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Thank you so much ..Marc de Mesel..we love you
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
15 Tips that you should always remember
3 years ago: published the article
The Anger
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mike Enriquez, kinaladkad sa 24 Oras upang i-quara..."
Hahah Nice. Funny Article 😊
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Read.Cash, how much I've earned in my first month
3 years ago: published the article
Face Difficulties Positively
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Bag of Coins
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Dear Parents
3 years ago: commented on the article "Food Photographs: Authentic Filipino Snacks"
craaaaaviiiingggsss!!! love it
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Food Photographs: Authentic Filipino Snacks
3 years ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Food Photographs: Authentic Filipino Snacks"
3 years ago: published the article
The Tortoise and a Hare
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Social Media and I
3 years ago: published the article
Cherish your Struggle
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Voice of the New Breed
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
IF you stay!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Basic Ethical Issues To Consider In Social Network..."
Nice article. Keep it up! Have a great time
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Steemit VS HIVEΒ 
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Why Do Privacy and Confidentiality Matter in One's Life?
3 years ago: published the article
Be patient
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Dogecoin or Bitcoin Cash
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Meme Entry Two Point 0
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Craziest Thing I've done with Bitcoin
3 years ago: published the article
My Pen
3 years ago: published the article
Lion and the Mouse
3 years ago: commented on the article "Get Paid Per Share"
send me the link, pls.
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
yes im interested!! How?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Weight of the Glass"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Weight of the Glass"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Weight of the Glass"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Weight of the Glass"
3 years ago: published the article
Weight of the Glass
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My CashOuts in Read.Cash
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My friends this is the time Of Read Cash
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What is an Affiliate Program?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Internet Money
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Think and rule your world
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Never accept defeat, fight back
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "The Greedy Farmer"
thanks for your support, highly appreciated! Have a great time 😊
3 years ago: published the article
The Greedy Farmer
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
If I had 1 Million Bicoin
3 years ago: commented on the article "Interviewing Ryan Taylor From Dash Core Group"
very much informative and documented thanks for sharing!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Interviewing Ryan Taylor From Dash Core Group
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I want to thank the Top Donors to the Fund
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
agree ❀️
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
no Problem 😊 always welcome! Have a great day πŸ‘
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Congrats!! πŸ‘πŸ‘
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Where did you buy your First Bitcoin
3 years ago: commented on the article "Having A BestFriend"
3 years ago: published the article
Having A BestFriend
3 years ago: commented on the article "The farmer"
3 years ago: commented on the article "I earned $1 by just signing up"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Long Live CryptoCurrency"
3 years ago: published the article
The farmer
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What is Zcash ?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I Am CryptoCurrency
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
STAR WARS: The Old Republic - available for free on Steam
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Trading Crypto Like A Champ
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: published the article
The Dirty Money
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I Need a Sponsor
3 years ago: published the article
Once upon a time..
3 years ago: commented on the article "short story you must read. "
thanks ❀️❀️
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What is a true friend?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: published the article
short story you must read.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Why Should You join Publish0x?"
Done Registered. but i don't know how the house rules πŸ˜‚
3 years ago: published the article
Blessed Sunday
3 years ago: commented on the article "an Open Secret"
highly appreciated thanks πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
3 years ago: published the article
an Open Secret
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to Influence People #5 - Authority
3 years ago: published the article
The Deaf Frog
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to Influence People #4 - Liking
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
ok done ❀️
3 years ago: published the article
The Carpenter
3 years ago: commented on the article "Reflection"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Reflection"
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Just For Laugh"
3 years ago: commented on the article "A Blind Man's Love"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
House to house search for asymptomatic patients (AN OPINION)
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Kwek2x, kikiam at kape Sa Bukid.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Nababaliw na ko!
3 years ago: published the article
A Blind Man's Love
3 years ago: commented on the article "Tatanggapin parin kita "
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: published the article
Just For Laugh
3 years ago: commented on the article "Just be"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Salapi o Pag-ibig"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Think before you speak"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Think before you speak"
3 years ago: published the article
Think before you speak
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Just be
3 years ago: commented on the article "Appreciation"
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Team Work
3 years ago: commented on the article "A Little Boy"
3 years ago: published the article
Untold story of Minions
3 years ago: published the article
A Little Boy
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "I wish my iphone8+"
hahaha. nice
3 years ago: published the article
The Switch
3 years ago: published the article
Tatanggapin parin kita
3 years ago: published the article
Hidden Love
3 years ago: published the article
Huling Sayaw
3 years ago: published the article
Nasa huli Ang Pagsisisi
3 years ago: published the article
Salapi o Pag-ibig
3 years ago: published the article
3 am Challenge
3 years ago: published the article
Fixin' a Broken life
3 years ago: published the article
A sad Story
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Online home-based jobs, paano nga ba makakasigurado na legit?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
first love-part3
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Crush ako ni Crush..
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Legit Online Jobs
3 years ago: commented on the article "Legit Online Jobs"
Thanks for the info 😊
3 years ago: published the article
No Kj Allowed
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Happy Lunch
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Indak ng Kapalaran
3 years ago: published the article
Sweet dream
3 years ago: published the article
Sweet dream
3 years ago: published the article
Haligi ng Tahanan
3 years ago: published the article
Haligi ng Tahanan
3 years ago: published the article
Litson Manok
3 years ago: published the article
Litson Manok
3 years ago: published the article
SKL (ShareKoLang)
3 years ago: published the article
Love has no boundaries
3 years ago: published the article
Love has no boundaries
3 years ago: published the article
Love has no boundaries
3 years ago: commented on the article ""Time""
Keep doing great fellas. Have a great day ahead πŸ€—
3 years ago: published the article
Single ka ba?
3 years ago: published the article
Single ka ba?
3 years ago: published the article
Single ka ba?
3 years ago: published the article
Single ka ba?
3 years ago: published the article
Single ka ba?
3 years ago: published the article
Indak ng Kapalaran
3 years ago: published the article
Indak ng Kapalaran
3 years ago: published the article
Indak ng Kapalaran
3 years ago: published the article
Indak ng Kapalaran
3 years ago: commented on the article "Balik Alaala"
Nice story. Keep doing great πŸ€—
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Balik Alaala
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Itutuloy Pa Ba o Ihihinto Na
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Just Saying :) "
allright. all out Support guys. Spread Positivity and good vibes ! Have a great day!
3 years ago: published the article
Ang munting Lihim ni Flora
3 years ago: published the article
Ang munting Lihim ni Flora
3 years ago: published the article
Ang munting Lihim ni Flora
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Why is my point rate so low?
3 years ago: published the article
Online schooling??
3 years ago: published the article
Online schooling??
3 years ago: published the article
Online schooling??
3 years ago: published the article
Online schooling??
3 years ago: published the article
First Pay out
3 years ago: published the article
First Pay out
3 years ago: published the article
First Pay out
3 years ago: published the article
First Pay out
3 years ago: published the article
First Pay out
3 years ago: published the article
Ikaw ba ay makasalanan?
3 years ago: published the article
Ikaw ba ay makasalanan?
3 years ago: published the article
Ikaw ba ay makasalanan?
3 years ago: published the article
Ikaw ba ay makasalanan?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Featured community rules"
Well, Its a good Idea about Community Guidelines. Keep doing great!
3 years ago: published the article
PoM (peace of mind)
3 years ago: published the article
PoM (peace of mind)
3 years ago: published the article
PoM (peace of mind)
3 years ago: published the article
PoM (peace of mind)
3 years ago: published the article
Itlog o manok?
3 years ago: published the article
Itlog o manok?
3 years ago: published the article
Itlog o manok?
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
ExLap(Extra Lang Pala) SakLap!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Related to my previous article "How to earn more p..."
wow galing galing naman ang husay!! keep it up 😍
3 years ago: published the article
ExLap(Extra Lang Pala) SakLap!
3 years ago: published the article
ExLap(Extra Lang Pala) SakLap!
3 years ago: published the article
SKL (ShareKoLang)
3 years ago: published the article
SKL (ShareKoLang)
3 years ago: published the article
SKL (ShareKoLang)
3 years ago: published the article
SKL (ShareKoLang)
3 years ago: commented on the article "Rossana"
Highly appreciated. my pleasure thank you ❀️
3 years ago: commented on the article "Swallow it BABE don't SPIT it "
my pleasure πŸ€—
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
SLP (sabi lang pala)
3 years ago: commented on the article "Our Bitcoin Cash Affiliate Program"
Thanks for your informations. Hope we earned a lot by hardworking by our precious time.
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Perya !!
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Perya !!
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Swallow it BABE don't SPIT it "
Ohh Nice article, good job πŸ‘ Keep it up, more power, godbless you more πŸ€—
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Maikling Pasasalamat"
Hahahah. so True Support ako dyan Bebs πŸ€— Keep it up
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Salamin"
thanks for the advice πŸ€—
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Baby kulilit.."
Hi Maria! you are always welcome. πŸ€—
3 years ago: published the article
Perya !!
3 years ago: published the article
Perya !!
3 years ago: published the article
Perya !!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Virtual friendship Part 1"
woooowwww!! so much exciting!! 😁😁 Keep it up πŸ€—