30 Days Writing Challenge from Somewhere | Day 11: Part 2

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2 years ago


As promised, I will be doing the second part of the Day 11 of the 30 days writing challenge. I still have lots of kwentos up in my sleeve, so you better watch out.

A/N: Kwento is a Filipino word for story. I added an S at the end to signify plural form of it, which makes it mean stories. Random stories, to be specific. Now, you know!

Day 11 of the writing Challenge is all about my siblings. Here's the first part that you can read first, so you won't get lost.

Here we go with the part 2!

My older sister, Grace, is an amazing sister. She is that cool type of person who also likes to have fun, but scary when she's mad. She has a bit kind of a bad temper, but it also dies quickly. She can be emotional when mad, and has no filter in her words, especially when she's hurt. That's one thing I envy about her, she can express herself very well when needed, despite being known as a not so talkative type of person. She's that person in class who's known as someone who talks rarely, but everyone gets surprised when someone gets on her nerves, because she does not hold back when she is angry. She sometimes becomes angry for me, who's slow to anger unlike her. She speaks what has to be spoken, and without an inch of resistance. She knows how to fight when she knows she's right. She never loses an argument, nor a fight. She's brave.

She's strong-willed, with a soft heart. She cries easily, especially on movies with tragic stories. When she's happy, everyone else is happy. My Ate Grace sings well, but she is shy to show it to everyone. I feel proud that I can enjoy her talent that not everyone else sees. She's indeed the best singer among the three of us.

Ate - is a filipino word which means older sister.

She is a generous person. She does not mind spending, as long as it's for us. She's been working since she's 18, basically, working as soon as she graduated highschool, to be the bread winner of the family alongside our father. Until now, she still is, this time, alongside me, whom she helped finish college, even if that meant she'd sacrificed not going to college to give way for me. My Ate is really selfless when it comes to the family. And thankfully, she knows her limits when it comes to other people. She knows how to not let others take advantage of her, and again, that's something I also want to learn from her. She is a role model to me.

She has lots of qualities I wish I had, but of course I rarely say it to her. We'd both definitely cringe LOL.

My favorite bonding time is going out, whether it's having meals together, or shopping together. It makes me happy when I have extra money and I can treat her all the way. My dream is to be able to treat her to a BTS concert together, in VIP, so she can see BTS in person, up close. But I know, right now, it's still close to impossible, given how pricey the tickets would be now that BTS has gained massive fame and popularity. I still dream of enjoying a concert with her, though, from time to time. In my imagination. I am sure I'd make her the happiest when I make it happen. God, please help me make it happen. In Jesus' name.

Moving on, now let me introduce to you, my younger brother, Melvin.

Melvin, as I initially showed in my last night's blog, is a very reserved type of person. Seriously, when you ask people around us that have seen him a few times, they'd always say that he smiles very rarely, and hard to approach.

I have no exact words to describe my wonderful younger bro, but I hope I can still let you know what kind of a person he is in my eyes.

He is the least expressive among three of us. He cringes in the littlest instances, but he sure knows how to have fun, I can assure you that. Even he's the youngest in the family, he is NOT a spoiled brat. We do not allow spoiled brats in the family, Lol.

He accepts what's given to him, and thanks us, even in not a really affectionate way, because, I understand, we all have our own struggles of expressing ourselves; that's just now how we are raised in our home. This attitude of him makes me wanna spoil him always, whenever I can. He's the type to say no to offers, maybe because he's shy, I am not really sure what goes on his mind, but yeah, he is not fond of accepting favors from anyone, so it makes me happy whenever he says yes to my treats.

As an older sister to him, I show him my love by treating him from time to time. On weekends, for example, I bring him along with me, whether it's just to eat out, or buy him some clothes, or other stuff. Even he does not show it, I know it makes him happy, like how it makes me happy, too, as a sister. I know that he has always lots of things in his mind that he does not dare share out im the open, so I let him breathe from all those internal battles by taking him out and just bonding even in the simplest ways.

I am not a perfect older sister to him, and I know I lack in many ways. I am not good when it comes to giving comfort whenever he opens up about his worries and fears (very RARE moments), and as well as giving advice. I always feel like I am not doing enough, but I just silently hope that I can help him make the burdens a lil bit more bearable.

My younger bro, aside from being a fan of SB19 like me, also likes anime, and manga. His hobbies are also watching Pinoy Vlogs back then, and reading stories on twitter. When he finds a story worth reading, he also shares the link of those stories to me.

Melvin is a responsible child in the family, he assists our parents at home, now that my Ate Grace and I are the main working people. He does help in the house chores, and is our pets favorite.

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I proudly say I have two of the best siblings one can ever have in this world. Our parents never really had any problems in us being delinquent students, or problems with our peers or 'barkadas' , let alone computer addiction or any similar usual child problems.

I am lucky to have the two of them in my life. I can even call them my real best of friends. We may not really be open about literally everything in our lives (we all share a good common trait: good at hiding secrets LOL, maybe), but I am sure I can run to them anytime, anywhere, that I have something bothering me.

One of my biggest dreams is taking them both, along with mom and dad, to a nice, well-planned vacation where we won't have to worry about money, or lodging, or anything else. That's why I gotta work hard to be a successful person. I want to make them proud and comfortable. They deserve the best. I love them all so much, with all my heart.

I pray that they have a long life, a prosperous future, and always a reason to smile and cheer up everyday. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Thanks for reading my day 11th , PART 2, of the 30 days writing challenge! Until next time!

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To God be the Glory.

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2 years ago


Wishing more good health and success to your family. And i pray they'll get the best kind of life in the future.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you so much! 🥺❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you too best friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kelangan nyo yata ma meet mga siblings ko at cousins para ma break yang pagka shy nyo haha! Ang bait talaga ng mga ate lalong lalo na daw pag first child. Swerte ng bunso nyo at mababait kayo na mga ate nya.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Ayieeh, may maldita side din kami ahahaha, sabay ganon 😂. nawawala naman amg hiya namin, depende sa mood or sa mismong tao 😂😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reading the qualities in your sister is similar to my older sister too. She is reserved and knows her limit with people as she doesn´t like them taking advantage of her. She helped me through my degree and I still don´t know how to repay her with the love she has for me.

I pray may God bless you so you can treat your sister to the concert you wish for her.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yes, hopefully. I agree, we have similar older sister! Tough but a generous heart, that i always look up to!

I want her to be the happiest person and I want one of the reasons to be me. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i always wonder how it felt to have a big sister..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ay, so you're the panganay in the family? It feels nice, kasi I have someone to count on, though we just act as if we're same age. 😂 Like cool bestfriends ganun hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have few persons in my life that I can call my own, cause they have been supportive from day one till today

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, and we'll always be thankful for their existence and presence in our lives. More precious than gold 💅

$ 0.00
2 years ago