Suggested Reading 26

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2 years ago

In this series, I assume the role of a reader instead of a writer, discussing articles by other writers... things I recommend.

This “Suggested Reading” comes late; it's roughly one and a half month since the last issue. I have been busy with my offline life; the last weeks I have neither published nor read as much here as I used to do before. That, however, doesn't mean that I would not be active here at all, just that my publishing frequency has been lower. I explained this in a recent post: A Personal Message: My Presence Here, & Writing.

The whole cryptoverse is affected by falling prices of Bitcoin as well as of Altcoins. This is reflected in many writings.

@Jnavedan has increasingly taken the role as the Devil's Advocate, becoming our own critical crypto philosopher. He is doing that in several thought-worthy articles, of which the most recent is Ramblings: Between stress and catharsis in dangerous times. Other good posts by @Jnavedan are, for instance: What is the main enemy of Bitcoin Cash?, Bitcoin evolution or money revolution? The cryptoverse, Bitcoin or CDBC? The ultimate dilemma and Hard Fork in Bitcoin: a means of self debugging or freedom strategy. This is no exhaustive list; for more posts by this author, see his profile.

@annayks wrote Crypto Market Mayhem: Excruciating Pain and @PVMihalache published The Apocalypse's Cocktail - Covid-19 and Crypto.

Before we leave the pessimistic and apocalyptic mood, read also this about health conspiracies: Why Does Big Tech Hide Natural Treatment of Monkeypox? by @Unity, and G.A.O. Report Says CDC & FDA Lied by @Bre.

@R23 claims that Markets Can Flip In An Instant, and @JCnakama writes about The power of the media. In my opinion, the latter (@Jcnakama) has become one of the best authors here. Practically all his articles are well worth reading. For further reading, see his profile.

@Telesfor explains in a short post Why cryptocurrencies today are not cryptocurrencies at all.

@sanctuary.the-one-law recently published BCH Actualizing BitcoinCash Valuation, and @LiberLion wrote about The Blockchain as Sovereignty of the Individual. I also suggest you read Cryptoanarchy: Libertarianism and Voluntarism in the Blockchain by the same author. It might remove some misunderstandings of the involved concepts.

Let's include some practical crypto stuff: A Simple Trick To Protect Yourself In The DeFi Space and PayPal's Non-Custodial Enhancement Will Assist Adoption – both by @SapphireCrypto. I never use PayPal, I cannot judge about to what extent the recent enhancement is really useful, but I suppose it is important news for many of you. I want to include one other “practical” post as well: Floyx & SWFT Blockchain: the way to the NFT world by @ChrissCrypto.

@valo writes about Artificial Intelligence in The Elusive Magic of Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction or Reality?

How badly did Putin's invasion affect the Ukrainian economy? asks @Cronos, in a not quite recent article. @Cronos is a good author who has written a large number of high quality articles, not at least about the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war. For more reading, visit his profile.

@Mystery946 writes about moral decadence, which seems to be a worldwide trend. She writes about Africa, but her observations are in no way limited to that continent.

@raojunaid explains how to Surviving Extreme Times by Building Versatility! I definitely agree with point of this article. Versatility is strongly connected with survival ability in a crisis.

Starting small is always helpful when trying to make your dreams come true claims @julioborgues – and he is absolutely right. My loyal readers know how I favour The Power Of Graduality. It means: build everything in small gradual steps.

@fantagira writes about how Tough decisions have to be made. This is a personal story, but it has a message as well.

Observe The World And Notice Things, says @frdchckn – while @Jher0122 claims (rightly so) that Everyone have eyes but some can't really see.

@Lucifer01 wrote about time management in Managing Time: Ready, Steady, Po!. He also wrote about healing, in To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.

@Luna1999 also writes about healing, in Self-healing, to be strong in facing life's problems that occur. I would recommend her Enjoyment and satisfaction of one's life as well.

@daffaputra claims that Our attention is the most precious treasure. Another article by the same author: Contextual spirituality for self-awareness.

One of those authors I often have the reason to bring up here, is @Gemstone : This time, read Freewrite: When To Quit?, Change The Course Of Your Life and, not least, the excellent Philosophy: The Power Of Happiness.

Don't just jump into a decision - Sit down and think, says @Captainkay.

@Eirolfeam2 tells us about Habits We Should Get Rid Of If We Want to Be Rich, while @Zahid001 claims that A Lie needs more lies to survive. This reminds me of the old saying that “a liar needs a good memory.”

@Tahaintazar wrote about Mobile phone addiction, while @Black_Angel discusses How can social media affect you?

It has been such a long time since I published a “Suggested Reading” so I cannot include all articles I have in my own list. Indeed, I have to skip whole topics here, lest this survey becomes too long. But don't despair, I will keep them until the next issue, which will come relatively soon.

Let's just end this issue with Gallery Raid: Most Beautiful Pics in My Phone!!! by @Theblackdoll . I'm especially fascinated by her photo of a dragonfly. With its minimum of colour, the atmosphere of the photo is slightly dramatic, while the dragonfly is exposed in great detail. One can even discern the structural pattern of the wings.

Read the whole series, ”Suggested Reading” and my series “Retrospection”.

Copyright © 2022 Meleonymica/Mictorrani. All Rights Reserved.

In my INDEX, you can find all my writings on Read.Cash, sorted by topic.

My 5 most recent articles:

Quizzes & Puzzles 16

A Personal Message: My Presence Here, & Writing

Quizzes & Puzzles 15

Egyptian Vulture & Pharaoh's Two Ladies - Ornithology & Ancient Mythology

Quizzes & Puzzles 14

$ 4.36
$ 3.97 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @fantagira
$ 0.05 from @Jnavedan
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Avatar for Mictorrani
2 years ago


Only just noticed this mention! Thank you so much for including me in your article. I had to take some time off pretty much everything. Hoping to get back to writing soon 💙

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for choosing my article as recommended reading.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"I never use PayPal,..." I made that mistake two times too many, The first time funds disappeared I thought it was due to a glitch. The second time funds disappeared I realized I was trading through thugs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate you mentioning my article 'G.A.O. Report Says CDC & FDA Lied', but it's not a conspiracy lol. The GAO is a government agency that investigates other government agencies to help protect against corruption.

$ 0.01
User's avatar Bre
2 years ago

Okay, I see. But your article is important anyway.

Thank you for your correction.

$ 0.01
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

The down hill to which bitcoin is going scares me and makes me feel happy that in time it will be coming back to normal again the way we use to see and buy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi, many thanks for mention me :) and introduce one of my article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi, my dear friend in the virtual world,

First of all, thank you very much for such a high opinion of my writing. In that sense, it is also an encouragement and commitment to continue writing here.

I missed your reading suggestions, which I highly value, since the exposure you give breaks the mold of interests (at least mine) and encourages exploring authors that could go unnoticed.

Well, the success of everything in life is in the adaptation or rearrangement. So, no way, we'll keep an eye out for your next publications based on how you can blend the real with the virtual.

Best regards.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It’s an absolute honour to be selected by you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago