30 Days Writing Challenge from Somewhere | Day 15

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2 years ago


If there's a place where I won't have to worry about anything, I'd definitely wanna be there. As long as upsetting things are not there, take me there.

Day 15 of the 30 Days Writing Challenge talks about a place I'd wanna go if I could runaway.

As a person who can be really imaginative, lots of places already started coming into my mind. Some are places that can be found in the map, and others are places created by my brain.

Imagine there is a place where no sickness exists, no one has to worry about health-related problems. There would be no need for medicines, no tendencies of overdose or other meds related problems. Most importantly, no drug addicts. They are one of the people that makes the world a scarier place, that's a reality I believe.

A place where there is no rich nor poor people. Everyone's gets the blessings enough for them, and greed does not exist. Harmony is the only thing prevailing in this world, and everyone's contented with what they have.

Yet, of course, such a place DOES NOT and will NEVER exist. It's in the nature of us people to keep wanting for more, to be vulnerable to negative emotions, and prone to wrong decisions. A place I shared is a place that exists in fantasy. Well, if this place really exists, I know I am not the only one who'd wanna travel and live here, to stay for good.

Talking about an unreal place somehow made me a bit sad, so let me just talk about a place that's closer to reality.

Anywhere near the sea, or surrounded by nature. I'd definitely run away and stay in a castle in the middle of a secured forest, where I'd live in harmony with the birds and deers of the woods. Or sing along the songs of the wind, as I watch the sea from the lighthouse. Simple clothes are enough to keep me warm on cold days, and comfy enough for summer.

I've seen many clips or pictures of such heavenly places I'd love to set foot to. If it's alright, let me share to you some of the random photos I saved on my found—the sources is internet. Actually, look into my phone and you'll see a folder in my gallery, dedicated to such places. The folder name is "No context but I want."

Photos here include pictures of the beach, or random places in Germany, picnics in the garden, or a cozy place at home. Do you wanna see some of them? Here, let me show you:

Someone bring me here, and let me relax even for a day.
The photo quality is uhmm. But a wishful photo, by the way. Sana all.
I think this is a place from an Asian country.

Photo sources: Google.

On my free time, I randomly look for photos like the ones above, and save them, so I can look at them all I want, and maybe dream of it when I sleep.

I have become a busier person especially recently, though not as busy as them who make lots of money. I still have the weekends to rest and chill. And yet, I still appreciate and long for a serene me time every once in a while. Most if my weekends are spent doing the same thing: washing the clothes, household chores, sleeping, and other similar, routine things. It gets boring most of the time, so I try to always make it exciting by trying out new things whenever I can.

However, I dream of enjoying a good solo journey, even at least a week, to just breathe and free myself from the burdens that are placed on my shoulders ever since I started working. I want to just spend some days being unbothered by responsibilities nor worries.

Even just a good hour staring at the sky without thinking of anything else, or reading a book that calms the heart. Places contribute so much to these activities. Sure, I can read a book alone, but with the background sounds of the neighbor doing karaoke in the middle of the night. I can stare at the sky for how long I want, especially on rest days, but then I get worried someone might be calling my attention but I would not be able to answer.

If anyone there knows a magician who can bring me to some of the places I shared above in the photos, please let me know. Just kidding, I'll just pray to dream about it. Never mind. LOL.

Okay, so I got lost for a little bit in my imagination, but I am back.

Oh, before I forget, do you know paragliding? I heard Switzerland is a good place to do that. I'd also love to runaway and fly to Switzerland and experience paragliding! It'd be such as relaxing and therapeutic activity.

Source: Unsplash

I know I ain't the only one! Let's make it possible! I'd really wanna experience it, so I hope I can make it happen. In Jesus' name.

I enjoyed sharing this, and it felt like a rest when I expressed it all out. You know I actually had an overtime at work today , because I still have lots to finish, and my exhaustion helped me become more imaginative of a kind of place I'd wanna go to.

How was it? Were you also able to imagine some fantastical places to visit? Share yours below, and let's have a talk about it!

This concludes the day 15th of the writing challenge. Join now, if you haven't yet!

Thanks for reading! Here are my previous entries:

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Lead Image from Unsplash

To God be the Glory.

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Avatar for Ellehcim
2 years ago


No one that don't love what is good. I share your sentiment of visiting those lovely places you mentioned. I live the serenity in those pictures, peradventure we can meet there.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hopefully. Let's take pics when we meet somewhere in these dream places! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely we will

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh sissy, if I have the skill or a magic like teleporting, I will aks for your address and we will go to Busan South Korea in October, BTS have concert there and Jimins birthday too!!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, please! Hanggang sana all nalang na sa BTS at TXT? 😭😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love those places in the pictures sis.

Nice talaga no to be in place where there is no sickness, no rich and no poor. No corruption. No pollution. No greed. Pero parang too good to be true.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, sa imagination lang possible yun. Haha. Sigh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Soonest sis, malay natin one of this days

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha, kahit sa dreams lang ba sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Soonest sis, malay natin one of this days

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll go with you in that unreal world Mare. Sana talaga may kakayahan tayo na buuhin yan ano.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, let's go!!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago