Suggested Reading 23

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2 years ago

In this series, I assume the role of a reader instead of a writer, discussing articles by other writers... things I recommend.

This time we start with a veteran here. The first is well-writing @Fexonice1 and his article A simple and effective way I save money at home. Here he expresses something being very close to what I think about economy. He writes:

Saving money for me simply means the ability to reduce costs so that you have more money to meet other needs without pressure.“

The keyword here is “reduce costs”, and I would say reduce or eliminate unnecessary costs, avoid wasting. No doubt, a lot of people would benefit greatly from heeding the advice from this article.

Let's continue with another well-known profile, @Jnavedan – and his most recent post, Apparent truths of the crypto world? This author doesn't deliver raw knowledge, he asks questions, sometimes questions to which no exact answers exist; he discusses and speculates. A thinking man who share his thoughts with his readers, and, hopefully, make them think as well.

@LeticiaFelize discusses financial freedom in Financial Freedom: What is It, Really?

@Humanpsychology writes Managing Time means Managing Life. I will return to this author below.

Then an article I intended to include in the previous issue of “Suggested Reading”, but for some reason I forgot to really put it there. It is Improvisational thoughts about the quantum universe... by @turuncu .

@JCnakama is a good writer, with whom I have several interests in common. It is also a nice and kind man; I certainly recommend him for reading. Practically every article he posts is worth the while to read. For instance, read his series on light and colour, of which the last two articles are The color of objects and Light scattering.

Or read @Jcnakama's The benefits of playing an instrument, which in much is complementary to some of my own thoughts in THE WAY BACK: Life after a stroke.

Do Our Dreams The Portal Into Another Reality? speculates @Sydney2 and @hirorito_yomi asks Hedonism: Way Of Life Or Just A Waste Of Life?

“A wise person once told me that being a librarian is not a job. It’s a calling. “

writes @MoonTrader in his article Librarians.

@dansontela warns for the The Dangers of Making Assumptions. This article immediatey caught my attention, since it expresses the same fundamental idea as I present in Brain & Horror Vacui (Fear of the void), although in a different way. On the whole, @dansontela is an interesting and relatively new member.

Times have changed, Priorities have changed, claims @DrPsycho – and the most recent article by this author is Words themselves are nothing. This title looks strange from a writer's perspective; if words are nothing, what are we doing here? Yet that is not exactly what @DrPsycho means. If you read the article, you'll understand, it makes sense.

@Talecharm has established herself firmly here in about 4 months. She is a good writer with clear thinking, as well as a generous supporter of others (tipping & sponsorships). I suggest you read The Insane World Of Perfection Does Not Even Exist. However, most of her articles are well worth reading.

Another popular profile here is @Lucifer01 and I would like to recommend two of his relatively recent articles: People don't have power over us. We give it to them and One message, One call, One person can change your mood in One second.

Don't limit your imagination! says @Oikawa. The same author also explains Why I love Reading!

@Faybomb brings up an important problem in Rediscover Boredom.

In Meteopathic, @Duvinca discusses how people are emotionally affected by weather.

In Is it Possible to Lose Weight While Sleeping, @stayfit explains the connection between sleeping and obesity.

@JustMaryel presents The Land of Bir Tawil, a small no-man's-land between Egypt and Sudan.

@Koyang tells us about The Mysterious Kiyotaki Tunnel in Japan – and @Melissa_1998 gives a brief and very personal introduction into the History of China.

For those of you being interested in history, we have got 2 well-writing, new members, who are so as well: one is @Humanpsychology - the other is @beyourself

For @Humanpsychology, I recommend his/her series on art history, with several articles about famous artists: Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), The Genius: Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519), and Pablo Picasso (1881-1973).

As for @beyourself, there are – for instance - several articles about mythology and some about Egypt. Look at the author's profile.

@cmoneyspinner explains Why I Love the Hyacinth Flower

Let's also visit A little art fair with @Hanzell .

Finally, some fiction. This time I have chosen:

Do Not Close Your Eyes (A murder case) by @FashTioluwa

The Girl From The Library by @Theblackdoll in 3 parts: Part 1!!, Part 2 !!, and The Finale !!

Read the whole series, ”Suggested Reading” and my series “Retrospection”.

Copyright © 2022 Meleonymica/Mictorrani. All Rights Reserved.

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My 5 most recent articles:

Vitamin V, Viagra & Erectile Dysfunction

The Alphabet of Vitamins

Quizzes & Puzzles 7

Quizzes & Puzzles 6

The Borders of Europe

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2 years ago


thank you very much , proud to be here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

una biblioteca virtual, con acceso personalizado, se nota que le dedicas tiempo a la lectura y leer los post de los usuarios activos, día a día tomando lecciones donde esten.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sí, requiere mucha lectura.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for this valuable article, I am honored. You are amazing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for considering my article worthy enough to be included in this list

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is such an honor to be mentioned by an outstanding author like you, Sir, in your content about Suggested Reading 23 Sir. My additional replies may be out of point to the article, but allow me to express my heartfelt and sincerest gratitude to you. I thank you so much for inspiring me and motivating me to write more when I started my writing journey here in 4 months ago, most especially for trusting me with your great sponsorship. Know that it is very much appreciated and your great support really means so much to me. Thank you very much and I am wishing you success in everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you very much for your nice words. I'm very happy if I can inspire and motivate others. Comments like this is what really makes the activity here worthwhile.

I think many here see you as a great inspiration as well.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

So many writers so many users so how can a person with so many writers in just short time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Believe me, I'm reading much more than what comes here.This is just a fraction of it. Most of what I read will not come in any "Suggested Reading".

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can say for sure you have put a lot of work into writing this article, I'm honoured for the mention.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have to read much here to be able to make this selection.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for your mention!!! Good Sunday!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's an absolute honour to be mentioned here. Thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago