Do I Take Advantage of Young Women?

184 1861
Avatar for MarcDeMesel
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

I got this critique (pinned comment) on my recent video "How to get a pretty girl"

"I guess moving to a 3rd world country preying on young girls from slums is one way to do it. How's your success on getting girls that are not from 3rd world and able to take care of themselves financially?" - Simon

Here my rebuttal:

Moving to developing country indeed helps me to find more beautiful and younger girls than in developed world, indeed because many need money / a providing guy much more as their life is much worse than western girls (for example washing clothes by hand for hours per day, living with insects and animals, having no food sometimes, no decent doctors/hospitals in case got sick) and therefore they don't mind that I'm double their age or have polygamous relationship.

But that is not the only advantage of moving to Africa, being the only younger looking white male, that many black women perceive more desirable as richer and kinder than black man, helps a lot also to be able to get higher quality women. The only white male black women in Africa can get are older ones that look 50/60 that often just want a good time and is honest about that, which is already better as many* black men who more often cheat, beat or provide little money. But a white man that looks 30/40 and wants to start family very rare and therefore very valuable.

I found it hard to find beautiful young girls (18 to 20) in Europe as they thought I was too old at 37. I'm also not interested in girls who value 'studying' (even though they learn little of value) and 'career' (even though they likely will make little money and will have to pause their career when getting children later) as I make more then enough money myself, want to make babies and am not going to wait years for her to be ready, and then only do half a job as they look down on being a housewife taking care of their man and children and are distracted by their 'career'.

Of course, being just an average looking white male between thousands of other white men also didn't help in standing out and getting top girls.

But I did have 2 relationships in Europe, albeit themselves poor immigrants as they tend to be more hot than the white girl I could get (1 black Indian women age 34, 1 Asian girl age 21) where we tried to have children for 1 year but unsuccessfully. Turns out first was likely infertile but never told me but likely knew, as she left me the moment things got serious and we would start with hospital IFV, the second likely started taking anti conception pills behind my back as her hips and tities grew a lot during that year.

In summary: I'm not preying on young girls, as I am not exploiting, threatening or abusing them. They are voluntarily choosing for me and staying with me, which proves the deal they get from me is to their satisfaction and benefits us mutually.

Check out other great videos I made on the topic:

*many black men: black men seem to cheat more often but the reason is that many women are also responding very jealous and unaccepting if the man would openly have a second women and of course, many women cheat also.

Africa seems to be transforming from a polygamous into monogamous society copying many of the cultural influences from the West. Feminism on tv is blatant where you see women constantly complain about abusive and cheating husbands but never discuss abusive cheating women. I certainly don't want to jump on that bandwagon.

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Avatar for MarcDeMesel
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


wow nice sir you rich 😊😊😊👍 and i am poor ☹

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I 100% disagree with anyone who says you are preying on young girls - and here's some perspective...I am a 32 year old woman who is completely the opposite to everything you want in a woman. I do not desire having children, I do not have any wish to stop my career in order to be a house wife or a mother. I have been studying while working for pretty much my entire life. I am the opposite to you in the sense that when I met people I wanted to start a relationship with, I told them outright, "If you want children we are not going to work." Do you know how much I was treated as an outcast in some circles because of that? A woman who doesn't want to have kids! MUST be some type of a heathen... Utter nonsense what people have to put up with because of what THEY want.

"But I did have 2 relationships in Europe, albeit themselves poor immigrants as they tend to be more hot than the white girl I could get" You know what? I'm also white - truly not your cup of tea 😂 even though I guess being a South African I could be classified as exotic.

Why is it that people want to turn someone into a bad person because of differing thoughts? Narrow minded nonsense. If YOU desire to have relationships with certain people, you are in a safe, sane and consensual relationship with the women you are with, who gives a damn what others think? My first real boyfriend was when I was 19, he was 38. He was also the youngest person I had ever dated. I met my fiancé when I was 25, he was 46 at the time. We have had the "looks", and it used to bother him because he is a very gentle soul who doesn't like conflict of any type, we had a discussion about it one day I told him to remember one thing, "Those who stare with disgust are jealous - they can't have me and never will." Now, I am not saying that I'm the catch of the century, but I know that I am not unattractive, and I know I've got a wild (and sometimes disgusting sense of humour) and I've had no complaints in the bedroom (or anywhere else).

Marc, you do you, keep living YOUR life, follow YOUR dreams and the ones who want to throw the crap at you? Let them continue with their pitiful existence. You can see in the comments that people are just downright jealous of you. If as a woman who is everything you do not desire, I support your lifestyle choices, it speaks volumes more than others who are woefully jealous.

PS: I also went and read through the comments in your video, I absolutely love your outlook to things, you replied this to someone, "if I wouldn't have any haters, I would be more worried. Thank you for hating on me, and not just a little but on all positions and opinions I take."

I will take that to heart for sure when the time comes for me. Have a great day, love to see your posts and videos.

$ 100.00
3 years ago

yes i agree with you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks JustMyRambles. Also my full respect for your life choice, there are indeed many other things to live for or leave behind then having children. Hope you also find the lid that fits your pot and to hell with the naysayers! Cheers & thx for your support

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks so much, I think my lid fits my pot pretty well - the only thing I'm waiting for is the COVID nonsense to be over with so I can get on an aeroplane to the UK and be with my Fiancé. Right now I'm missing my lid 😉 but I refuse to be tested or vaccinated (the day someone shoves that thing up my nose is the day I go to jail for murder) so it's a waiting game at this stage. I also fear that I may end up having to catch a ride with someone on a yacht from Cape Town to the UK because I see China is up to more nonsense now of a supposed aerosol vaccine, and to hell with me ever getting on a plane again if stuff like that comes into play. The good news is I've done my deckhand course and I've been to sea before so at least I'll be useful on a yacht 😂

I hope it will be okay with you if I use some screen shots of some of the replies to your video on YouTube because I do have quite a lot to say about one person's total inability to behave like the "man" he claims to be. (Tom Bo specifically) It is something that being an open minded woman I've always had a lot to say about - men who claim to be one thing but are totally the opposite. Plus, anyone who claims to be intelligent but cannot even hold a conversation without it turning into a bunch of vulgar typing.

Have an awesome day and keep your chin up - sending positive vibes to you and your beautiful family :)

$ 10.00
3 years ago

@MarcDeMessel I'm very glad you took the time to respond to Simon. Your Live video had caused a lot of talk around the office water-cooler (so too speak). I watched some of the video. I didn't enjoy it. But I don't really enjoy those kinds of videos from any celebrity. Make no mistake. You are a celebrity!

I'm response to your video and am interview I watched of you, I have so many questions. As a woman, and mother to 3 daughters and one son, as a person who started home with each child until they were school age before I worked to help sorry the family, as a person who has accepted the more traditional role of nurturer - I cook, I clean, my husband works - I still have some questions.

Do your girlfriends enter into an official legal contact with you? What recourse do they have if YOU displease them? Physically or emotionally? What happens when they get older or are infertile? Do you have something in place for them for sacrificing their lives to fit into your parameters? Or are their rewards only while that are with you and still pleasing to you? Are they allowed to have other boyfriends? Or is polyamory only reserved for you? I don't want to come to any snap judgements based on the videos I've seen of you. I really want to believe you are a good man. So, are you?

$ 100.00
3 years ago

I don't want my girls to do polyamory too as I don't want them to get a baby from another man. Man and women not equal. When I have different women, they all still don't have to doubt they are the mother of their child, they are 100% sure, however, if I allow them to have other lovers, I may not be the father of my own child.

I also can support both financially and emotionally different girls at the same time. Many women not able to love different men at the same time sufficiently to keep them all happy. Still some women/girls want it and can do it, but I would pass as it's easy for me to find women who are ok to be only with me.

Life isn't fair, we don't have right to the same, you have right to what you can afford, for some that is a lot, for others that is little. Much depends on what you are born into and even more depends on what have you earned?

I do not do marriage as it involves government in my relationship and typical marriage/divorce terms of splitting my earnings 50/50 or promising to stay together forever, I do not agree with. But I do give money to my girls over time so they can build something for themselves independent of me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If all men with different women have the same thought as you. then there will be no trouble in having third parties.. But of course, women have their own perception when it comes to third party issues .. As for some of us. We are territorial and we want our partner to be ours only, not to be shared with others. 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes thats true sir even how many girls I have too I will balance them to the responsibilities I will give, I don't want how many years she will get divorce from me and make some 50/50 agreement. If you love each other don't leave each other quickly it can be fixed in talking and it will be solved the problem.

If I do have money too I will gave them because they know what they need in her self to be independent and stand in there own when I am not around.

Yes life isn't fair but all we can do is to accept it and it will be easy to us. I do watch your videos in youtube when you have a long hair until now a short hair and handsome,I do comments in ykur youtube videos if you notice it. i know many are jealous with you and many have bad comments just ignore them and follow your dreams sir, show what you are they will not being controlled you you are the boss. i am very happy that there is a person just like you who giving an importance to your girls.

You are the best sir I always learn all of your Live videos on how you appreciate your girls, They are happy I know that because you are proud of them. See you next time @MarcDeMesel.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also 100% agree with keeping the government out of marriage and family life.

Only if there are abuses going on should anyone involve themselves in another's family (unless invited). Regardless of who is being abused, whether or is the children, the wife, or the husband, people who are abuses often can't speak up for themselves or just walk away.

Please do not misunderstand. I am not saying they're is any abuse going on in YOUR relationships, @MarcDeMessel.

Just agreeing I, for one, don't want "big brother" in my family, marriage, or relationships.

I have a feeling I'm to much of an anarchist or believer in voluntaryism for that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the thoughtful answers. I appreciate it. Also for the tip.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I wouldn't say that Marc's girlfriends "sacrifice their lives" to fit Marc's idea of a relationship.

Yes, it's right, they have to be okay with how he envisions the relationship -- which is both traditional in its gender roles and modern in the polyamory aspect. His sexual market place value is so high that he can afford to look for a very specific type of woman. And he does not need to compromise on his ideas. He can just filter the potential partners through until he finds women who are okay with his exact idea.

He offers young women the opportunity to focus their lives on becoming mothers. And if they are fine with that, they never again have to worry about money. They can focus on raising their children and being a homemaker.

In today's society that may not sound progressive, but it is in fact a pretty sweet deal -- at least in my opinion.

Compare that to the "new normal" in western societies where women are told to focus on an education and a career. Many women neglect the family aspect altogether and once they hit their mid or end thirties, they realize that they have hardly any time left to become a mother. Then they may have to find a husband after two decades of casually dating men with the highest sexual market place value they could find -- which gave them unrealistic ideas of what they can expect from a husband. This is due to their own sexual market place value having dropped over time and due to the fact that the highest quality of men are happy to sleep with women of lower sexual market place value whom they wouldn't consider marrying or entering a long term relationship with. That last part is a consequence of monogamy -- which is usually serial monogamy with opportunistic affairs.

I find Marc's approach a lot more honest than the "new normal".

$ 20.00
3 years ago

I understand those thoughts.

As a woman who looks back on her life and wonders what could have been of only... it can feel like a sacrifice. Not necessarily just to the man, who is only around a few hours a day, but to the children who are 24/7.

If you look to the west and you see the high rates of pay for live in nannies, you will see how valuable child care can be.

As I said, I personally stayed home with my kids until they were school age. Then, I attempted a formal education, but found it got in the way of family, so I stopped that.

I understand why Marc doesn't want to allow his girlfriends the possiblity to get pregnant with other men's babies.

I understand. I don't necessarily agree, but I understand.

I don't HAVE to agree. It's his life. As long as he isn't exploiting or abusing women, then everything is between the two, or three, or five of them.

$ 25.00
3 years ago

Ah, I see. Now I understand how you meant that sacrifice.

I believe any decision comes with sacrifices. Just like choosing a career is sacrificing all other possibilities which you could do with your time.

But yeah, becoming a mother is a very long term commitment.

I also agree that childcare and homemaking is very valuable. I'm sure Marc also agrees with that.

I think that becoming a mother and a homemaker is very undervalued in today's western society. And it should be regarded much more highly.

$ 15.00
3 years ago

Well I can't disagree with that!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Will you marry them? Sorry I don't know your culture if you can marry more than one. Your not preying for young girls if you can sustain them, there's nothing wrong with that. We have a culture here in the Philippines in Mindanao that you can marry more than one as long as you can sustain their needs. I'm just curious if you will marry them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i dont think you’re prying on them. you didnt force them to be with you, its their own choice. Good thing is you treat them right , you genuinely care for them and that you are kind to them too.

you are not like those bad guys who exploit women for their pleasures. for that, i am truly grateful. i speak as a woman and i think these women should be given respect even when they offer their virtues to men who usually come with money.

as long as these girls know what they are doing and that you’re doing them something good in return, i think its a win-win situation.

as the world is evolving, cheating is being normalized but those countries who have conservative traditions like here in the Philippines, i think its hard to accept esp with the elders.

i for one have experienced being cheated on. i left because i can’t understand why men cheat. but if other woman is ok to share her man to others, i think its ok too.

$ 5.00
3 years ago

In this situation lets see who is the cheater and I hope it will be balance to have a great responsiblitities as they accept and do the obligation of father and wife and that is the true family for me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Criticism will come from many sides. Polygamy is not well seen by many, the great majority of closed minds that follow what they learned from their childhood at home and by society, but they have never stopped to think about what is really good or bad. I have always believed that as long as there is approval from both sides in a relationship everything is valid, as long as there is support (in all senses, not just monetary) everything is valid, the idea is to enjoy and be happy without so many limitations. Now, your money is yours and you decide how to spend it, it was enough that someone else came to tell you how to do it and more to criticize your way of life, what a joke the meddling people.

$ 5.00
3 years ago

I will write my perpective here just for me to express it😊 We have different culture that may adapt of being who we are. Some culture of ours also is not really good but it depends on you on how you deal it. Some people do cheating, well it is their decision. So expect you will be get cheated from that person who is cheating. Don't know if it is also their culture "cheating".😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😍😍😍 Great🏆🏆🏆Thanks for sharing.👍👍👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi Sir. Good day. Just new here in readcash and I saw this article. I totally agree with you when you said that "many women cheat". There is no gender when it comes to cheating and I believed that Simon who commented negative one to you doesn't really know what relationship is. As long as there is a mutual understanding with all the people who would like to be part of your life, I guess there's no problem with it. They can choose either to continue with that type of relationship or to let go. Just please don't those people who commented negative words, they just really don't know how to deal with life.

As long as there's a mutual understading on a relationship/s, just enjoy it and dont mind others sir. 🙂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi sir, am new here and I just saw this your article. I really support what u said, life is, as long there's understanding between them, life continues.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

everything is choice.. young girls choose to be with you and you treat them right. If you dont mind I ask what culture to you have🙈

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well well, as a person from a "Third world", I can see why the girls are easy to get here, just today when i was scrolling through my twitter, I saw a page (regional) taking advantage of vulnerable girls or girls who are in need and posting obscenity of them in that page.. I felt bad, but some of them chose that way because they think there is no other way, and as long as everything done consensually, you should be okay :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Africa seems to be a very lovely and accomodating place to be. Africans loved and welcome strangers a lot and we have sustained a rich and dynamic culture... your experience was enhanced based on the nature of African. One of the grievous mistakes is African neglecting their culture and copying the lifestyle of the Western world.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think it depends on how young women think of the other. Mostly, young women preferred to be with someone with whom they can secure their safety. Often, only found in people who have been with many experiences in life. As what has been mostly stereotyped by many is that most young women are only after of the money given by "daddy-long-legs" or "sugar daddy", not all have the same mindset. It just depends on the level of maturity a person has.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Asia is where it's at. Same problems, better looking women in my opinion, Mark.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are just lucky you are using the "privilege of a white man." As an Asian traveler who used to backpack in some affordable SEA countries, I've met some backpacker hippie guys who will take advantage of the "privilege of a white man" just because he is white, young and can fool around with different Asian girls because of the idea that Asian girls are poor.

I've met a Dutch guy the same age as me when I was in Japan. I had no problem mingling with other travelers in a hostel. But this guy, I thought his intention of being friends with me was genuine. He told me how easily he can get girls in Southeast Asia especially in the Philippines. And he started to talk about s3x thinking I could be sexually attracted to him. I am from the Philippines and he questioned me "How can a poor Filipina afford to travel to Japan?" He even assumed that I may have a "SUGAR DADDY" to pay for my trip. LOL

Even though I can say my rebuttal and defend myself. I decided not to explain myself and I just laughed at him because I knew I can afford to travel even without the help of a sugar daddy. I should not explain to someone who is just fooling around.

I even wrote it on my own travel blog...

How Can a Poor Filipina Afford to Travel Part 1

How Can a Poor Filipina Afford to Travel Part 2


I am not attracted to a guy who has lots of money. A wise and mature person is my preference.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're not preying on girls. The choice is always in their hands. If girls wanted to be with you, for sure there is something good with your personality that they are admiring.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Doesn't sound like predatory practice to me at all. In fact, if I were not married, it might be on my mind as well. The key word here is "consensual." If two people decide they want to do something together, that's just two minds coming together to agree on something of mutual interest. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes it is out choice where we are right now. Sometimes people choose to what they need or wants because they have nothing. There is a saying that "You need to feed your tummy first or else you will die". Well if it's your and that would be your destination

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I saw the video on your YouTube, and there I saw your wife. But your wife seems to be from Africa. But you choose poor girls as partners, and it is very good for me. I like it. May your life be happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What more do i make of this picture? Could this be infactuations or genuine love? Agg!!! I doubt if this is anywhere close to be genuine as if stories are to be believed as they make the rounds, then permit me to say that you deserved a six months (6 months) jail term for child abuse cos those girls are but lads according to european and even our own african laws be it at the conventional stage/laws or at the traditional stage/laws😞. Maybe on a second thought, I think this might be another way of wielding the power of riches on local girls who only understands the power of what money can do when it is being made to glitter in their faces like a mixed shapes and sizes of different black diamonds😔😔 hence their decison to stay with you in what you call mutual consent huh? The world is really being governed by money no wonder the moral decay overtime but I well respect your decison to have at least found everything good in a black person given the fact that you are pure caucasian (white man).😊😊😊 Hope you enjoyed the coolness and very scorchy African weather ehhn? I'd wish that one day you will choose my country Nigeria as your next destination and then I myself as your guide within the shores of Nigeria where i'll show you many places of historic riches as much as our rich cultural endowement before you fly back to Europe your host continent. Do we have a deal @MarcDeMesel?😊😊😊😊😊😊😊. Do let me know when you are ready friend👋👋

$ 0.00
2 years ago

o.O First you practically call the man a pedophile, and his women "mere lads", and then proceed to call him friend? Am i missing something here? To me that just sound wrong dude. Really....

$ 0.00
2 years ago

¿CRITICAS? "solo cuando vienen de personas que aporten en mi vida" En el mundo en el que vivimos hoy en día sigue habiendo gente ignorante y envidiosa, las criticas vienen de ese tipo de personas que nunca podrán darse el lujo de vivir la vida rodeados de mujeres bellas y exóticas, creo que usted aun es un hombre Joven y bien presentable porque se ve bien físicamente, las chicas que pasan el tiempo a su lado no son presas ni esclavas porque nadie les obliga a nada, simplemente ambas partes se benefician y satisfacen sus necesidades, no hay que sacar conclusiones erróneas de donde no las hay cada persona es libre de elegir y decidir que hacer con su dinero y su cuerpo!

Lo que yo creo es que usted es una persona inteligente que sabe donde esta el oro botado y lo sabe aprovechar muy bien, usted les ofrece una mejor calidad de vida y dinero para solventar sus gastos y darse sus gustos creo que cualquier mujer no podría resistirse a tanto, solo hay que saber en que lugar tirar el anzuelo y solitas caerán! de hecho como usted lo dice y en base a su experiencia en paises tercermundistas hay mujeres mucho mas lindas que necesitan apoyo económico y alli es donde entran las personas inteligentes y de buen gusto como usted.

Señor @MarcDeMesel debería también darse unas vueltas por Latinoamérica en muchos paises hay mujeres/niñas lindas, hermosas, exóticas y super atractivas esperando por un hombre solvente como lo es usted, cualquier variedad de mujeres jóvenes de acuerdo a sus gustos y preferencias.

Yo realmente lo admiro espero en algún momento ser como usted y darme los lujos y placeres que me merezco, poder viajar, conocer lugares y mujeres que son una creación divina, pero por ahora solo queda seguir trabajando y esforzarme para lograr esos objetivos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is good. Ever young to you Sir

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi Mr. Marc I absolutely salute your honesty. You speak up your mind and truly speak from the heart. Maybe you really had a good heart that's why many girls choose to be with you. They might be treated well and they found they have the right man to be with. As long as those girls accept these kind of situations, then it is up to them to decide wether to stay or leave. And for you Mr. Marc as long you are happy and treated them right, then it's your choice. But on my opinion we belong to a conservative country, we really hold on to our tradition.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

@Mr. marc, I support every inch of this, was actually trying to "prey" on posts only to see this. Funny how young girls attract old men and vice versa, maybe they really do think u need a fresh blood. Sincerely this made me realize i suffer from the same dose and they prove to be the antidotes in the end. OR what do you think?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I honestly agree with you, especially when you just wanted some sincere and honest relationship. Also, I know every each of us have the right to have a high standard when finding a partner.Your conclusion is also agreeable, because mostly on the televisions lately, the most common abuse that they show are against women, why not they open their point of view on the side of men as well. Social media sucks sometimes because of being manipulated that's why they end up being biased or one sided.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi I am a new bie here my friend told of read cash how he had learned alot on it I really love read cash and he told about how you were arrested by the Kenyan government sorry for that cause I also live Africa I Know the investigate one source of wealth cause they have not legalized . How is baby Micheal he is really handsome my regards to him welcome to Africa hope the weather is not too harsh on you . Every thing listed in the article is true about black men. Thanks for the support sir. Merry Christmas in advance.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How can you say everything listed about black men are true , probably about Kenya black men though.. I don't agree with your point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello Marc .... welcome to Kenya again and again I might show you places to fetch black melanin babes ...... Naivasha tings , Mtwapa too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, some women are delusional when they meet a man they like but become blinded by the wealth he possess, love can be what attracts them to the man at first but when they notice the kind of wealth he possess, things may take another turn and the tend to become more possessive and demanding

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello marc I am not sure you have ever been in Tanzania the country with most beautiful black ladies out there and more interesting we have hooking sites of which you can find them availabe anytime

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You should visit the Philippines Mr. Marc we have a lot of beautiful girls here and most of the population speaks English, we are hospitable and accommodating. We also have beautiful beaches here. Hope you'll visit here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a good thing that there was no coercion happening, sir. Transparency is always the best. Nice content

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My father had a new partner after they separate with my mother. And her partner was super young. She's 2 years older than me, and I am only 20. While my father is 39 years old. In my point of view, it's okay to have a young partner as long as they love each other. If they were happy, so am I. Again there's nothing wrong about that. Same with having standards and pursuing young and beautiful girls.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello friend Mark. Rarely do you see someone speaking so honestly about these issues. The question you were asked was with malicious intent. I think women are judged a lot for choosing men with good social standing or some kind of power, or social advantage. But we must understand that women and men obey very basic instincts and very specific biological configurations. Primitive women certainly chose the strongest men and the best hunters. These were important characteristics for their survival and they are still important today. I liked your answer and it inspired me to make a publication, I will be preparing it. The only bad thing is that I could not find your videos on youtube talking about it, I guess they are private.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello I just see you here, I only hear your name all throughout the platform and never know that you also have you account. Anyway, what you have written is an honest or real talk telling about relationships with other group of people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hola amigo como esta me gusta su Articulo pero sera que usted tambien me podria ayudar ami es que soy nuevo y me gustaria tener al de ingreso claro solo si usted puede muchas gracias por todo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohhh sir i know your so a gorgeous man. But dont take advantage of woman

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It was a very happy and hopeful article.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We need to give young women a chance to grow and develop, not to be exploited. Respecting their rights is part of the development of society.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

tities hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have the same hobbies, sir, I also like young girls, maybe you are right, looking for a poor girl is easier than looking for a career woman, maybe you can choose as you like, I want to be like you and want to keep hearing your stories and articles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are not preying on them, if someone comes to you of their own free will there is nothing wrong with that you must be doing something right thats all!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

@Macronald's reaction post to this article directed me here,

Rebutting your critiques can be good but not necessary. But I believe you gave it a thought before making this post.

The punch line for me in this post is your final thought

I'm not preying on young girls, as I am not exploiting, threatening or abusing them. They are voluntarily choosing for me and staying with me, which proves the deal they get from me is to their satisfaction and benefits us mutually.

And just like Macronald stated in his reaction post

Are your ladies happy to be with you? If yes, then it's not preying. Basing on the fact that they are underprivileged or something is a quite myopic sense of reasoning. If the two parties are cool with it, then, hey, it's alright.

$ 10.00
3 years ago

Good day sir @MarcDeMessel.☺️ As for me, I can't really imagined someone could handle a lot of girls tho. Not as judgmental as you think. Its just my opinion. But seeing you, who can sustain and provide them as what you said, both financially and emotionally, it might be not a problem.

For some girls then, eventually, they we're not be able to like or love other men without being financially stable tho. I am not saying their after of wealth but I know some them really are. But glady for you sir, you're lucky of having your girls right now because you can still do what you like and want for your own. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I saw this vedio on your YouTube channel sir.. Last2x weeek admin noisecash share yoir post on site.. And i open and try to watched... I really injoy to watched. Because i got some good point. Or lesson from this vlog😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

@MarcDeMesel when I started here in this platform as well as in noise cash I always heard and saw your name , your famous so I did a research of you coz as newbie I wanted to know whose behind this platform and you are one who help bch be successful. I watched you in youtube and read your articles in order for me as newbie in this community can understand what is the nature of cryptos and you helped me a lot of that. I owe you sir thank you so much for the knowledge you’ve shared. This video of yours about getting a pretty girl I’ve seen this also in your youtube channel, all i can say is that Lucky those girls that you meet and they’re beside you because they’re being loved and cared of the man like you sir. You have actually a lovely family sir.

By the way I have wrote an article of you sir as one of your fan hope you will visit it one time, Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have watched minutes of the video before I get to read this article since I think I needed to see where it was coming from.

As for me, who came from a developing country which is the Philippines, we have seen how other women looked up to white guys they see on the streets. And I think they have imagined themselves walking beside that man, living with them, and being financially stable too. In some "3rd world countries" as Simon described, white men are attractive because of the thought that they can give a better life and financial support.

On the other hand, I think "preying" would not be the right term to describe how you commit yourself or be with girls, as long as your intention, like what you have said, is not to abuse them or threathen them. In the first place, it was their choice to be with you and enjoy the benefits of their decision. I see no problem with that at all, even if the girls are still young for you or not. As long as it was their decision to make and you did not forced them to. 🙂

Best of luck, and hoping you get the life you wanted, have kids, and find the relationship that fits you, your personality, & your lifestyle as well. 💯

$ 0.00
3 years ago

@MarcDeMessel The video and what mr Simon say get my attention and l learned a lot from your rich experience mr Marc. I want you to ask you a question if you have time sir

Are girls interested in you simply because you are a beautiful and rich dude ? I ask that to know if l have a chance to meet a pretty girl one day because l am not an investor , i am simple worker who earn 150 dollar per month. What advice you can give me to improve myself ?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very interesting. We always think of the American dream or the Euro style freedom not that there's rejection amongst y'all too. Good move, I personally think that when you spend most of not all your time on self improvement, everything will balance out. I believe it's a mind philosophy thing and lastly I believe in the balanced duality, I'd like to have one face even if that means going to live in the café on the edge of the universe.

Thanks a lot

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We are all familiar with the saying, “The mother is the light of the home.” I do believe this comes from Proverbs Chapter 6: “…Forsake not the law of thy mother…for the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light.” As the light of the home, our mothers constantly guide us, especially in dark times. She offers that wisdom to help us make the right choices in our lives.

I wish to emphasize at this point the importance of accepting all forms of motherhood. There isn’t a perfect way to be a mother. Mothers are in unique situations: some don’t have husbands, others live with female partners, some are in conventional family structures, others are raising their children with the help of the “village”, some are stay-at-home moms, others go to work, etc. Mothers also have unique skill sets and challenges. Their children, too, are very different. All of these situations are valid. The important thing is that a mother loves her children deeply. A mother’s role is to love her children with all her heart.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think it is not about preying on young girls. Moreover, looking for someone with whom you can share your love is more important than sharing your wealth. Wealth is just a bonus in life. If someone finds someone whom that someone really loves, wealth just comes secondary. For some, marriage is not needed to prove their love. You can have a family even without marriage and have a life like what married couples have. Well, in fact, it is undeniable that some of the married couples tend to divorce too. So there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. All in all, my point, sir, is that as long as you are not trampling on other people and you are not breaking any laws, there is no reason for you to restrain yourself from doing what makes you happy. Have a great day, sir!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's not new that there would be someone who will do such criticism to other people. Because in this world, "JEALOUSY" is everywhere. I totally disagree with him 'Simon'. I saw your video with her and I can say that you are not preying for young girls. I saw how you showed your kindness to her. I can even see how you valued her. Every man have different ways of showing love to his woman. I can say that you are unique Sir @MarcDeMesel. I have a cousin who fall in love with thrice her age. Many people criticized her and his man because of their ages. Many would say that my cousin is a golddigger, but what's true is that she found true love and respect from that guy which she didn't have from her previous relationship. It's not all about money and material things, it's all about love, care and commitment to each other. Now, they have two sons. And we saw how happy my cousin is. The respect and peace in living with each other is more important to make you happy. I also like one of your replies in this article Sir @MarcDeMesel, that you will give your girl money to make them build their own and be independent. It only means that you want to support your girl to be stronger in facing own challenge. Same with my partner, he also lend me money before to build my own interest and be independent. Now, I can stand my own without asking something from my partner. I know also that he's behind my back ready to catch in case I fall. I see you a good partner to the girl you love, because you are supporting her to be independently strong. Not because you just want to bribe on giving money, no, you just support her to be firm. Don't mind them Sir, those people dragging you down. Many people believed how good person you are. You have helped a lot of people. We see how kind you are and it can be seen in your eyes. Continue to be a good lover to your girl.

Ps. You are also an amazing father. Like my father, the only different is that my father is poor and your rich. But you both amazing showing your love to your love ones, and that matters most. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A lot of girls nowadays would do whatever to get the tips, not minding how it's coming to them as long as they are getting it. The men that "prey" on them might think of themselves as a rather successful predator, acquiring easy target but these men too might be seen as "preys" in the eyes of these girls as well.

It is that if you have the money to spend, and you are spending, they will flock to you because who doesn't want to get their hands on a few "free" cash? The opportunity presents itself - we jump on it. So if these men get what they want from the girls they prey upon and the girls get what they want from the men they prey upon then pray tell, who is the hunter here and who is being hunted.

They are just exploiting themselves and getting something out of it so it is, in essence, a symbiotic relationship. So to say. Lol. This isn't new anymore.

Why do such behaviors only seem to affect the character of the woman though, according to most people's point of view?

As much as I am still not capable to fully support myself all on my own, I still try to live an independent lifestyle and accepting help makes me feel indebted in some sort of way. But as adults we are to make some certain decisions that will affect our future and without asking of anyone's opinion.

I just do not like the idea of "use and dump". The idea of treating someone like a toy. But relationship depends on mutual agreement, as long as no one is being forced into anything. If I'm ok with it and you're ok with it then fuck the world, right?


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I really don't understand the upheaval and commotion, or the nerve of people that think they have the right to judge the way consenting adults wish to arrange their relational lives. In the video, I see a happy man, and a happy woman being happy together in their personal lives, proud of the lives they're living.

As in Period. End of discussion.

It's the 21st century, if they're happy with the way their relationship(s) work then more power to them! The huge number of people in "traditional" relationships that are miserable in one way or another is overwhelming, so there are a growing number of people that find each other in relationships that are defined by their own wants and needs and are happy.

Isn't that really what we are all looking for in the end?

If you have a problem with how @MarcDeMesel lives his life, or with the relationships, he has, that's fine, you do you!!!

But don't go trying to tarnish the man's reputation for living his life the way he wants to. Don't hold a grudge because he has the ability and means to make his life and relationships work that you probably do not.

I don't believe for a second anyone he is in a relationship with is worse off than before they got into that relationship!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's obvious thing that changing location changes your possibilities. Just being born in USA instead of eastern Europe means you are getting paid like at least double to begin with. It' same with girls- in a country where they are even treated better, where they are protected better- they have much higher standards. It's great that current world gives opportunity to travel and have a choice of location. It's just smart to take the opportunity. IF women in third world are suffering, why shouldn't they all move to a better place? I think it's a win-win for man and woman.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If you would listen to western women everything is just "love" and "the feeling".

There is small difference being rich in Europe or being rich in Africa. I mean just being white means you are probably rich in Africa, even you would just make average money.

The difference is I think the way the girls are in Europe vs poorer countries. Of course it's nice to have all the goodies, but it makes people lazy, entitled. I wish everywhere in the world people had safety, water, electricity, internet, enough money. As long as it's not reality it's kind of bad choice to take a rich girl from france that has no respect for anything cause she has it all.

And unfortunately even in my family I have a good examples why simple girls that take care of kids and house are making much better families and raise kids much better.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't think it can be called preying on young girls. Though I don't believe in living relationship because my religion doesn't support this. but on basis of your explanation it definatly can'tbe called preying. the girls are expecting you, choosing you, staying with you by their own one is forcing them . so why people will call it preying. rather I have to say, those 2 relationships you had, those 2 girls were preying on you. by the way I am again saying that I don't believe in living relationships I believe in marriage. but the preying word that attracted me to comment here that you are not preying on those girls.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

@MarcDeMesel thanks for the generous upvote!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As long as no form of coercion or manipulation is taking place, Simon's accusation is hogwash.

I understand why the women in Africa would want to go for you, as they will be pursuing financial freedom and better treatment (in some cases, mostly based on the culture they are from and behavioural patterns of male partners in that area).

That said, marriage might not be a good option since divorce can lead to you-know-what. Many of these women can be desperate and money hungry at times.

I wish you good luck in your escapades, so to say 😂.

$ 10.00
3 years ago

One of the best thing about a man is faithfulness and honesty.

I like that you are honest to every women you get into a relationship with and that they are aware they're not the only one in your Life.

Way before it is hard for me to understand women who chooses that type of relationship but as we grow older in this world we tend to realize a lot of things. It is indeed better to have someone honest than those who pretends that you are the only one while cheating at your back. I know many of those and was once cheated.

Moreover, you supporting them and giving their needs I can say is also one way for them to help their families and theirselves.

Whatever we say or do in this Society we get to have people to say something so why not live to what makes us happy.

$ 5.00
3 years ago

Hello friend Marc, human beings have an invisible enemy that lives with us, and is called Envy, unfortunately this leads us to talk about so many irrelevant things to the point of getting into the lives of others and criticize what they do, we are in a world where the double standard is the daily bread: "I criticize you for what you do, simply because I can not do it, because if I could I would do that or more".

Now, returning to the main topic, I live in a third world country, where getting a good woman costs, and all for the fact of not having enough resources to support her or help her, however everyone always, whether today, tomorrow or the day after we will run into that ideal person, who is with us for different reasons, if you have the possibilities to get a good girl wherever you are, to give her the basics, security, love, a house and cover her needs, then I do not see what the problem is, in love there is no age, clearly, this is a matter of taste, if the girl likes you and you like her, why waste time? If her reality is sad and miserable, but you give her a better one, where her quality of life will improve, where she will have hope and most importantly a great future, then why waste time?

I commented this in Noise a few days ago, there are people who do not know how to live and do not want to let others live, making unhealthy comments, giving opinions as if it were their lives, before we get involved with others, first let's evaluate our lives, and when we are perfect, then yes, let's give our opinion about others, I assure you with my eyes closed, that the man who makes this criticism, if he were in your position, he would set up a soccer team of soccer players, So my dear, to foolish words, deaf ears, continue your life, make that family you want, have up to 10 children, educate them, give them love, do not limit yourself by third parties, life is too short to waste it listening to people who have nothing better to do in their lives, than to criticize others. Good luck and success in your plans.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pure lust exposed?

I thought a lot about the controversial video and Simon's scathing comment on the background of it. I even had in mind to write an article about it, but you got ahead of me. So I feel inhibited from political correctness.

My ear is not trained to follow the speech in the video, but my English reading skill at least allows me to understand the discussion of the comment thread in it.

I will not take sides for or against praising or condemning your conduct. Who am I to be a judge or a party in this matter? However, you have made it public. I wonder, what motivated you to make this post?

I read the two main messages of the videos that you refer to in your rebuttal. Yes, I understand the problem of depopulation due to the desire to satisfy the personal achievement of many women at the expense of not having babies and the economic repercussions that it implies. Likewise, your position on the division of labor in the home and the inherent responsibilities for both women and men.

In this sense, I have no objection to your arguments, of course, although I have a reservation about any kind of polygamy and the role that this situation produces on the children. It is not a minor problem.

I take it you don't believe in God. Perhaps you are agnostic, and in the most extreme case, you are an atheist. Please don't stop reading here. Let me develop an idea with biblical support; if you know it, fine, but if you don't try to get the point.

Abraham was an immensely wealthy man who left the most important city of his time (Ur of the Chaldeans, the New York of his world) to live in an inhospitable land in many ways. His greatest desire was to be a father, and so his legacy would continue. His wife Sara was sterile, and she could not bear children.

In those days, it was lawful for a slave to give birth to his masters, becoming a concubine. Hagar (The Egyptian - African) had Abraham's first child, but some years later, the miracle took place, and Sarah, aged 90, had Isaac.

It didn't take long for Abraham to feel the weight of the rivalry between his wife and his slave concubine. Imagine the constant complaints and reproaches he had to endure until he made the tough decision to dismiss the Egyptian Hagar and her beloved son Ishmael from the camp. Hence, the connoisseurs explain the rivalry between siblings that the inhabitants of the Middle East suffer for millennia.

The case of Abraham's grandson, Jacob, and whom God later re-named as Israel, also has valuable teachings about the life of a man with several women and the consequences he had to face for it. You might want to scrutinize it.

And if you are still interested. Hundreds of years later, the story of the lives of the kings David and Solomon give a masterful lesson on the rude relationship between father and children of different women.

You will say, "Heck, I care not. I only want to enjoy life the best I can and have children. Not getting married and having a free union guaranteed with money is enough for me. I do not need a stranger to give me lessons in morals and ethics."

Well, you are right. Each one chooses to live as one wants, but although you assume the consequences of your actions, you cannot foresee the effects beyond your current passions, and projects.

If one of your priorities is your children, then be careful and measure your steps well.

Going back to the harsh criticism that Simon gave you. The epithet of the third world is very annoying for those who live in the countries exploited in the past and subtly today by the most industrialized nations. It is very pejorative, and in that sense, improper, but deep down it is still right about the disadvantage of being poor. Although being poor is bad anywhere.

On the other hand, it never ceases to amaze me the diverse opinions that women have lavished on you, respectful but sneaky when it comes to defending the dignity of women. I may not be convinced by their arguments, but they are also partly not without reason.

In the end, you are one more soul, who exercises free will for good or evil.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, you are right. Each one chooses to live as one wants, but although you assume the consequences of your actions, you cannot foresee the effects beyond your current passions, and projects.

Such a lengthy piece but cannot find the argument against my lifestyle thou you seem critical. Wish you were more clear in the warning you want to give.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Such a lengthy piece but cannot find the argument against my lifestyle thou you seem critical. Wish you were more clear in the warning you want to give.

Hahaha, my friend. I have nothing against how you choose to live, and therefore, you do not find arguments against it because there are none. Also, I reiterate, I am no one to judge you about it, and neither is Simon. On the contrary, I learn a lot from you and your circumstances, from those who flatter or oppose you despite being younger than me, who already I have grandchildren.

You are honest, and brave in showing yourself as you are. Apparently, you do not know the depth of the biblical message, if I was wrong? Excuse me for using this resource. Until recently I was unaware of it myself, I thought that having money and recognition was very important, I was wrong. Without inner peace, life hits you, although it is not pleasant to have an empty stomach, it is gratifying to be free from the ties of the world.

Warning? Children are a blessing to parents when they grow up surrounded by love. There is my focus. Having more than one woman will bring you problems in the long run, since they start the relationship submissive and end up ruling on behalf of the children; future conflicts between mothers and half-siblings, where you will be the cause and consequence of your misery. Sure, I can be wrong and you don't have to listen to me.

And yes, you are right, I should write less and communicate more, but this is a long-time behavior. Although, I suspect that it is gigantic in the world of immediacy and little introspection at the hands of Google.

$ 10.00
3 years ago

thx, appreciate you clarified your position Jnavedan :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Reading this article makes me understand a lot,before all i thought is taking some vedios is just for fun for those girls,yeah your right,in a poor countries they can exchange their innocence just for the sake of money to help them feed their family,some are trying their best to get someone can give their personal needs mostly for foods,they are lucky when they find someone that can help them,your so generous that almost all young ladies are dreamin of.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As an African man, as much as I won't begrudge you for this, I do believe it's still a way of capitalizing on the poverty prevalent in the continent and even from your explanation, exploiting their vulnerabilities to your own advantage.

In your own words, you believed "many need money/providing guy" and you perfectly fit this and you cannot see how you are exploiting their condition to your own advantage?

"But that is not the only advantage of moving to Africa, being the only younger looking white male, that many black women perceive more desirable as richer and kinder than black man, helps a lot also to be able to get much higher quality women. The only white male black women in Africa can get are older ones that look 50/60 that often just want a good time and is honest about that, which is already better as most black men who often cheat, beat and provide little money. "

The above quoted from your write up isn't a defence line at all! Where did you get the statistics to justify your claim that MOST black men often CHEAT, BEAT and Provide little MONEY? I see this rebuttal as an attempt to justify your actions while at the same time doing more damage throwing words around, talking, condescendingly looking down on Africans

$ 5.00
3 years ago

I'm sorry, I should have said many black men, not most black men. Many white men also cheat so don't feel targeted, but I do think black community has - on average - lower morals than say white community. Indeed cheating for example, happens more it seems, by male but equally by females. Beating wives still more prevalent, but also wives beating children much more common than in Europe still.

That being said, I'm in Africa for good reason, overall my life is much better there. I do not look down on Africans, they have other qualities the whites don't have, more joyous, dance much better. I also like very much how welcome they make me feel and how entrepreneurial and inventive they are, much more so than Europeans.

$ 0.50
3 years ago

Thanks so very much for this testimony as we are generally more accommodating to strangers in Africa than even families

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I watched your video but not that long since I personally is not comfortable. I understand that your reasons are also valid. Girls from 3rd world countries would want a better life that they could not have if they would stick to their own homes and wait for what tomorrow brings. Sometimes they need to step up and take risks.
I hope that you'll soon find a girl who will be willing to bear your child and will respect and accept you with who you are.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think that the criticism you received in that YouTube comment either comes down to jealousy or to not accepting reality.

If the commenter "Simon" is actually a man, he might think that you're "cheating the system": He himself probably finds it very hard to date western women -- as they are extremely entitled, have unrealistic expectations and offer little in return. Especially for a man like you who wants to start a family, doesn't need a second income, but needs a feminine, preferably young woman to have children and to take care of them. You need and you want a woman who is a good homemaker and a good mother to your children. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact, I believe that the world would be a much better place if more men and women realized that. We would have fewer single parents and neglected children.

It is extremely hard to find women in the western world who match that description for the reasons that you mentioned in your article.

"If you're looking for gold, you will have to dig through a lot of dirt." is a quote I heard from "Engineers in Cars" (great life and dating advice YouTube channel by the way). And of course, it makes sense to dig where there is more gold in the dirt. That's the smart thing you do and what this "Simon" may regard as "cheating the game".

Don't mind the haters. (I actually don't think the comment got to you. You seem to have really thick skin. I believe you just wanted to point out the ridiculousness of the comment -- and you definitely achieved that with flying colors while still being respectful to the commenter.) The more success you have, the more a certain class of person will hate you for it. Unfortunately.

As you didn't go there, I will: These haters are usually losers. I wouldn't be surprised if the commenter lives in his mom's basement and doesn't have a lot of dating experience at all...

Many people love you, Marc. Or at least they like you. And many people admire you for what you do. You have helped so many people with, and with your life and investment advice. You definitely have made a dent in the universe.

I'm sure you know that. I just wanted to remind you of that as one negative comment usually pulls someone down more than 100 positive comments lift someone up.

$ 100.00
3 years ago

Great comment, loved reading it & thanks so much MGS

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. 🙏

$ 10.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh yes, you can't be accused of preying on them, when its a voluntary act. They came at their own free will. Have fun.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

if Marc gives his girls some ( 20-100 ) BCH and teaches them to keep it safe they will be fine ...even if they get old

$ 0.00
User's avatar VSK
3 years ago

I have personally sipped from @MarcDeMessel 's cup and I have never seen a man of noble deeds as him. People just try to cherry pick stuff so they can profile him in their own ways which is wrong. He practices his own Liberty and i have never seen it harm anyone. He even explains why to those in doubt, a very rare act. Keep doing your thing Sir.

I wrote this a while back and you inspired it. Please read it and be reminded how impactful your acts to other people are. Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have nothing to write about someone's life and their decisions. This comment is not defending Marc but it is defending me when watching the videos of Marc on Youtube and Odysee.

I agree with Marc on one point, he won't know if the children are his in case his wife is in polygamic relation, and this is what he wants right now. I don't know if this is allowed by law or not, haven't researched the subject and probably I won't.

I have a different perspective of life from Marc and each one of us has different problems to face and a different upbringing. Moreover, different conditions and difficulties that may not allow someone to get married.

The fact that Marc has often pointed out the declining population in Europe is something concerning every thinking person in the EU. Trump once called Europe an aging continent and he was right. Demographics are declining while wealth is supposed to be increasing. This is a weakness and politics have long decided that the solution is massive immigration. I'm not opposed to immigration, but seriously, everything requires standards, you can't just accept a million immigrants in a country with 10 million in population. In my country, the population is projected to be reduced down to 8 million from 11 million in 2010, in the next 15 years. (Out of the 8 million, 1 million will be immigrants). This is a result of many policies enforced and changed thousands of years of culture, tradition, and European demographics in total.

And someone may say that I am diverting attention right now, well, I'm not. This is one of the topics Marc discusses often and why I am watching when he streams and posts new videos. Some of my opinions matched Marc's while others may not. It is how we all are, we are not identical. Now, since Marc is a celebrity in this field, he is open and honest with everything. I didn't expect him to be open about his personal life and while choices are his own, I have very little to say about that.

I don't agree with the word preying but I have really nothing to add to that. Everyone makes their own decisions and from my experience, I have seen many celebrities ostracized just for one image, one screenshot. It is the whole picture that clears all doubts and hanging on to one video or one sentence doesn't give the whole concept of what happened.

The mistake we make is judging someone by one screenshot, one moment that may be a moment of weakness and erasing the rest. Celebrities often make distasteful acts especially when drunk. I have done silly things and I felt I could have avoided them and do better and I'm not a celeb.

I also agree with the part Marc said that it is difficult to make a relationship in Europe that will lead to having kids. Divorces are also a big problem you have to think about before marriage. Anyway, this has gone out of topic now. Marc has in mind to have children and provide for them and the mothers. I don't care about that honestly. This is his life decision and I don't get involved. I would get involved if there was coercion, threats, and exploitation. I've seen nothing as such and if someone has, then it should be reported.

This is very different from the image of Calvin Ayre we've seen a few years ago. That one was looking bad and a lot of PR was required to fix this image. However, again that was just an image. I remember so many cases of a society rushing to judge an act with incomplete facts and evidence. From my part I've always been critical and before condemning someone, I try to find reasons and the truth behind a situation.

Now, I know that many will not like what I've written, and I don't know a lot about Marc De Mesel either to judge him. However, I've seen countless situations where media tried to assassinate characters and remove them from the public. Thus, I'm always skeptical and don't rush to condemn someone.

$ 11.00
3 years ago

I had already commented on the article but I see that it is necessary to restate my point of view on the subject: 'living in Africa and knowing how most societies around here work I can categorically say that no man hunts women on African soil, in some cases women do it, that's right, our sisters even knowing that the man they want is committed they don't care, as long there is a contract between the two parties she agrees to be with it. Look Africa is large and most are young women and many of them do not have a partner and when they have one he is married or committed, pure reality, but even so they are looking for men and he must have to be able to support their lifestyle'. For example, I'm married but I have a girlfriend for over 3 years, she knows that I'm married and I can only see her on certain days of the month but I still have a solid relationship with her for years, as long i do what we agreed in the beginning of our 'contract'. I understand what Marc says, this type of relationship he has can be very well be confused with an exploitation or even 'rich man hunting unprotected girls' but it's not like that, he can maintain their standard of living and of course I am pretty sure that he will always support them, after all they are his girlfriends and mother of his children!

P.s: 'if your lifestyle makes you feel good Marc I don't think you owe anyone any explanations after all you're an adult and the women who agreed to stay with you know the rules😎' have a great day!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have always wondered what you meant by Love Exotic Girls in your Twitter bio. I guess now I know 😀 Haters gonna hate Mark. You have to always do what’s best for you as long as you’re doing the right thing and not harming anyone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Marc, I'm sure you would succeed in Europe as well. Yes, your success rate might lower. But it also depends from where, when, who.. You have very narrow preferences regarding age and figure) As we spoke with you, and probably we agree on this, that main thing - is the self-confidence and the desire to spend time, effort and energy on meeting girls. I know plenty of stories of complete loosers, who were not even not successful in life, but even girls were buying them drinks, etc. But they were successful with girls, at least to some extent. Also, even not taking to account race and money, some girls just prefer older men. Many years ago I was surprised with this fact, and even suffered a bit when girl I liked, chose another man, who was actually not rich, just a photographer. Maybe in a year when I started to work in online marketing and definitely made more money then him. But I was not experienced, a looser who wrote poetry, and behaved wrongly. Time confirmed me in this understanding that some girls prefer older man. And not as we grow older, that's not a bad fact)

In conclusion, I hope you will find more nice girlfriends soon) keep us informed!

$ 5.00
3 years ago

I as a student who gives value in studying the reason to show my deepest gratitude to my family and relatives and also the reason to show that I can stand in my own feet.

You sir Marc, is one of the reason why I am able to help my family, you and the team behind and noise cash who helped me earn bitcoin cash to finally bought my own printer. I cannot say how much you helped me and many more. Your generosity towards others is very admirable.

Here is my article below how helped me in my daily life and without you, I won't be able to achieve this. I was just passing by to say my sincere appreciation. Thank you so much sir Marc DeMesel💓

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Teen girls nowadays (and teen boys as well) are not going to settle down and have a child. Indeed, a general 17 year old girl or so, is usually more attractive than lets say a 37 year old women. Dont forget, that as a men, you are fertile pretty much till the end of your life, but at least up to your 60s. Women start to lose fertility around the age 35 so that's the age where they want to settle down quickly. This does not means you must try to get a women who is just turning 35, just a phenomenon you must be aware of.

Some cultures are more accepting that if you lets say, as 40 year old, picking up some 20 year old girls, but some isnt. Maybe you should try japan, or some other asian country, as Asian women tend to have an affection for white people, and you can compensate your age with money (not like a 35-45 year old men would be old or anything... you are basically in your prime age, men reach the peak around the age you are in).

A friend of me always says, get a woman who is already rich, those are more normal than the usual one. And indeed, those who was already able to make some business success, are more usable than those whose maximal performance is to sniff up some heroin in the disco which they use to have sex every weekend.

$ 5.00
3 years ago

Feeling free to talk openly about your relationships, successes and failures is pretty rare. Kudos to you Marc, you don't come across as concerned about what others think and are confident in your decisions. We are about the same age and I still struggle with that in some parts of my life. Not sure how you got there. Would love to hear you speak about that.

$ 30.00
3 years ago

I have an article about sir Marcs interview where he talked lil about his life. At age 30 also struggled. He had to distance himself from people who dont support him. One thing which makes of who he is now is I believe choosing the right people in your circle.

$ 2.00
3 years ago

Here is the link to the article I have mentioned. I also believe sir @MarcDemesel have some videos related to his life or other interviews concerning how he made it to the top. I often find inspiration to those type of stories as well. In case you are interested to read it feel free :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have just gone through the comments and I must say I really love your comment.

I'm 36 years old and have been trying not to care what other people think about me and my life choices for more than a decade. I have had some success, but ultimately I feel the same as you do.

I would love to hear Marc speak about that topic. 👍

$ 6.00
3 years ago

Thanks! This is my first comment on Read! So it's great to be acknowledged! Also good opportunity for me to try out the tip function :-)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is only one conclusion to this, The Law of Compatibility. I have watched the previous videos you shared on this post and your views about "Responsibilities of housewife" was remarkable. You mentioned that "when you choose your partner you need to be compatible. "

I don't think searching for the right woman to marry is preying on girls. In some countries like PH if a girl was acquainted with some white guy people tend to be judgmental. There is always a negative connotation when they see those couple on the street. Their mind is set to the wrong views.

I have known one reason why western man wants to be with Asian woman or wants to marry lets say a Filipina, they hate divorce in their country and PH don't have that. They want to live a long life having a partner with a responsible housewife and almost all Pinays are good at being a responsible housewife.

In life no matter how hard you try to please people there are still those who will disagree with you. Never mind them you are just doing your own part in spreading love, motivation and inspiration.

$ 5.00
3 years ago

You are not just a rich man, Sir. But you have a good heart and I guess, girls feeling it when they see you. I though you are just 30 😅 you look young. You look handsome too, many girls you got by your looks, they are attracted in you. Aside from that, we can see through your social media that you are a good father and husband. Anyways, thank you for your long lasting support here in readcash it really helps me a lot especially in this pandemic. Correction, not just me, you help a lot of people. You really have a good heart. :)

$ 10.00
3 years ago

I don't think it should be called preying on young girls but instead it should be called "Utilization of your own resources to have a better leverage in a relationship."

And i don't think that's bad thing because as long as it for good purposes like wanting to have a child or children or a partner/partners, as long as you are on the same page with the other person, then there shouldn't be any problem.

$ 10.00
3 years ago

Wherever we go and whatever we do Sir Marc, there were always and always a criticism that we can get from those narrow minded people. I really don't know of what's the problem of this kind of people whose worked is to criticized and criticized where in fact there not helping at all, there just spreading negativities to the world to the people they've critic. What if the one that they've critic can't handle the situation, what will happen. Well, definitely they will just going to ruined lives if ever. To that Simon, Hey dude, were living our lives we should not care others lives instead care for you life either. If sir Marc had many girls, then let him be. It's his happiness and those girls also loved him. I don't see any wrong with that because we have our own choice. We have the choice on how we handle our lives for us to be happy and contented because dude, we only live once so we must make life to the fullest.
They said we had our own thought on things, Yes we really had but for us to be peaceful and no hatred at all then we should respects our own thoughts and opinions on things and that's what matters most. All I can to you sir Marc, live life to the fullest where you will be happy. Because I always believed that happiness is what we looked for in this world. Never mind those critics that had no other things to do but to spread negativities. Hopefully they will see the beauty of happiness and stop criticizing. Salute to you sir Marc!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


I was 17 when I got involved with my high school English teacher. I went to a coed boarding school in Arizona, a tiny community perched in the middle of the desert. With no town or city around us, we were our own little world. In that small sequestered domain, my teacher — while not president of the United States — was very powerful. He was also handsome, athletic and creative, and he took a strong interest in my writing. I remember clearly the moment it started. After he sent flirtatious signals, I wrote a poem that was, obliquely and rather delicately, about him. He was monitoring study hall one night, and I crossed the room, handed it to him and went back to my seat. The look he gave me after reading it set in motion the next two years of my life.

He was married with two children. I liked his wife and occasionally babysat his children. In my 17-year-old mind, rife with hopes and fantasies, I was able to separate my feelings for his wife from my belief that he would one day leave her for me. He was alone often in their house when she would take the children and fly back east. On those evenings, our intimacy was never actually consummated — he resolutely stopped short of intercourse, just as Clinton apparently did — but there was enough intimacy to fuel my dreams and make me hinge my life on him.

One night he took me for a ride on his motorcycle out into the desert, far from the school’s cluster of lights. He stopped and asked me to climb off for a second because he needed to fix something on the bike. I did, and he took off, leaving me there to walk back in the dark with cold desert air brushing past me and the stars blinking down on my tears. I didn’t know what I’d done to displease him.

It lasted until I was 19 and in college. By then, we were both in the Midwest at different colleges, and he was supposed to fly in and see me. He never showed up. One of the moments in “The Clinton Affair” that struck me so deeply was when Lewinsky described looking out the window and thinking that she might not want to live. That night, when I knew he wasn’t going to come or call, I stood at a window looking out at the night, feeling that I had no reason to go on living.

Those who think Lewinsky should “move on” and let the past go need to understand something about powerful men who dance with young girls: The story doesn’t have an end. It evolves and shifts, but it remains. That man left his mark in the softest creases of your soul — the places where as a young girl you dreamed, and believed, and trusted. The scars he left in those tender places will always be there.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As a woman, I prefer to have a man who is loyal to me. But since this isn't about me and you're not my man, go for whatever makes you happy. As long as they are not 17 below, and you're not abusing them in any way, then there's nothing wrong with it.

Besides, I think it's better, to be honest than pretending to be someone you are not. I'm referring to the men I know who act faithful but cheated their partners many times.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm loyal in that I don't do anything behind back of my girls, they all know who I'm dating and have a say in it even. Loyalty is not about polygamy but about honesty and indeed there is often dishonesty in monogamous relationships.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The truth is very hard to take in but I won't lie you've spoken well. I'm a black man from Nigeria to be precise and I must say every single girl will quickly jump on the opportunity to get married to a man even 30 years older than them, so far the assurance is given to them, getting married to a younger man doesn't guarantee a peaceful home or prevent domestic violence. Most men believe by beating their wife it helps in stamping their authority as the head of the home and you know the sad part , even her parents and family will encourage her to endure and push on that marriage isn't a bed of Rose's. So far the white man state his intentions from the beginning and the girl agrees i don't see it as any form of preying or hunting.

$ 5.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Specifically this is based on women from third world country, hence my use of colour, and what do you mean by we must support Marc? I don't think even marc will agree to us supporting whatsoever he says, if you feel what he says over any issue or topic isn't right, so far you can prove him wrong with well backed up facts he is ready to accept your view

$ 10.05
3 years ago

I must say that you have a food eye for sweet girls... Your baby is very beautiful and sexy and I too love them slim, black and sweet...

Well talking concerning the matter which you have raised, I believe that love or relationship should not be based on age as long as both parties are above 18 years and can make decisions by themselves.

You made a valid point when you said that getting beautiful girls from developing countries is easier than getting them from developed countries. As I got the confirmation from the video when you asked your baby how she was feeling about the luxurious lifestyle she is living, she responded by saying that it's a dream come through. Her response summarizes all that you have said. Every girl needs a loving and caring man without minding the age difference. Lest I forget, Maldives 🇲🇻 is one of my dream tourists centre that I will visit once I get enough money. From what I see, I believe their girls will be sweet and sexy... @MarcDeMesel enjoy your sweet baby.🥰

$ 5.00
3 years ago

Intelligence to children is transmitted through the maternal line. Therefore, it is necessary to choose not only beautiful and young women, but also smart ones.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In my perspective, as woman not pretty and came from poor family, I may say if I love you because of how you cared, provide and love me in return I will chose to stay. There's no problem with polygamy because if the girls don't want such kind of relationship they are free to go and you not forcing them to stay. In that case sir, you don't have any fault about getting pretty girls at all.

I'm agree to this comment

I love your article ❤️😇 Your article very informative Keep it up 👍 dear God bless you 😇

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahahahahahha... when i got the notification i .. am surprised 😍😍😍😍😍 . Love it 😳😳😳😳😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Firstly, African ladies like that colour white of yours (Rich or no Rich) you got them already. Secondly once you are a white guy they believe you're rich. Lastly, that name of yours MarcDeMesel , trust me Bro if am a lady I will you're mine to hold. I will hold you like BCH.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

MarcDeMesel, I like your honesty. Few men are honest with women. By European standards, you are a very young man; you are only 37 years old! Where are my 37 years.. in the distant past? Do you think your polygamy is your nature or is it a gained quality because you have money and can afford to be free in your relationships with women? Do you have the concept of the only woman for whom you would like to live, to appreciate her kindness, to make her happy, because she makes you happy and not to cheat with other women, even if it was necessary at one time?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The question I ask is, why exactly is it so important to get such younger girls? My partner is actually older than me, but as beautiful as ever... She also has the "experience" compared to that of an 18 year old. Experience not only in life and maturity but with many things 😉

If indeed it is your passion to go for younger girls, then just flash that cash 🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

well as a young women/ girl I must say , you are not preying young girls , instead they fall a prey as a victim because of many of the attributes you have in your body as well as your personality . Talking about Europe and Africa , you are the similar person in Europe like all other white men , that shows some difficulty for women , while when you are here in Africa, you are like the antique piece in all the black men . The other opinion says, all other girls , either young or old , come to you with their consent , either the sake of money , love , care, attention or just only attraction , the thing is , they want to stay. If you are forcing them , that means you are preying them ..if you arnt, vice versa.

If I would be at the place of Girls, I surely chose you haha, because of the so many attributes..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am quite bored of reading fake respectable people who hide behind a keyboard and always judge. I call them keyboard lions but then in real life they belong to the worst species.

I don't have any kind of prejudice as long as all things happen naturally and without coercion or violence.

I wish you to live your life to the fullest and I wish a peaceful life to women who want to be freely with you

$ 10.00
3 years ago

Good day Mr. Marc, you are blessed that you are very kind person also in your family, I watch your live youtube video how to get a pretty girl and this When you don't want to talk about it, invest some more. You always put your wife and daughter in the video and you are proud of it too see them, hehe you have a cute little girl and a happy family. By the way of you have time and can read my article sir marc thank you very much.

$ 5.00
3 years ago

Look marc no matter what you do people are always going to try bring you down more than likely its bord jealous people who think its funny to bully someone who doing something with there life so rise about it and care on .if they see they can get at you they will just keep doing it

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

It will only be talk if people keep talking about it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't believe it's just because "it's about Marc", I think it's because he has a no-nonsense approach and speaks his mind. He is confident in who he is and he is also sick of the conventional nonsense attitudes and judgements. Hell, if he wants to have beautiful women who are very young surround him, he loves them, they love her, who is ANYONE to judge? If people don't like what he does...then don't follow him. He is not breaking the law, he is not doing anything that they do not want. He clearly treats women well who he is in a relationship with, people need to let each other be happy and stop with the utter crap of the dark ages beliefs of things.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I absolutely agree with you. 👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

They definitely do, however, he is a smart man and if anyone thinks that just because they write positive stuff or try and stroke his ego they will get a handout they are mistaken. Yes, he is wealthy, but he doesn't give a toss about those who are ass-creepers. He's a genuine man who speaks his mind and isn't afraid to do it.

$ 20.00
3 years ago

Amen. 🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How can it be a preying? You are doing everything with the consent of opposite person! You are showing love, care and respect! You are not even doing discrimination because of the body color(black/white). Most people do it! And most importantly you aren't forcing anyone to be with you! You aren't abusing them. Whoever says that it is preying, they don't know the value of having relationship. And no matter what, people cannot judge you because it's your life. You don't need to give any explanation also! You show who you are, you even don't hide like others.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Never expected you'll also give explanation like seriously i know girls will try to catch coz you're good looking and handsome also they want a happy living and a person who fulfil there wishes so you've everything and you can easily find your young age partner your age is not older you've beauty and everything so mark my words soon she'll find you and she will fulfil your needs

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There's nothing wrong with that having relationship with young girls as long you treated them well. I hope i have a guy like you.. Lol hahahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No you are not preying on young girls. Because every women both in Europe and Africa want a man with Financial security and care

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think there is often simple malice and jealousy behind criticism. If people had the opportunity to live their lives the way they really want to, they would think differently. And if a relationship is based on mutual agreement then no one has the right to criticize it. As for women’s careers, I think it’s possible to be successful and be a good mother at the same time, but only a few and with the right background can do it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

less replies please andrian!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sorry for overreacting and disturbing your life. I don't understand why I'm being so reactive. You said I should reduce the replies I made. I ask permission to delete that reply. I really don't want to bother you, sir. I hope you can forgive me. Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, I guess other people might not understand your stand that is why they misunderstand it and critique you. Actually, there isn't anything wrong with it as long as you can support them and their your future babies. In the first place, it is also their choice anyways. You didn't force them. So, just don't mind the critiques as long as you know what is true and what's not. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am a silent readers every post you made, but now I want to comment based on what I observed here in our country. Every white man always have a wife 3times younger than them. Mostly the most successful marriage her are those women dont have any work than serving there children and husband. As a women I can do the same maybe if everything is fully provided with my partner. Full of happiness if I can find a husband like this..🤭🤭how I wish😂🥰🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Many of my co-Filipinas are preying on white old men 😅 because they thought they can provide them financially. As for me, I rather choose a man older than me, not because of money, but because they are more responsible, and knew a lot of things than I am... But it's your life anyway, you can do whatever you want to sir.. Just be careful in choosing one and beware of those who might stab your back... Btw, your kids are beautiful.. Indeed the mixture of white and black is awesome..

$ 5.00
3 years ago

We, humans, have one very odd behaviour that we get into an offensive mood when we see things that are out of our reach.

Blame, criticise, desire, want, preying, .... Stands on the logical mind. If something goes compliance with one position praises him, if it goes against the position, start to criticise. So, I feel these are their's problem, let than hold their grip tightly to their logical mind. We can't stop their mouth talking.

We are free to live our world, we must enjoy it. But we might not force to anyone's will. No always stands No, we must be aware of it and in the meantime, we must also protect and defend it(No).

$ 5.00
3 years ago

Most if not every woman wants assurance and security. Also, affluence brings people closer to you. Come to Nigeria and drive around the streets in your Lambo, especially along areas where students/young people live. The interest and green light you will get from the ladies will be overwhelming even if you 40 - 50. You have created a great future for yourself and anyone lucky enough to be around you. Believe me, a lot of ladies would want a piece of that future.

$ 20.00
3 years ago

Rich and luxurious guys always have this aura that magnifies attraction to the ladies in general. However, you should not feel accountable to the critics people are throwing at you. You don't need an explanation of you being rich.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, if he believes himself that he didn't do anything wrong then he should stay unbothered.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I, myself cannot call it preying. Age isn't supposed to be an issue in loving, so as to race and gender. As long as the feelings and intentions are genuine, it's all all good and right.

Just don't mind the critics. Critics are everywhere, whether you do good are bad, people always have something to say. So don't let your language of love (giving and receiving) be affected by such speculations.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Other then these reasons, you are hot and attractive. I would do the same if I was a girl. Lol. Who wouldn't like a rich handsome guy?

$ 10.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I was kidding bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well in reality here in our place when you say white man they think of money and few of the women here choose to get married with a white man to have a better life but not all as I witnessed love stories of Filipina and foreigners being together because of love.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
3 years ago

Choice...that is important. The thing is, a lot of people would always have something to say even if we walk on water, they would say it is because we cannot swim. Everything is down to choice and as long as it is mutually beneficial as you have said, you are not doing anything excessively or hurting them. They are with you by choice. They had their motive to come to you.

Here in Nigeria, they are not worried or bothered even if you are married, especially when you see school ladies that could barely get through school. They want that security, that assurance and if you are that bright light of hope, they would hang on to you.

$ 5.00
3 years ago

Good luck for those adults, many poor family compromise the future of their girls, every girl has a dream but poor girls are not a dream catcher. I agree with some comments on this post that some will accept you and some will criticize and this will depend on their point of views

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope you find soon the one that you are looking for. The one who can give you a baby and at the same time can be your wife, housewife, partner, lover, and friend rolled into one.

And about that critique I'm sure he is only envious and jealous of what you are enjoying and people are always like that, you do good, you do bad they always have an opinion.

Good day sir.

$ 5.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

sorry I'm not fond of twitter find it too crowded for me... will check the twitter

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It does not matter what other people say as long the two-person agree on themselves because if they get hurt it will them who treated their wound. Not the others who can only speak but do nothing in return.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Diffirent people will always see you in different ways. Some will admire you, some will criticize you. And critics.... Will always be critics

$ 0.01
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yup. That s true. People will argue. But the common problem in an argument is, one person will always insist that his argument is correct and the other one is wrong. Because each will start with what they believe. Later one will continue because of pride.

My point is, Marc, can explain his side of the story many times over. But if the person(s) listening doesn't believe in what he believes, they will simply argue and continue to criticize him.

And if Marc meets with other people who believe in what he believes, then there is no argument but rather a simple discussion.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't think you need to provide explanation to anyone! If the womens you are with are happy and you constantly make an effort to make them happy than no one can deny facts. You are not looking for fun, you want to make a family. Haters gonna hate!

$ 5.00
3 years ago

I will not comment that much, but for real, Girls purpose is to do housewives thingy, and don't get distracted on careers they want to because if I'm you (Rich at least) I can supply infinite foods for them, they do not need to worry anymore because I'm rich enough to buy food for a lifetime.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In my perspective, as woman not pretty and came from poor family, I may say if I love you because of how you cared, provide and love me in return I will chose to stay. There's no problem with polygamy because if the girls don't want such kind of relationship they are free to go and you not forcing them to stay. In that case sir, you don't have any fault about getting pretty girls at all.

$ 20.00
3 years ago

You are one of the most influential people in Bitcoin cash and I took the time to create a native Bitcoin cash game where you were our main character, I did it just to show that anyone can contribute something positive to our bitcoin cash community.

If one day you want to observe what I have created it would be very important to me ... Greetings mr @MarcDeMesel


$ 0.00
3 years ago

@MarcDeMesel Sir I watch your video and I can understand from the Africa view in regards to your post because I am African. Black African girl naturally love white males in respective of their age.because they know white males are more caring and romantic than their fellow black Africa men. Although they also love white male because they are financially stable also. When ever you visit my country Nigeria even though the Country is not safe yet for foreigner I promise I'm going to introduced young and very beautiful Nigeria girl to take care and spend quality time with you. Sir have you been to Africa before?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Frankly speaking, if Filipino young girls would fell in love with you, various people were call them “Isang pinay na naman ang nakaahon sa hirap” or “One lucky Filipina women got out on poverty”. That's one of the toxic mindset they have. Haha, just sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As a women perspective, what we want for a man is someone we can depend on. Someone we can feel the love and of course security.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi sir. I've watched your video "How to get a pretty girl". As a women, if the boy loves me and spoiled me with love and care. I will accept him whole-heartedly. Even how women you have, as long that you loved them . There's nothing wrong about it. And yeah... I created an article about my learnings coming from you. I hope you read this one.. Rooting for you sir Marc...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Liked your way of being straight to the point 👍 It's undeniable that women in slums are looking for a guy that can help them financially and you mentioned it with no hesitation or the feel of dragging down with the fact. Kudos!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow! I never thought we'd be having an answer right here! I sincerely hope this will close the call for criticism though we can never be in control of people's comments. Let's all just move on then to earning more money, ya'll! I don't ever wanna anger someone who is giving me huge motivation to write on this platform! Great job, Marc! And oh, 37 is stillllll very young! haha. C'mon, life begins at 40. that's even something I heard on the streets. haha. So what's the matter with 30 plus 7 only?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I read tour article sir I saw my self to you. I love girls who loved me and my kids and focus on our family. I do have girlfriends but after they get what they need they left me behind. All I want is to have a girl who loved me and our children even she is poor, simple and what color of skin she is the important has a family way of looking to us.

You are very lucky now sir having your beautiful wife and your daughter so cute. You have a happy family and a good career too. I want to follow your legacy and I know it's many obstacles but someday I will make it come true. I will pledge my earnings to the platform-like noise. cash or if that happens. God bless you always sir.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Preying is for predator.Love is for everyone.Girls are delicate things made by nature.They Although need money but love and respect are the main things for winning their hearts.I think you understand what I say.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I must say that this article really is the proof that LOVE doesn't cares of whatever the who you are and what you are as long as you love the person everything will goes along the way. Love this article of yours sir. Salute to you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's an awful feeling being accused as preying young girls. In a third world country such as my country, white men or foreigners is like a scapegoat from poverty. So many women wanted to have a relationship with them, that's the truth. I don't know you personally Sir but reading your side of the story tells me that all you want is to have a family.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As a woman perspective, I cannot call it prying not just to side you because I know the girls chose to be with you and you spoil them with love. There's nothing wrong with that having relationship with young girls as long you treated them well. 37 is still young unlike those oldies sugar dad's out there 😁, never mind those critics they just cannot level up with your status and it hurts their ego.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

At least the girls are frank that they wanted to have a guy that is financially stable and Marc knows it, he can provide it so there's nothing wrong with that.. a woman that dreams to have a better life will find a man who is stable, .. it's practical and in the long run love will be genuine if we are treated nicely, and age doesn't matter, besides Marc is attractive man 🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I thought you already have your own family. Anyways, I have seen lots of relationship where the age gap ranges from 20-40 years and it doesn't matter. I have understood what you are trying to say here especially those young girls living the way most of us are living such as the washing of clothes using hands for hours, having no personal doctor, etc.)

Filipinos have that mentality that if you want to be rich, marry a man who's from other country, mostly white men. Sometimes, those who marry white man are being judged saying they only want the money from the man which I found is very rude.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Since they chose you voluntarily, I agree with you, there's nothing wrong with that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Interesting 🤔 I live in Africa, Mozambique, and I can say that women around here are beautiful and wonderful and what do you say about choosing partners, our sisters do that, they are not pressured but they accept the situation and live with it, many live in difficulty and prefer to team up with people who can provide...very good to know you are in Africa Marc😎

$ 0.00
3 years ago

استاد توسی کمال کر دیتا اے جدوں وی لکھت ہو کمال لکھدے ہو۔۔صابن لا کے

$ 0.00
3 years ago