30 Days Writing Challenge from Somewhere | Day 12

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2 years ago


Tuesday, Tuesday, what a day. Still far before the awaited weekend, and we're all doing our best to appreciate days like these, as there are still reasons to smile.

Ladies and gents, I am now on the 12th day of the 30 Days writing challenge, yes, almost halfway through! The experience is still fin and thrilling! Join now, if you haven't yet. There's no such thing as too late nor too early.

Without further talks, let me get straight into it!

Day 12: Favorite TV Series

We all have that one TV series we'll never get tired of talking about. As a fan of Korean dramas, I can brag a lot of Kdrama series that are worth watching, but since I have to talk about only ONE, sadly, only one, so let me just share you this one drama series that stood out in my brain cells tonight.

Go Back Couple

Go Back Couple is quite an old drama, but gold for me. It's a mixture of lots of laughs and lots of tears together in a single series. One moment, I was laughing so hard, the next second, I was bawling my eyes out.

This is another good thing about it. I feel like this series is also relevant nowadays (especially here in the Philippines), where there are lots of issues regarding broken marriages, and relationships. As years progressed, it seemed like definition of what a real relationship is like has gotten too narrow, that any pair of individuals just go into it without much thought, and relationships or marriage such as these only failed badly, hurting both of them.

I was so hooked into the drama that very moment it started. I don't know about others' opinions, but I love how it was so genius of the writers and the directors, or whosever idea it was to start the episode one with how an ideal wedding looks like. Two people having brightest smiles walking on the aisle, with those eyes shining with love—one can really say the love is genuine just by the way they looked at each other—kudos to the actors, they did well, everyone did so well! Then the next scenes were presented as real as they can be, showing the reality of marriage. I saw what seemed like a brief montague of couple fights, crying nights, unresolved arguments, accumulated hatred, until it boiled down to one solution that they both never expected to agree upon—divorce. It's still episode one, yet I was already crying so much.

I watched the series back when I was still college. I have seen how my own parents fight everyday, because yeah, we don't have a perfect family, and I admit there were multiple times I wished I was born into more compatible parents (I felt like being a really bad daughter soon after), but please don't doubt my love for my parents. I love both of them so much, and I've learned many good things from them, but I have also witnessed and was aware of what an imperfect marriage looks like. I've seen it, experienced it, in a point of view of a child. It was not always sad though, of course, there were many beautiful memories too. At least, they stayed together throughout the years, and still tried to understand each other's differences, and never once failed as PARENTS for us.

Enough of the sudden personal sharing. This drama really is the definition of roller coaster of emotions. It tackled friendship, parenthood, relationships, and even the lessons we learn from choices we make.

The story is about a couple who married young, and had a cute son they both cherish so much. Everything started well, like how an inlove couple should be. But reality of life isn't always flowers and rainbows, and so setbacks came one by one. Financial difficulties, personal battles accumulated, confusion, doubts, came into the picture, along with unfortunate incidents that made their love turn to resentment gradually, until they had to resort to divorce. However, something unexplainable happens, when the two of them suddenly wakes up to their younger selves, when they still haven't met, in their school years. Only the two of them were aware, and the whole episodes showed how they both dealt with it. I was left with questions, will they take the same path again, knowing they'll end up miserable? Or will they pursue a different story this time, with different people? What about their son now?

The beautiful take here is that they realized many things when they went back to the past. They've grown so full of hatred towards each other, that they forgot all the beautiful things they went through, all the simple things that made them happy, and of course, the reason they chose each other.

There are relatable student life moments. I laughed a lot at how they both handled their student lives having the minds of the adults that they are. I liked how they used their grudges for doing little, petty stupid things towards each other as a form of revenge. There were also moments I saw how they noticed how much they've changed when faced with situations. Perhaps, they're learning, and discovering more about themselves, and about each other. Turns out they've been together for a while, but they still have a lot to learn.

Along with them, I also have seen lots of eye openers, and I saw things differently, in a good way. As the series went on, it revealed the behind stories of their unresolved fights, or heavy battles they chose to bury instead of taking about it, misunderstandings that could have been settled only if they heard either sides, and many more cases of miscommunication.

I have learned how communication and connection matter in a long-term relationship. Most of the times, just forgetting the issue and going on with life as if it did not happen, looks like a good decision, easy, too, but it eventually breaks the relationship bit by bit, to the point that it gets impossible to repair, which is sad. It made me cry, how both of them had their own share of hardships, but each are focused on his/her pain, that they neglected what the significant other would have felt.

The husband comes home always tired and complains about the house being messy. The wife is so tired fending alone on the baby, to the extent that she could not take care of herself, yet, she still hears not nice things from her husband. In reality, the husband has a really hard time with his boss, his work made him feel like a slave, but he bears with the shame everyday, for the family.

There was a big misunderstanding which made it appear to the wife that the husband is unfaithful, which becomes the ultimatum to ending their marriage, and as the story unfolded, they both saw the real events, and it made me happy, too that they could finally see the truth.

Well, I was not really planning to tell the whole plot, Lol, and I assure you, what I shared so far, is just the tip of the ice berg. There are still lots to look forward in this series, and that's for you to see. I highly recommend watching this series, not just to those couples planning to marry, but to single people like me, as I learned many life lessons from it that I can use in the future.

Just a fair warning again, though I said it before. Prepare tissues, for you're gonna cry a river watching this.

Does it have a happy ending? Of course, you might be curious. Another reason to watch it, YES, it has a happy, satisfying ending. You'll surely not regret.

Thanks for reading my day 12th of the 30 days writing challenge! Until next time!

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To God be the Glory.

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Avatar for Ellehcim
2 years ago


Di ko pa napanood toh, e next ko toh baka meron sa Netflix..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

sige check mo sis. Ako nagpapasa lang ng downloaded na copy nung college years ko hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Favorite series ko yung nga kdrama pero yung sa tv wala talaga kasi halata naman yung ending ahahha

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha, depende, kung gusto ko talaga minsan, papanoorin ko pa rin kahit predictable na yung ending 🥲😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every drama and film is always the subject of discussion, the actors who may look beautiful and handsome with an interesting storyline, but in fact the life of a film is the director who creates an interesting story concept that makes the audience laugh, cry, it's all because of the diamond brain and mind of the film. director.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes director. and the writer too. Plus everyone working off cam. They deserve recognition as well. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ako sis hindi ko alam kung favourite tv series ba ako, ayoko ko kasi ng series² eh ahahahh

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahahaha okay lang yan. We have different preferences naman 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wanna try that 30 days challenge... Might start tomorrow ☺️☺️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, enjoy ! 🥰🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have also started this 30 days challenge and today was my second day. I would probably answer this question after 9 days😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, I am so excited to read from you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aw thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No worries. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a lot of TV series in my head, but maybe I'll go with The Originals. 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haven't watched that yet, but I will try it because you said you liked it. Thank you! ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago