@blingbling activity

3 years ago: published the article
Peace and solidarity (two words spoken by unity)
3 years ago: published the article
My one and only you
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to forget you?"
Not at all πŸ˜‚
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to forget you?"
Im good. As always. Heheh. How about you dear. Hows life?πŸ˜‚ missyou.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Four Corners"
Ediwow hahahha
3 years ago: commented on the article "God listens"
Thankyou 😊
3 years ago: commented on the article "God listens"
Ugma ka na? Balik loob na ako. Hahahhah
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to forget you?"
Ohw well. It depends hahahaahaa
3 years ago: published the article
God listens
3 years ago: commented on the article "Trust "
Hahahahaha. Missyou lagting hahahah
3 years ago: commented on the article "Four Corners"
Kahapon pa baga hahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Four Corners"
Sabeee hahaha missya lagting haahhaha
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to forget you?"
Hi dear. I hope youre fine. No im not hahaha. This is long time ago.
3 years ago: published the article
How to forget you?
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Have I tipped you?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Sissy "
Thankyou dear. Haaays. Still busy here. How are you?
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "$1 Poem Making Contest"
Thankyou dear for mentioning me. I will surely will.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
$1 Poem Making Contest
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
For me. Its interesting.
3 years ago: commented on the article "The comeback"
Hi dear. Imissyousoooooo
3 years ago: commented on the article "The comeback"
Thsnkyou πŸ˜ŠπŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
Im already fine now. How about you?
3 years ago: commented on the article "The comeback"
Back for good hehe πŸ’šπŸ˜Š have a nice day 😊
3 years ago: commented on the article "Muscovado "
Yes dear. Only in the philippines. Ahhahahahaa
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Cute Doggy Photographs"
What a cutie dog 😍😍 What is the breed of that dog dear?
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
Hi dear. Huhuhuhu. I miss you soooo.
3 years ago: published the article
The comeback
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
Lagting. Naano ka nnmn? Sisay asikasuhon ko? Wala na sya. Hahahha
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
Hi deaaaaaar imissyou sooooo.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My Random Photography
3 years ago: commented on the article "Photography"
Nice shots dear 😊😊 Keep up the good work πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Worth Reading
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
Pundo daw jan lagting. Hahahahhaa Bisitaha na si mama mo ba. Wildlife. Wawa man.
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
I know. Hehehe. Just like me. Theyre mot showy.. Hehe
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
Dae na nga naagdagan dae na ako naga asikaso hahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
I already did my friend πŸ’šπŸ˜Š please keep in touch.
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
Thankyou πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "TGIF "
I already did.. Thankyou πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
Yeaaah. I am glad they like it. I am so korny daw. Aahahahaha
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
Yes dear πŸ’šπŸ˜Š We should always be grateful because we have them.
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
Hahahhahahaha. Kairak mo man..
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
Yes. Hehehhe. I already did.
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Goodevening friend .. My day is so tiring too. Hahahaa
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
I am done subscribing you, i hope you subcribe me back so we can get in touch. Thankyou.
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
I will πŸ’š Thankyou..
3 years ago: commented on the article "My biggest blessing"
Thankyou .. I am glad you appreciate it πŸ’šπŸ’š
3 years ago: published the article
My biggest blessing
3 years ago: commented on the article "Twenty four "
My pleasure πŸ’šπŸ’š Goodmorning 😊 keepsafe.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Special Mention
3 years ago: commented on the article "Twenty four "
Amen. ☺☺
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Can you not determine who did that?
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Oh what happen. Bat ganun.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Oh. Kumusta? Hahahahahaha
3 years ago: published the article
Twenty four
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Hi dear. Hehehe. Sana all good ang evening. Hahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "My Friend’s Special day"
Awwwwww. Thankyou my dear friend. Nakaka touch naman😒 so sweet naman.. 😍😘
3 years ago: commented on the article "My Friend’s Special day"
Thankyou πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "My Friend’s Special day"
Thankyou πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My Friend’s Special day
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Extremely grateful "
Mas sweet pa sa sweet hehehehe
3 years ago: commented on the article "Extremely grateful "
Yeaaaah. Hahahaha Sana all. Sweet hahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Extremely grateful "
Not so. Just busy eating. My boyfriend. Sent me a surprise delivery hahahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Can i have a short greetings from you?"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Extremely grateful "
Ay aba. Pilosopo. Hahahahaha Buhangin nlng kaya para may thrill? Hahahahahha
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Extremely grateful
3 years ago: commented on the article "Can i have a short greetings from you?"
Hahahahahaha. Okay na yan kesa hindi nakakapag aral hahahaha.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Can i have a short greetings from you?"
Hahaahahahaha. Try me lagting. Hahahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Can i have a short greetings from you?"
Hahahahaa. Buti na lang ako ojt na lang hinihintay. Hahaha Goodluck! Study hard. Hahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
I will as well πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Done. Thankyou for subscribing me..
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Hi friend. Goodmorning πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Thankyou. Goodmorning πŸ’š have a nice day.
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Goodmorning πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Donee. Thankyou. I hope you keep on touch πŸ’š
3 years ago: published the article
Can i have a short greetings from you?
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dapit-hapon"
Poem heheehe. Bekenemen.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Naman. Kahit wala. Kain pa din. Hahahahaha
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Simple yet Beautiful (5)
3 years ago: commented on the article "Simple yet Beautiful (5)"
Nice shots dear! Where you from by the way.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Dapit-hapon"
I will surely will. Pero isa pang article please. Hahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "My Random Art (part-2)"
Nice art πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy pill"
Wow. Just really wow. Ang ganda po. Sana all talented sa mga ganyan. Hehe.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Happy pill
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
I know right hahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Singing contest starts today"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Singing contest starts today"
Ay bet. Hahaha. @Yayaya13 arat na πŸ˜‚
3 years ago: commented on the article "Singing contest starts today"
Goodluck πŸ˜ŠπŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Yes dear. At food is life hahahahahha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Singing contest starts today"
Jusko. Try natin ba? Hahahahaha Sayang ng 15$ hahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
The important is we are healthy πŸ’šπŸ˜Š Keep it up dear.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Marikit "
Ok dear. Just wait hehehe
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to actually make money blogging (on read.cash or anywhere)
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My view on Maguire Jail situation
3 years ago: commented on the article "A Beautiful Monday"
Office ako ni ate lagting. Take charge there.
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Eatwell dear πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "A Beautiful Monday"
Noted sis! Everyday is a new beginning to explore to grow and to learn!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A Beautiful Monday
3 years ago: commented on the article "Announcing the Photo Essay Event"
Goodluck to us πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Photography on big Pond "
My pleasure πŸ’š Have a blast monday πŸ’š Keepsafe πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Monday "
Hahahahaa. Indeed. Hahahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Goodmorning dear. Hahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
WFH? What does it mean friend ? Hehe
3 years ago: commented on the article "Monday "
Goodluck to us! 😊😊 We can win this. Iknow you. Hehehe
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Stars"
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Sana all . Madami freetime hahaha Yeaah i will do that.. 😊
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Noted πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "My First College Travel"
Yes po .. Just know your limitations guys. Its okay to have fun.
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Yeeeees. Hahahahaa sleepwell πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Hello . I hope your doing well πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Ikaw"
Goodnight and sleepwell 😊😊
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Ohw.i will wait for that.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
3 years ago: commented on the article "Announcing the Photo Essay Event"
I will surely join this time. πŸ’šπŸ’š @Gracee lets goooo
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Announcing the Photo Essay Event
3 years ago: commented on the article "Ikaw"
No problem!😊
3 years ago: commented on the article "Quaran-thing/studies?"
Hahahaahahaha. Enekebe. May ice coffee ka na nga soon stop making kontra ne be.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Ikaw"
Salamat friend. Hehehe Gawa ka din aahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Ikaw"
Salamat friend. Hahaha first tagalog article ko hahahahaa..
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to be a happier person?"
Yieeeeeh. Im glad that your always motivated hehehhe. So determined too. Keep it up.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Today is my little tree photography 4k"
Nice photography dear. Me i love to capture the nature. The sunrise and sunsets. Speccially the moon 😘
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Today is my little tree photography 4k
3 years ago: commented on the article "Photography on big Pond "
Nice photographs again.keep it up.πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Photography on big Pond
3 years ago: commented on the article "Quaran-thing/studies?"
Well me. Just love waking up early to cook, and cook and cook and talk with sissy Hahahahahaha
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to be a happier person?
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
My First College Travel
3 years ago: commented on the article "How to Maximize and Save Your Earnings in Read.cas..."
Same here. I also do that hehe. Life hacks. Hahahah
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
How to Maximize and Save Your Earnings in Read.cash
3 years ago: commented on the article "Source of my inspiration"
A parents love, will always be a parents love. Hehe
3 years ago: commented on the article "Source of my inspiration"
Thankyou πŸ’šπŸ’š Glad you like it. Hehe
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Natural' Photoshoot β˜…_1
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Sana all po. Hahaha congrats..
3 years ago: commented on the article "3d Art For First Time... "
Hope to see more from you πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Source of my inspiration"
Thankyou. πŸ’šπŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Source of my inspiration"
My pleasure.. I hope you like it πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Interesting Fact (part-2)"
I do πŸ’šπŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Another Hand Craft"
You're welcome. My pleasure πŸ’šπŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3d Art For First Time...
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mother"
Yes. Love and respect them for life time πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Haiku Writing Event Results"
Congrats to all tbe participants! Hope i can join next time πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Haiku Writing Event Results
3 years ago: commented on the article "Interesting Fact (part-2)"
Thankyou for sharing ... Glad to accumulate new learnings hehehehhe
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Interesting Fact (part-2)
3 years ago: commented on the article "Source of my inspiration"
I will love to do that πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Mother"
Being a mother is everthing πŸ’šπŸ’š Love. Love. And love!
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "I've Reached 2500 Views"
Awww. Thankyou. Didn't expect that. πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: published the article
Source of my inspiration
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Exactly πŸ’šπŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A Village Market
3 years ago: commented on the article "Insects; They are Beautiful"
Awww. How sweet of you. I will wait for that πŸ˜ŠπŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Hahaaaha. I just i hope i will be lucky this time. Hahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Top 3 Tourist Places | You must travel"
I will wait for that πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Goodmorning to you! Hopebyou enjoy your day πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Got bored Random pictures"
Sana all ettreat hehehe. Have fan! Godbless πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Got bored Random pictures
3 years ago: commented on the article "Top 3 Tourist Places | You must travel"
My pleasure! If you ever go there first. Please dont forget to share us some photos. Hehe.
3 years ago: commented on the article "A father and a son"
I will surely wait for that πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article "Insects; They are Beautiful"
My pleasure πŸ’šπŸ’š I hope to see more awesome shots by you πŸ’š Keep it up..
3 years ago: commented on the article "A father and a son"
My pleasure πŸ’š I would love to read more articles from you.. Keep sharing πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Insects; They are Beautiful
3 years ago: commented on the article "Top 3 Tourist Places | You must travel"
Such a beutiful places to go to.. Thankyiu for sharing. I hope someday. I will be able to travel there πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Top 3 Tourist Places | You must travel
3 years ago: commented on the article "I've Reached 2500 Views"
Congrats dear πŸ’šπŸ’š I'm happy for you πŸ’šπŸ˜Š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
I've Reached 2500 Views
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Ahh seee. Ingat ingat na lang po. Hehe.
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Another Hand Craft
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Hahaha. Ahh see.. May business ka po pala. Taga san ka po?
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Grbe sa 10km. Hahahaha Ano merun po? Hahahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Makaka asa ka. Hahaha Hwag din kalimutan libre nyo sakin ha. Hahaha
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Ah basta. Libre nyo nlng ako soon pag engineer na kayo. Hahaha
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A father and a son
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Palibre na lang ako soon sainyo ni @yayaya13 πŸ˜‚
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
#EG, Day 15, (Check your points)
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Eggs in life
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Sponsor Giveaway
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Hahahahaha. Keep it up! πŸ˜‚πŸ’š Study hard! For the future. Hehehe
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Diary"
Loveyoumore πŸ’šπŸ’š Keep sharing πŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Trust The Process in Read.Cash "
Hahaha. (Kapatid ni joy) hahaha You're welcome 😊 I will surely will.
3 years ago: commented on the article "Happy sunday"
Likewise and Thankyou 😊 Enjoy your day 😊
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Trust The Process in Read.Cash
3 years ago: commented on the article "5000 views. Amazing!!"
Congrats dear πŸ’šπŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
5000 views. Amazing!!
3 years ago: commented on the article "Kasiyahang Hatid ng mga Bituin, Ika-anim na Kabana..."
Aabangan ko ito 😊😊 Sana happy ending πŸ˜ŠπŸ’š
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
Kasiyahang Hatid ng mga Bituin, Ika-anim na Kabanata
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "Meme"
Ano daw. Hahahahahaaha
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
3 years ago: gave thumbs up to the article
A Poem
3 years ago: published the article
Happy sunday
3 years ago: commented on the article "#EG, Day 15, (Check your points)"
21. @yayaya13
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Thankyou. Likewise πŸ’š
3 years ago: commented on the article ""
Keep safe dear πŸ’š
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: published the article
3 years ago: commented on the article "HBD self"
Thankyou 😊😊 Godbless you.
3 years ago: commented on the article "HBD self"
Thankyou dear. Likewise!
3 years ago: commented on the article "HBD self"
Thankyou πŸ’šπŸ˜Š