Jealousy among friends, why is this happening?

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3 years ago

Here is an interesting topic, feel free to write your opinion about friendship, that jealousy happens between you in relationships in friendship.

Regardless of age, there are jealous friends, who blame us when we do something without them, who seek attention, time, and exclusive dedication. Why are they doing this? What can we do in these situations? Jealousy among friends exists, that is a fact. Sometimes these are innocent episodes, which are nothing but the result of human and normal emotion.
In other cases, however, they are a germinating seed: constant transgressions and misunderstandings can cause sharp tensions that damage the relationship.

John Dryen, a seventeenth-century poet, used to say that "jealousy is the jaundice of the soul." Of course, not only does it poison the relationship (regardless of its nature), but it harms those who experience it. From a psychological point of view, this is an understandable and fairly widespread mechanism.We were all jealous at least once.We were all jealous at least once.
If we see how our closest friends trust other people with whom they share certain thoughts or experiences, we can feel bad.

This is especially true during childhood, adolescence and early adolescence. As we mature, we cease to experience relationships as “possession” and build healthier relationships in which jealousy, quarrel, and scorn are absent.
However, not everyone has matured. Although we now live an adult life, many of us still have to deal with that jealous friend, that figure capable of resenting certain actions and behaviors.

Jealousy among friends: characteristics, causes and how to act.
Moliere said that "the jealous loves a lot, but the one who is not jealous loves more". And that is true. Jealous people distort the concept of affection, respect, admiration, passion and friendship.
Thus jealousy among friends outlines a series of unique realities, which are not talked about so often.We know that jealousy seriously damages relationships, but it’s important to know that jealousy and envy are not the same thing: jealousy can be described as that annoying feeling that comes from the idea that.on the third hand he loses something precious and envy consists of a painful experience that arises from a desire for something that man does not possess.

In the following paragraphs, we will take a closer look at this unique and complex prism that defines jealousy among friends.
How does jealousy manifest among friends?

Jealousy is not a year or a half old. We can experience it at any time and under circumstances, to the extent that it often manifests itself in long-term friendships and among adults. It usually manifests itself in the following ways:A person can be annoyed if a friend shares time, trust and thoughts with someone else. She feels she has exclusivity towards her friend.He can also be jealous of a friend's partner. The demands of these people are often continuous: services, hours of conversation, speed of replying to messages, questions about what we are doing at any given time, etc.Very often a jealous friend shows up possessively, so there are threats like, "if you end up going with that other friend of yours, I won't talk to you anymore."
If in elementary school we did not hesitate to say "if you do this or that, I will no longer be your friend", as adults this message is still present but in a covert and less innocent way.

Jealousy between friends and needed support. What to do if you have a jealous friend?

Jealousy among friends can become a problem, especially if possessive attitudes, controls, and demands arise. In these cases, it is ideal to consider some tips:
We have to explain to a jealous friend that his behavior is out of place and that we cannot accept it.

Jealousy attacks are not allowed in any relationship. It is not true that this feeling is a sign of deep respect. Jealousy of pain and restraint must be set as soon as possible.

As much as possible, it would be advisable to investigate what lies behind this attitude. Is it low self-esteem? Does our friend have a problem with us?
Don't change your lifestyle because it requires a jealous friend.

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3 years ago


I never had jealous friends around me, and I wasn’t jealous of them myself. We have always been happy for the success of others, and shared that happiness together!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Jealousy is the natural guard of an intelligent animal, and human is an animal. A dog is often jealous, a cat, a horse can also be jealous ... Jealousy among friends is just a bad trait, better to say a weakness.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are a lot of jealous people

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Being jealous is insane. You poison your body with unnecessary things

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Jealousy among friends, Dear friend, you have shared a wonderful article about a friend. The article is wonderful again

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your article is actually so much interesting. There are many similarities between the article and the reality. Keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If there is a thing that I would be jealous of n friends, I guess it's having in relationship 🤣 coz am currently But never been jealous of other things..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Everything that is dosed, in limited quantities, is normal. Anything that is too much turns into a disease. So it is with jealousy. Well done for the article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Jealous is like decease.. It is so wrong to be jealous, but it is stronger for someone.. We can't gain anything with jealous..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I’ve never been jealous, but I know people who are sick of jealousy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your article is actually so much interesting. There are many similarities between the article and the reality. Nice to read the article. Thank you so much for sharing:)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well written article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago