30 Days Writing Challenge from Somewhere | Day 8

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2 years ago


Listening to a calming instrumental music while typing away. It's a mood right here right now. Things got surprisingly messy, and I know my mind's all over the place now, but there's this side of me that stood out—she doesn't give a sht. She knows she's full of anxiety again, but her side that chose not to care much is dominant. That girl's me. Look who's the boss.

Could I make it before 10 pm comes? Let me see. I am now continuing the 30 days writing challenge that I recently started.

Thanks, you guys, for showing love and support to this challenge. I really appreciate it! I loved reading your entries, and I feel so glad I could be of some little help to fight through our writer's block. You are doing so well, especially those who has already gotten ahead of me, wow! You rock!

What's the 8th Day about? Here it is.

Day 8: The Power of Music

It's kind of strange. Music has no physical structure, let alone visual existence, yet the effect it has to almost everyone who's breathing is amazing.

I need not prove how powerful music is. It's more than just a language, or a form of expression. It can also be a source of strength, or joy, or can even bring out the most bittersweet of tears. It can be an outlet of inspiration, a voice that shouts what the silent heart could not being to speak.

It ain't just lyrics, you know. It's also the melody, the unique vibe and colors the combination of these and more elements make up these enchanting pieces of art.

The power of music is proven by saying it's almost impossible to live without it. We have already heard a tune ever since we've been brought into this world. It brings people together, regardless of the beliefs, race, and personal stories.

Music brings life to emotions and stories in a way none else can. I have listened to lots of songs that are joyful in atmosphere, but when I got to listen carefully to the lyrics, it's actually so sad. I know I am not the only one. I wonder where these artists and composers get the genius idea of putting a joyful vibe in a song with depressing lyrics—the most exact depiction of how lots of us people hide our sadness in smiles and laughter.

I am an avid fan of songs that tend to speak straight to the soul. The moment that I listen to it, I could already relate to it, and linger in that feeling of comfort, knowing at least through music, someone out there understands me, after all.

I changed the playlist now to one of my most favorites, a piano instrumental playlist. You can listen to it here, and wait as it effortlessly calms down your troubled heart, or even encourage you to sleep.

The night's getting deeper, and it's thirty minutes before ten o' clock in the evening strikes.

Following are my thoughts, insights, and feelings that I bravely share as the music continues to play, encouraging me to not bottle it up, that everything will be okay again, tomorrow. Everything gets better soon.

My body's shaking nonstop earlier at work, but it's not noticeable—only I could feel it. I tried having some sugar, because maybe I was just being affected by low blood again, but the choco bar didn't help. I felt week in my knees and my heart beats fast for no reason. My mind was blank, and I tried of thinking about other things, maybe happy memories to fill my mind with peace. Or future plans. The latter did it worse. I understood now where the shaking came from. I am indirectly succumbing myself to worries that I trued to ignore from what I heard this morning, a surprising news.

To be honest, I should not actually be thinking about it, but my silly mind could not help it. It's just made like that. I could jot focus on my computer, so I stopped working there, and went in the stock room to fix the documents there. It's silent there, and more peaceful, and if I could hear my own heartbeat, at least I could silence it, maybe if I am not around people, even just for a short period.

I don't know if I am making sense right now, but I hope you do understand.

I got really immersed in what I was doing, but I can still feel my hands shaking, and my whole body as well. I am sweating, even it's cold, and my tummy doesn't feel that well. Maybe I was just hungry earlier. I am not sure.

What's important, is I am writing now, as I listen to a music that soothes me, and breathing it all out in this platform, where no one judges me. I am thankful I could express how I feel whenever I like. You guys have no idea how much I've been keeping this to myself, these feelings whenever I feel like suffocated of my own useless thoughts. I feel better if I exhale them here. A few moments of tears, then I finally become okay.

I want to have a nice conversation with my Father from above, so I am cutting this blog early.

Hey, Readers!

I am thankful you got up to this part! Anyway, this has been my day eighth of the thirty days writing challenge! I also have shared how my day went, and I hope you still enjoyed it, even it's not a happy story.

I am sure everything's gonna be okay tomorrow, I just have to remind myself that worrying too much is not helpful. And pray to God, of course. I hope you guys do the same. Sometimes, life is really hard, but let's try to bear with it, as better days will surely come after.

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I don't exactly know if it's the music that I am getting emotional and vulnerable again, or the fact that I am trying to cheer you up and myself, even at this point where I don't exactly feel okay. Well, as I said, I am sure I am gonna be fine tomorrow.

Self-hug! I know I'll hear a good news tomorrow. I'll have another reason to smile again, despite all these chaos. I won't back down.

Thanks for being here. I don't feel so alone. Until next time, my loves!

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To God be the Glory.

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$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Avatar for Ellehcim
2 years ago


I hope you don't mind that I grabbed the image and use it on my entries as well. :))

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Don't worry! I also just found it from somewhere, hence the title. 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The power of music can never be underestimated especially as it keeps one lively while listening to it. Music does help heal the soul from a broken heart, inspire someone with beautiful lyrics that gives one hope and make one smile and full of positivity. I love music and I make sure to listen to songs that are good and inspiring.

You need not worry about anything, my friend. You can always talk to your father in heaven and He is always available to answer us.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Thanks a lot, Princess. God is indeed always there for me. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When everything seem to be frustrating, I plug in my earbuds and listen to music. Then, the beat and the rhythm is calming me down.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Same! Really effective in calming a chaotic mind and restless heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Someone said that music is life. Life is harmony. Harmony is perfection. Perfection is our dream. Our dream is heaven. See how music leads a lot of way to or dreams. Music is so soothing and healing. Listen to as many music as you can. Feel it deep within your soul, my friend. Everything would be alright.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Love this so much. Thank you, Ola. ❤️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am glad. Thanks, my friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The power of acoustics covers hehe, I loved cover music over original actually, mas maganda kasi yung remake kasi nasa tatse prefer other still classics. The power of Spotify that gives always my day bright hehe. Premium ako doon eh haha.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes! Sarap pag premium user sa Spotify! Same here, sponsored ng mabait na kaibigan. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wrote something about music too for my 30DofG.. I am always after the lyrics and their meaning when listening to music.. It's my great therapy too when I feel down. I hope you are doing okay now?

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Doing great! Pabalik balik naman yang ganyan, pero nagiging okay rin naman after. Need lang huminga at manalangin. Laban lang! haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When things slow down for me a bit, I would love to participate in a writing challenge. I think I would start smaller, though. Maybe just 1 week. Then 24 days. And so forth.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You can do it! I am supposed to be in day thirteen or something, but I keep on missing days. 😂 So I am taking it slow.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I will. But I need to let things slow down a little bit here, first.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Take your time, Ma'am. ❤️❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hala day 8 na sya. Try ki yang piano concentration na yan. Balita ko pag pinakinggan mo si mozart nagiging matalino ka. Charot!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ah talaga? Hahah, nakailang Mozart na yata ako pero bakit—char, haha! Matalino ako, oo claim na natin yan! 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything happens for a reason sis. I know you will be okay. Sending virtual hugs

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you lots!

$ 0.00
2 years ago