Light scattering

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2 years ago
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The light coming from a star, known as white light, is a superposition of light of different colors, which has a specific wavelength and frequency. The dispersion occurs when white light passes through a transparent medium, showing in the course of the colors that constitute them. It is caused by a decrease in the speed of light.

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This process is due to the fact that the material absorbs and rejects the light whose frequency is close to the electrons that are close to it, this light propagates a little slower compared to the light of different frequency. These variations in propagation speed depend on the refractive index of the material and the oxygen that makes the light.

In this sense, refraction is possible when there is transmission. It is the reason why some objects look "cut" when immersed in water. This allusion appears when an image is observed between two media with different refractive indices. When light travels in a vacuum it feels no disturbance, but if it passes through some media it undergoes a change in direction. The fraction index depends on the temperature. Normally, a hotter medium has a higher refractive index.

That is even the reason for the mirage. This occurs when there is a temperature change between a surface and the contact medium. This happens mostly on hot days; when the surface is heated to a higher temperature than the air above. Light is refracted at different angles as it passes through a warmer surface.

The color that scatters the most is blue; depending on the time and the day we can see the sky blue, red and even gray. It is thanks to the present radiation of the sun that the sky shows its most beautiful blue. Sunlight is made up of many individual rays of light that propagate undulating. That is why, when we see these rays at the same time, it seems to us that the light is white.

The light corresponding to each of these colors of the spectrum has its own wavelengths, different from those of other colors. Red light, for example, corresponds to longer wavelengths than the other colors; blue and violet light to shorter wavelengths. We already know that the light produced by the sun is called white light.

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In conclusion, when we observe the rainbow we can see the colors that make up white light. This phenomenon is known as scattering. Its production is generated when the light ray is refracted by some medium, separating its colors. In the case of the rainbow, the colors are dispersed by water droplets, which behave like an optical prism. Generally speaking, we can say that the action of something that is divided into several parts. The separation of the different waves that make up the light.

Did you know about light scattering?

Disclaimer: I would like to let you know that English is not my mother tongue, I may even make some mistakes in the elaboration of sentences in my posts. Feel free to correct me attentively. It will help me in my learning process.

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2 years ago
Topics: Science, Life, Human, Artist, Writer, ...
