@RenchyVk activity

2 years ago: published the article
2 years ago: published the article
Piše mi se o...
2 years ago: published the article
Grješno srce
2 years ago: published the article
U srcu mom
2 years ago: published the article
Zavoli, ljubi, miluj moju dušu.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Something about myself and a recipe for delicious..."
Baš radimo Božićne kolače. Uživam u kolačima oduvijek! <3
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala ti puno Katarina. Drago mi je da ti se sviđa.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želje i snovi"
Puno hvala na komplimentu! <3
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želje i snovi"
Da, želja i osjećaji pokreću čovjeka. Hvala!
3 years ago: published the article
Želje i snovi
3 years ago: commented on the article "The return of a natural remedy for colds"
Odličan, nastavi tako i uživaj uz dobru zaradu.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The return of a natural remedy for colds
3 years ago: commented on the article "Pi Network - new Bitcoin or useless token?"
Super, nadam se da će uspjeti na burzi.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Health is the biggest wealth"
Odličan tekst, samo tako nastavi, uživaj uz dobru zaradu.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Something about myself and a recipe for delicious..."
Bravo, odličan tekst i recept. Probam to...
3 years ago: commented on the article "Extreme ironing - silly sport"
Odličan tekst, samo tako nastavi, uživaj uz dobru zaradu.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Life in comics !"
Rijetko tko danas čita stripove... :(
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Life in comics !
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Bosnian pyramids
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Jedete li zdravu hranu u pogrešno vreme?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Jedete li zdravu hranu u pogrešno vreme?"
Odličan tekst, samo tako nastavi, uživaj uz dobru zaradu.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Niagara Falls
3 years ago: commented on the article "Niagara Falls"
Predobar tekst, samo tako nastavi i dalje. Piši, piši, piši i samo piši.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Health is the biggest wealth
3 years ago: commented on the article "Napuštena"
Hvala ti, volim poeziju. Drago mi je da ti se sviđa. :)
3 years ago: commented on the article "Napuštena"
Puuunoooo hvala na komentaru. <3
3 years ago: commented on the article "Napuštena"
Hvala puno, baš mi je drago da vam se sviđa. Bit će toga još...
3 years ago: commented on the article "Napuštena"
Hvala na čitanju i podršci!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Napuštena"
> Hvala na čitanju i podršci!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Napuštena"
Thank you for every good wish!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Napuštena"
Je, istinta je, priča jedne iz noći prije par godina.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Stop negativity,hello positivity
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Ljubav i invalidska kolica"
Znam i to! Kao da smo im tu zbog novog iskustva, svugdje je to isto.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dođi, dođi da i ostaneš tu"
Hvala punoooo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dođi, dođi da i ostaneš tu"
Nisam ja, to je sa neta slika. Hvala ti..
3 years ago: published the article
Dođi, dođi da i ostaneš tu
3 years ago: published the article
Ljubav i invalidska kolica
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Izborna godina
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala puno na lijepom komentaru!
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala puno na komentaru, drago mi je da vam se sviđa!
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala puno na lijepom komentaru, drago mi je da vam se sviđa!
3 years ago: commented on the article "She."
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Are you pro-birth or pro-life thinker?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Hvala! :)
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
What about new option on RC???
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Thank you so much for this all compliment and good comment.
3 years ago: gave $0.01 tip to
"Nedovršena pjesma"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
About living with a person who has Alzheimer...Part 2
3 years ago: commented on the article "The famous museum uses cats as security"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Australia's forest fire"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
"We read to be less lonely."
3 years ago: commented on the article "Tebi kojeg imam samo u snu"
Puno hvala!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Tebi kojeg imam samo u snu"
Da, to moja moja pjesma, pišem pjesme od 14 godine. Hvala!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Baby's hands
3 years ago: commented on the article "Baby's hands"
Text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A wedding in an unusual place
3 years ago: commented on the article "A wedding in an unusual place"
Text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Harmony in the home
3 years ago: commented on the article "Harmony in the home"
Text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo
3 years ago: commented on the article "Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo"
Text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Deca FAP-a
3 years ago: commented on the article "Deca FAP-a"
Text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Australia's forest fire"
Text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Australia's forest fire
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
7 Myths and Facts about abortion
3 years ago: commented on the article "7 Myths and Facts about abortion"
Text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Italian Lasagna"
Text is so good. All the best! I didn't know that it originates from Italy.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Italian Lasagna
3 years ago: commented on the article "emotional people cry while watching movies"
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
emotional people cry while watching movies
3 years ago: commented on the article "The Caped Man "
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The Caped Man
3 years ago: commented on the article "The famous museum uses cats as security"
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The famous museum uses cats as security
3 years ago: commented on the article "The Doll from the Front Page"
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Make your own natural remedy for nail fungus and w..."
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Vikings"
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: commented on the article "prickly pets...."
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
prickly pets....
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Snow White
3 years ago: commented on the article "Snow White"
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Jealousy among friends, why is this happening?"
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Gile the Champ!"
Darling, text is so good. All the best!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Gile the Champ!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Tebi kojeg imam samo u snu"
Hvala ti puno na lijepom komentaru.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Hvala ti,
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Hvala ti, pišem od svoje 14god.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Hvala ti, a zbilja ne znam u ćemu je problem. Zašto nema baš zarade, evo sad sam dodala sliku...
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Thank you, I will! ;)
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Thank you! ;)
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Thank you!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Eee, da, baš tako... na žalost je tako.
3 years ago: gave $0.05 tip to
"Cottus gobio"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Cottus gobio
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Hvala ti puno na komentaru, drago mi je... <3
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Devil's Town
3 years ago: commented on the article "Devil's Town"
> Devil's Town Baš je dobra priča, nisam znala da to mjesto postoji.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Puno hvala na komentaru i drago mi je da vam se sviđa.
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim samo jedan topao pogled"
Puno hvala na komentaru i drago mi je da vam se sviđa.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Nedovršena pjesma"
Hvala ti puno na podršci.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Have I tipped you?
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Odmori se... uživaj malo u vikendu...
3 years ago: commented on the article "Tebi kojeg imam samo u snu"
Hvala, to valjda kako čovjek stari tako pjesme sazrijevaju.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
> :D Hvala puno!
3 years ago: published the article
Tebi kojeg imam samo u snu
3 years ago: published the article
Nedovršena pjesma
3 years ago: commented on the article "The queen of chess was not a woman at first"
Zanimljiva priča, nisam o tome uopće znala. HVALA!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The queen of chess was not a woman at first
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
E' kad muško kaže da je dobro, onda jeste! :D Hvala puno!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Puuuno hvala draga moja, drago mi je da ti se sviđa.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Hvala draga moja, drago mi je da ti se sviđa.
3 years ago: commented on the article "The dark side of the moon"
Nicely written article.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The dark side of the moon
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My friends betrayed me
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Turkish Tulumbe
3 years ago: commented on the article "Golden Cage..."
Nicely written article. Freedom is not for buying.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Golden Cage...
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to save when buying food"
Nicely written article.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to save when buying food
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Morbid decorations
3 years ago: commented on the article "Morbid decorations"
Ne volim HELLOWEEN, time slavimo film a ne nikakav praznik niti običaj iz davnina.
3 years ago: commented on the article "The musical symbol of Italy has a dark origin"
This song is very interesting. To be honest, that spider scared me, but I need to say that it has amazing colors.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The musical symbol of Italy has a dark origin
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Dosed silence, a form of manipulation
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dosed silence, a form of manipulation"
Bravo za tekst, tišina ponekad više boli od šamara,
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dosed silence, a form of manipulation"
Bravo za tekst, tišina ponekad više boli od šamara,
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
"queen fragrance"
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The homemade breakfast tells the story of my day
3 years ago: commented on the article "The homemade breakfast tells the story of my day"
Hvala što si ovaj recept podijelila sa nama, uživam u kolačima! <3
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to sketch: a step-by-step guide for beginners"
Nekad davno i ja sam crtala, nogom... <3 Sad mi je lakše pisati.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to sketch: a step-by-step guide for beginners
3 years ago: commented on the article "Zgode i nezgode u ribolovu"
Zabavna priča i jako lijepa, uživaj u pisanju.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Development of giant panda
3 years ago: commented on the article "Development of giant panda"
Pande su mi najslađe životinje na svijetu, one i delfini su mi najdraži.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Poverty at the time of the pandemic"
Predivan tekst, ugodno pisanje ti želim i dalje!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Teacher"
Predivan tekst, samo tako nastavi... ugodno pisanje ti želim i dalje!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to avoid bad conflicts with your husband?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Hvala ti na lijepom komentaru! <3 Bit će ih još.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Ana, drago mi je da ti se sviđa i hvala puno na lijepom komentaru! <3
3 years ago: commented on the article "Želim"
Pa mi pjesnici jesmo malo munjeni. ;) Drago mi je da ti se sviđa.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
The 20 best beers in the world
3 years ago: commented on the article "The 20 best beers in the world"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Pigwins beg their females"
Great article! Neke ptice nikad ne polete.. ;)
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Pigwins beg their females
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Report on life on the planet
3 years ago: commented on the article "Report on life on the planet"
Great article!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Burek xxl recipe
3 years ago: commented on the article "Burek xxl recipe"
Great article!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Serbian specialty!!!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Serbian specialty!!!"
Great article!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Dani Filth ( Cradle of Filth )
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dani Filth ( Cradle of Filth )"
Great article!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Roses, most beutiful flower"
Great article!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Roses, most beutiful flower
3 years ago: commented on the article "You can beat it..."
Great article!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
You can beat it...
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Chicken"
Great article!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dobos Cake"
My the best cake! Mmmmm...
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala puno na podršci.
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala puno na podršci.
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala puno na podršci.
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala puno na podršci.
3 years ago: commented on the article "San, ljubav i ti!"
Hvala, imam ja već nešto tekstova u zalihi od ranije. Pišem ja već 25 god. :)
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Collagen"
Wow! That's great recipe.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mirisi Međugorja 9.6. - 12.6.2016."
> Thank you!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mirisi Međugorja 9.6. - 12.6.2016."
Hvala punooo!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mirisi Međugorja 9.6. - 12.6.2016."
Hvala punooo!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mirisi Međugorja 9.6. - 12.6.2016."
Thank you!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mirisi Međugorja 9.6. - 12.6.2016."
Thank you!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Zmijolika riba ugor"
3 years ago: commented on the article "About living with a person who has Alzheimer...Par..."
3 years ago: commented on the article "If I Find Love "
Ohh! Love, love, love. Nice writing
3 years ago: commented on the article "After rain Photomania leaves"
Nice all pitchure.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My LIFE as Single Mom
3 years ago: published the article
San, ljubav i ti!
3 years ago: published the article
Želim samo jedan topao pogled
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
Mirisi Međugorja 9.6. - 12.6.2016.