30 Days Writing Challenge from Somewhere | Day 4

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2 years ago


It has been two days, and I was only able to publish this today. That meant, I'd have to double my efforts, so I could catch up with the thirty days writing challenge I started recently.

Source: Unsplash

To those who are only visiting here today, it's supposedly the 4th day of my streak, an attempt to complete the challenge I coincidentally found days ago, while freeing up some space on my old phone.

For the updates, here are the days 1 to 3:

  1. Describe your personality

  2. Things that make you happy.

  3. A memory.

I successfully completed all three days, thanks to my motivated self a few days ago. This is not an excuse, just saying in advance. But for the past two days, things hot really hectic in my end, so I could not continue to fourth day streak. Today, I am continuing it again.

Scroll below, because I'll be showing the picture containing the 30 days challenge, and of course, you can join!

Let's see what the Day 4 is about. You ready?

Day 4: Paces You want to Visit

Hmmm.. It's funny, but then again, I thought I have written something about it last year. LOL. But since it's a challenge, I'll do it again, with hopes of sharing the places I've never shared in my previous article.

I sure have lots of places I badly want to visit, especially at my age, where I want to explore diversity, appreciate culture and traditions, and capture new memories along with taking pride seeing beautiful sceneries boasted by these certain places.

I can't wait to be that type of person who can schedule travel vacations regularly, without worrying about budget, nor traveling anxiety. It'd be nice to have a travel buddy who's really knowledgeable when it comes to places, so I'd not worry about being lost, nor out of allowance. Right?

So, while trying to think of many dream places, below are some of those that came into my mind.

Palawan, Philippines

I have seen Palawan's beauty through many travel vlogs on Youtube, and tourists' own perception of the place. Palawan is such a perfect place for people who wants to explore many places, mostly wonderful pieces of nature, such as the caves, the beaches, islands, delicacies, and even the souvenirs!

Oh my, just thinking about the things I'd do if I ever got the chance to visit Palawan already makes my heart flutter. Moreover, it has been ages since I last saw the beauty of vitamin sea.

There are lots of other videos about Palawan, and you can watch whatever you want, and enjoy touring, even just virtually.

Vigan City, Philippines

I've only seen this place in Television, magazines, and pictures. I can not help but just always be interested by how beautiful most structures and buildings are, that felt like the old times. It's a city that still has very obvious hints and touch of the past, which makes me feel sentimental if ever I'd step unto this place.

I'd love to personally walk into the streets of Calle Crisologo, where history comes to life, and try riding on a kalesa, or a horse-drawn carriage. I know I'd surely take lots of photos, as token of memories.

Boracay, Philippines

I am sure most of you, Filipino or not, have heard Boracay at least once.

Well, in my almost twenty years of existence, I still haven't set foot on Boracay. But it has always been a dream to me, to spend at least three days with my loved ones, and just enjoy swimming, taking photos, watching the sunset, and eating lots of good food together.

Oh, and a bonfire would really be amazing, too. I haven't experienced seeing a real bonfire, like the real thing, where everyone's gathered around, as we sing happy songs, or tell each other funny jokes, as if we have zero worries in the world.

It's not like I am addicted to swimming, heck, I ain't even that skilled in it, to be honest. But it's the experience that matters to me, the precious moments that we can only get to experience once, those are irreplaceable. Agree or agree?

It'd be nice to feel the sand of Boracay, and making a sand tower out of it, or the thrill of riding motor boats, watching others surfing. Wow! I can only imagine! LOL

Sunflower Garden

I don't know any exact place where I can find a nice sunflower garden, but I do hope I can really visit one.

It's just a really silly wish that became deeper through time. It just still amazes me. how beautiful these flowers are, how they really face the direction of the sun, how their colors can enlighten someone's day, and I wonder how they smell like?

I want to take a video of me walking through the aisle in between sunflower clusters, and I'll definitely wear a yellow dress to fit the awesome, sunny vibe (even I am not into dresses, LOL).

Can you recommend me some good places where I can visit sunflower gardens?

Still lots of them, but...

I want to mention all other things that are yet to be shared, plus the new ones that just pop out of nowhere. It just reveals how a certified home buddy like me has also a side that likes to visit and experience different places.

I really would love to have the ability to teleport, so I won't have to trouble myself with expenses regarding travels, nor even the hustle of traveling by land, sea, nor air. I am someone like this, and I know I ain't the only one! Raise your hand, if you hate the act of traveling, but like to go to various places! LOL.

I still have many places to mention, like the Hongkong Disneyland, the Great Wall of China, Greece, and more. There are just lots of them. I pray that God would let me experience it in this lifetime.

Anyway, do you also have your own ideas and places to mention? Feel free to comment them below, and let's see if we share the same interests.

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This has been the 4th day of my 30 days writing challenge, I hope you enjoyed this little almost-tour version blog of mine. If you want to join, it's never to late to do so, refer to the picture below.

Four days down, twenty six more to go. How about you? Start now! Again, thanks for visiting here.

Until next time!

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Avatar for Ellehcim
2 years ago


This writing challenge sounds fun... As for the sunflower, there's one in polomolok...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Join ka na. 😆 Thanks sa idea, i-take note ko yung polomolok.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes sis n take note ko n to sila

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One of my dreams is to visit Palawan and Boracay. I have made an article about it and I hope I can fulfill it one day. Naniniwala naman ako na walang impossible, in the right time we can visit those places.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yes. Let's both visit our dream places soon. ❤️ For now, we'll be working hard to achieve our dreams first.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Keep it up! Having a list like that will make it easier to focus on what to write about. Or not. Hahaha. I would have wanted to share your challenge but I know I will just be pressured! But this is a nice thing. So keep writing till you reach the 30th! Power, lady!

$ 0.05
2 years ago

No pressure ito! Ako nga halos 3 days bago nakasunod ng streak hahaha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't even visit one place you have mentioned. Hanggang tv lng po ako into. Cguro pagretire ko na makabakasyon sa Bora at palawan.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Retire? Tagal pa yata yun ha.. haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, palawan at bora nasa bucket list ko haha. Pero ayaw kung pumunta na single, gusto ko may kasama at split bills sympre haha

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Aba same! Haha. Ayoko maligaw doon, kailangan may kasama na gala. 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang sarap suyudin ng Pilipinas ano? hahah..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, daming magagandang lugar na pwedeng bisitahin. 😄

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The place I will like to visit is the UK, there are so many places I want to visit there. 😅

$ 0.01
2 years ago

New idea.. Let me look into UK. 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bet ko din yong palawan. Plus amsterdam, Korea at Japan. Pang fourth day ko na run bukas. Thank u lifesaver!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ayown, astig!!! Sige basahin ko yan mamaya :))

$ 0.00
2 years ago