@solarlee08 activity

3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I choose read.cash over any other social media
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Represent Your Country
3 years ago: commented on the article "Represent Your Country "
I am Nigerian
3 years ago: commented on the article "Report: Brighton 1 vs 3 Chelsea but Chelsea suck."
Nice write
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Report: Brighton 1 vs 3 Chelsea but Chelsea suck.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Nature "
Nature is cool
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy birthday damsel "
Happy birthday
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Happy birthday damsel
3 years ago: commented on the article "Defi"
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The flash:My most beloved TV series
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The horror that is Gingivitis
3 years ago: commented on the article "Chelsea "
Nice start
3 years ago: commented on the article "Tuesday "
You too be safe
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Small bod drew mermaid with ordinary sands "
This is good
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Small bod drew mermaid with ordinary sands
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Assets and liabilities
3 years ago: commented on the article "Addiction is bad or good"
We need to do everything moderately
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Addiction is bad or good
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Traits of an Aquarius
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Sketch Art
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
THIS IS The thing that SUCCESS Intends TO ME
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Simplicity - How simple you are?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Real Meaning of 'Good' and 'Evil'
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Race (people's different characteristic)
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Comparing Read.Cash to Steemit Isn't Even Fair!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Readcash:BCH; Stay or Leave Now?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Squash Patty
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Basic Kelly Criterion Formula: Optimize Your Bankroll Betting
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Different thought
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
We must take ABC's misinformation campaign seriously
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Law of Assumption
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
717My Introductory Post on read.cash
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I am a fool
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Dollar is not real money
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What is bitcoin in simple words, and what is it for
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Is true love have a happy ending?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
No Need for Validation
3 years ago: commented on the article "No Need for Validation "
That is reason twin dont marry same wife Try to follow back
3 years ago: commented on the article "In your Darkest Day"
Nice post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
In your Darkest Day
3 years ago: commented on the article "Country I would love to visit, "
Spanish is mine option
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Nice but short
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: published the article
Enjoy your journey
3 years ago: commented on the article "️ Global glorious missions prayer alert "
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
️ Global glorious missions prayer alert
3 years ago: commented on the article "Temperament"
Melancholic that is me
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "It's In Your Hands. "
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
It's In Your Hands.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Your work
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "The day for sleeping..."
How service
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The day for sleeping...
3 years ago: commented on the article "SundayMornings"
How was service
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "How do you spend your week-end"
Staying at home
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How do you spend your week-end
3 years ago: commented on the article "Respect your elders"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Respect your elders
3 years ago: commented on the article "Nigerian Pastors Are Not Our Problems"
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Nigerian Pastors Are Not Our Problems
3 years ago: commented on the article "Afang Soup As The Grundnorm"
I never hear of this before sha
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Afang Soup As The Grundnorm
3 years ago: commented on the article "Theory of Success"
Work hard and make money
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Theory of Success
3 years ago: commented on the article "Feelings "
Not true
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article " Sad News"
This is too much
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Sad News
3 years ago: commented on the article "15 Rare pictures of how Bobrisky looks handsome wh..."
This on no normal jor
3 years ago: commented on the article "Its Sunday vibes"
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Its Sunday vibes
3 years ago: commented on the article "Emotional feeling's"
Nice one
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Emotional feeling's
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Motivation quote
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Successful quote
3 years ago: commented on the article "Don't take that advice! "
Asking for advice from the right source
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Don't take that advice!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Is it Safe to leave Your kids with Pets?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Is it Safe to leave Your kids with Pets? "
Good post
3 years ago: commented on the article "Learn to like yourself"
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Learn to like yourself
3 years ago: commented on the article "147 Cases Of COVID-19 And 3 Deaths Have Been Conne..."
God will save us
3 years ago: commented on the article "Metamask"
Nice post that will help in knw more about metamask
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Modern Day Firewood Cooker"
Tha ks God for technology
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Modern Day Firewood Cooker
3 years ago: commented on the article "Be Strong ll"
Always be strong and be courageous
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Be Strong ll
3 years ago: commented on the article "The Star Above you."
This poem is a cool poem
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Star Above you.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Visualisation "
Nice write
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Hibiscus flower"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Hibiscus flower
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Happy Birthday to an Angel.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy Birthday to an Angel."
Happy birthday
3 years ago: commented on the article "Seasons!!"
Even success has session
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Say No To Body Sahming"
It a very bad act
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Say No To Body Sahming
3 years ago: published the article
let learn from children
3 years ago: commented on the article "Weekends"
Good one
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Help the needy and poor "
Nice post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Help the needy and poor
3 years ago: commented on the article "Help the needy and poor "
Nice post
3 years ago: commented on the article "Help the needy and poor "
Nice post
3 years ago: commented on the article "Help the needy and poor "
Nice post
3 years ago: commented on the article "Colour drips "
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Colour drips
3 years ago: commented on the article "Differences Between Content Writing and Copywritin..."
Nice one
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Differences Between Content Writing and Copywriting
3 years ago: commented on the article "Be Better Than Yesterday"
Thanks for post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Be Better Than Yesterday
3 years ago: commented on the article "Who can count number of black dots there?"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Who can count number of black dots there?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Seed"
You have write well
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article " Thanks for everything... You guys are really wo..."
Nice write up
3 years ago: commented on the article "My first earn in read cash was amazing.... I earn..."
You can do better
3 years ago: commented on the article "Help"
Nice one
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Save The Girl Child."
I will try to read
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Save The Girl Child.
3 years ago: commented on the article " be a product of relationship."
Nice post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
be a product of relationship.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Covid-19 - It's After Effects"
We hope so we are all waiting for better Nigeria
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Covid-19 - It's After Effects
3 years ago: commented on the article "Book Review : Goals by Brain Tracy "
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
San Andreas
3 years ago: commented on the article "San Andreas"
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
It happens to be my first time on read cash..
3 years ago: commented on the article "It happens to be my first time on read cash.."
You are welcome
3 years ago: commented on the article "A Letter To Godswill Akpabio"
Good letter
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A Letter To Godswill Akpabio
3 years ago: commented on the article "Don't forget to smile"
Smiling is good
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Don't forget to smile
3 years ago: commented on the article "Motivation"
Nice write
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Fact about babies
3 years ago: commented on the article "Love quote "
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Love quote
3 years ago: commented on the article "Food that reduces stress"
Good one
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Food that reduces stress
3 years ago: commented on the article "Testimonies and Unmatched Love,Mercy and Grace upo..."
Good post
3 years ago: commented on the article "What are you scared of?"
I am fear of not making it in life
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What are you scared of?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Usefulness of plastic bottles "
This is creativity
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Usefulness of plastic bottles
3 years ago: commented on the article "God's will"
Nice write up
3 years ago: commented on the article "God's work (missions) is a sure way of laying trea..."
Good one
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
God's work (missions) is a sure way of laying treasures above.
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Nice words
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Better life"
Nature us beautiful
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Better life
3 years ago: commented on the article "3 power point"
Good one
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 power point
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
I knw this stuff before
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Believe in yourself"
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Believe in yourself
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Photo of the day
3 years ago: commented on the article "Introduction"
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Free"
People do like free things and will lead to dangerous stuff
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "The soul mate "
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The soul mate
3 years ago: commented on the article "I am bigger than my fear!! "
Yeap thanks
3 years ago: commented on the article "iPhone 12 has reportedly entered mass production -..."
I lobe the phone but is too expensive in my country
3 years ago: commented on the article "What Movies have you see lately? "
Mulan is a new movie very interesting
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
120+ Subscribers giveaway!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Random Photography "
You gat a nice click very perfect and beautiful
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Random Photography
3 years ago: commented on the article "Say Alhamdulillah "
Starting a day with prayer is the best
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Say Alhamdulillah
3 years ago: commented on the article "Color Game #8 CLOSED"
Green pink and blue
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Dangerous love
3 years ago: published the article
Cut your coat according to your cloth...
3 years ago: commented on the article "Cooking and Fun at the bank of the River "
I have subscriber to you subscriber back
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Cooking and Fun at the bank of the River
3 years ago: commented on the article "Giveaway"
Pick me
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Wise women keep her home"
Thanks for sharing
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Wise women keep her home
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
New on this...
3 years ago: commented on the article "New on this..."
You are welcome on board hope you stay active and earn by good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Could I be happy by myself?
3 years ago: published the article
I am bigger than my fear!!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Rare Breakfast"
God post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Rare Breakfast
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mindset quotes"
Yes you are right
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Mindset quotes
3 years ago: commented on the article "Falling"
Thanks for posting
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Expectations of life"
Nice post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Expectations of life
3 years ago: commented on the article "Expectations of life"
Nice post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Happy Sunday
3 years ago: commented on the article "protection against evil"
Some people like it
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
protection against evil
3 years ago: commented on the article "Command with piousness"
Nice post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Command with piousness
3 years ago: commented on the article "Love and Trust "
Relationship depend on your definition
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Love and Trust
3 years ago: commented on the article "Look at the Motive"
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Look at the Motive
3 years ago: commented on the article "Vacancy ! Vacancy!! Vacancy!!!"
Lolz so funny
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Vacancy ! Vacancy!! Vacancy!!!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Manchester city star kevin debruyne win PFA player..."
The man deserve it
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Manchester city star kevin debruyne win PFA player of the year
3 years ago: commented on the article "Word for the day"
Thanks for the advice
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Word for the day
3 years ago: commented on the article "What is love?"
Love is complicated
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What is love?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Here are the tips on how to handle the different type of customers.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Here are the tips on how to handle the different t..."
We will surely face diff customers
3 years ago: commented on the article "Success is not a miracle "
Thanks for this
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Success is not a miracle
3 years ago: commented on the article "As autumn comes to stay"
Good poem
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
As autumn comes to stay
3 years ago: commented on the article "Without Confidence in who you are"
We all need confidence
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Without Confidence in who you are
3 years ago: commented on the article "Lovely flower design"
Nice post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Lovely flower design
3 years ago: commented on the article "Sincere and Honest Love."
This is cool
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Sincere and Honest Love.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Bright star"
Thanks for sharing
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bright star
3 years ago: commented on the article "Who needs to hear this!!"
Thanks for sharing
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Who needs to hear this!!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Caption with my gf"
Alright thanks for posting
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Caption with my gf
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Happy Quotes About Summertime
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Time Flies
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Always Remember your Six Feet
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Our Journey
3 years ago: commented on the article "Inspired quote of the day. "
Thanks for sharing
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Inspired quote of the day.
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Be yourself
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Update of IDPs of Fulani Terrorist Attacks on Bokk..."
Nigeria is a scam abeg
3 years ago: published the article
It a process
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The hardship of life
3 years ago: commented on the article "The hardship of life "
All will be well
3 years ago: commented on the article "New on the platform "
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
New on the platform
3 years ago: commented on the article "Forever and ever"
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Forever and ever
3 years ago: commented on the article "Game changer"
Thanks for sharing
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Game changer
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Flowers"
Nature is beautiful
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "True Believer "
Thanks for sharing
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
True Believer
3 years ago: commented on the article "What Is Fortron"
When you are done fooling us abeg let us knw
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What Is Fortron
3 years ago: commented on the article "Nigerian scientists have identified seven lineages..."
When they are done scramming us they should let us knw
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Nigerian scientists have identified seven lineages of SARS-CoV-2
3 years ago: commented on the article "Food that can help decrease pressure and anxiety"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Food that can help decrease pressure and anxiety"
I am happy you do
3 years ago: commented on the article "Food that can help decrease pressure and anxiety"
Yes try to
3 years ago: commented on the article "past present future "
Don't let your past weigh you down
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
past present future
3 years ago: commented on the article "Hide and seek"
Childhood memory is the best
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Hide and seek
3 years ago: commented on the article "A word for all singles"
They are two diff thing luust and love
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A word for all singles
3 years ago: commented on the article "My Wish to You."
Thanks for sharing
3 years ago: commented on the article "September, An Icon"
Good post
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
September, An Icon
3 years ago: commented on the article "There are more twins now than ever before."
Nice write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
There are more twins now than ever before.
3 years ago: commented on the article "*Can Anyone Hear a Trumpet over Nigeria?* "
Good write up
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
*Can Anyone Hear a Trumpet over Nigeria?*
3 years ago: commented on the article "Writing "
Thanks for posting
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Do You Know The Viruse That Kill Marriage. ?"
Thanks for sharing