30 Days Writing Challenge from Somewhere | Day 13

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2 years ago


Now on to the 13th Day of the Challenge! To be honest, I've checked now what it's about, and now I am a bit nervous, as nothing about it comes to mind, as least as of this moment.

Source: Unsplash

Day 13: My Favorite Book

I have read numerous books throughout my life, that I even forgot some of them.

Reading has been my safe haven, mostly when I was younger, when I still have no phone. Truth be told, now that I spend more time with my phone, I don't spend enough time investing on books, those that I can hold physically, and flip its pages, like the good old days.

These days, technology made it that books can be present on phones, too, or computer. Yet, we know, experience is still the best when it comes to the real thing.

Right now, I have the Bible in my mind. Bible literally means, Books. Collection of books. It is a sacred book for us Christians that contains different books/writings, from people of God, more popularly, the disciples of Jesus. Bible that I know, has 66 books, and it is divided into Old and New Testament.

In our Church, there is a known way of defining BIBLE, through an acronym. Here it is, you might have heard it, too.

B - Basic

I - Instructions

B - Before

L - Leaving

E - Earth

Bible teaches us the word of God. Basically, it lets us know, that life in this world is temporary, and our real home resides in heaven, in God's kingdom. Based on this acronym, I interpreted it as God's instruction to us, before we perish in flesh in this world and face Him.

I respect everyone's beliefs in this regards. I talked about the Bible, as I believe that it's also one of God's ways of communicating with me. I have learned more about God through the Bible, and also gained lots of words of wisdom that helped me through life.

I'll admit, that despite being a Born Again Christian for more than five years now, I still haven't finished reading the Bible from start to end. I have been inconsistent reading it, and I know it's unhealthy in building my faith, so even I struggle, I still try my best to read it.

The Bible also tells us how to live under God's guidance, stories of people from long ago, who've spoken of God's glory, and whom God talked to directly.

I mentioned the Bible, even it's not really the most favorite book of mine, if I'll be honest. But it was mentioned here, because it's important to me, as a child of God. I find peace whenever I see and hear God's word. I feel God's love through His message.

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Now that it has been too long, may I just mention this one remarkable book that I was able to finish from start to the end, because even it maybe considered not one of those popular books, ever, I enjoyed reading every bit of it.

The Story of the 7th Son.

It was a fantasy-filled book that I borrowed from a classmate in my secondary school years. Yes, a long time ago! It has been so long and I'll admit I could not perfectly remember its story, but the title lives in my mind, because I am sure I really loved it. I remember few situations of sneaking this book inside the bigger Math book that I did not like, and I read it, even the teacher's discussing Math. My imagination was a lot more colorful when I was younger, that I almost felt like I am inside the story.

I will have to ask for Google's help now, as my memories of the story has gone really Rusty. How long has it been? Eight to ten years? Or longer, maybe?

You can read the summary of the plot here. As far as I can recall, this is it, the story I got to read. The seventh son of the seventh son. Sounds rare, and yes it was, in the world written in this book. Such rare person also possess strong powers. The book amazingly told the adventures of the main character as he fought against attempts of bringing him down, and even evil plans of killing him.

Now that I mentioned it here, time to read it again. Good old days. Let me bring myself back to the world I used to visit when I was nine or ten years younger.

If you haven't read this yet, consider doing so. Come read it with me.

Thanks to Kudo for a better picture quality

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To God be the Glory.

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2 years ago


Just like you I haven't finished reading the Bible too. I am aware of the book Seventh Son but haven't read it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I love my Bible as it is my daily guide to life's choices. Same here too, I still haven't read the whole part of the Bible.

The Bible is a sure guide to our path in life and when we are familiar with it, it gives us the right way to go.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Amen to that! Happy Sunday, Princess! 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the fact that your favourite book is the BIBLE. It's God's heart for us...His intent, His instructions, His templates for us on how to live on earth. Everything we need is in the Bible and I always tell people this. All the principles we need to apply in life are all there for those who can search.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Yes, even I am not one of those who reads it religiously (I want to be like this soon), I appreciate its help for me throughout my life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

A very present help in time of trouble. You can be like that. It takes the help of the Holy Spirit and your desire to get it done.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for this. 🙏

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the acronym (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth). It's appears simply yet so profound. And your fave book sounds interesting too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, that's why I am really planning to read it again. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bible indeed sis 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Amen. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Favorite book? Ako nga wala din liban sa mga Pocketbook na meron ako ee epro ang dami kasi nila. Kahit sana book for studies lalong wala aguy

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Dito samin marami akong books kung gusto mo haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Pahagis mareee charizzzz, pass sa makapal and english books diko kaya yan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha puro accounting books, gusto mo? 😄

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naalala ko nung elementary ako, Favorite na book ko sa bible is Revelations sis..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Maganda rin mga verse don, pero yung ibang parts nakakatakot haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Natapos mo na basahin whole bibble Ms. Elli?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Di pa tbh hehe. Pero maganda sana kung maachieve kong mabasa lahat

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Fav book ko.. D ko alam..dami ko nbasa pero d ko alam san fav ko lol..dami mo na nasulat din... Matatapus ko na idraft yung 30days of gratitude pro d ko pa napopost iba 🤣

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sana all nakakapag-drafts 🥺. Sipag mo talaga marengs

$ 0.00
2 years ago