Self-Improvement: Trust that you can do Anything.

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2 years ago


It's a breath of fresh air to try something new, right? I am now having my baby steps towards self-improvement. It's a bit late, knowing it's already the second quarter of the year, but better than not.

A few days ago, circumstances caused me to have a slight shift of mindset. And that slight shift made some difference, growing bigger each day, to the point that a fire was suddenly ignited again. It's like a sleeping giant that got awakened after some situations, reminding me that I can't be stagnant all the time, because I can be more than this. I am capable.

I don't exactly know what day it was but I just had a declaration on that particular moment, "I can do better than this! I know I am meant for more, I am just not making it happen!"

I thank the recent circumstances for having ignited this kind of feeling once again. I have shared how I felt lost for the past few months, that I was just like a leaf flying to where te wind would take me. It's as if I don't have a clear purpose, a definite goal that makes my life worth living. However, starting today, I think this is starting to change.

There is now a desire to achieve a remarkable milestone. Not just any piece of token, but something my future self would thank me for.

Where has that dreamer gone to? That girl who used to dream big and wild, she that imagined going wherever she wants, buying the things she needs without worrying, living the life she has always wanted? Where has she gone to? She's been replaced my a mediocre lady in her twenties, who's settling for less, when she can be more. She's now become someone who's breathing through the days, wishing the next season would be better. Relying on temporary fixing, quick escapes, but goes back to her miserable, insecure self when all the lights are off. She admits to being so exhausted living like a corpse, yet she did not even have the slightest urge to change her ways.

And now the time has come for that one strong desire to upgrade herself. She hopes this momentum will continue to rise up, and not expire, as it keeps her going. Motivation is suddenly rising, bit by bit, the reason to wake up each morning is there again. She's starting to feel what real living is supposed to be like, again.

I am smiling ear to ear as I write this. My heart is fluttering for excitement. It has been so long since I felt this thrill again, not just any simple thrill. The last time I did was when I was still that poor young girl in her college days who aspired to level up.

The thing is I achieved that upgrade I wanted, but I stopped when I did. I forgot that while being contented with my life matters, exceeding my previous achievements is also one of the realest definition of success and progress. When I lost that desire to improve myself, that's when I lost the fire to go on in life with vigor.

It's indeed hard to live life when you are like me, like many of us who got accustomed to the mindset that "Just getting by the day is enough, let's see if there'd be a reason to be excited about tomorrow". Life throughout the years would really be dull, boring as heck. Because nothing seems to ignite excitement anymore. That's why staying in our comfort zone is really dangerous. It steals us the potential to get steps higher. It prevents us to see our own capabilities, because we're either scared, unmotivated, or too comfortable to try something new.

Does anyone relate to my insights now? I hope I am still worth your time. I want to share how I am feeling right now, that sudden urge to focus on self-improvement, and how it helped me slowly feel the energy of living again. And as I grow everyday, I also would live to share that journey with you. In my future blogs and articles, I hope you'd come with me, and let's improve ourselves together.

Whatever I'll learn in this self-improvement journey will surely be shared here, too. That would be fun!

Of course, I won't leave without sharing what I learned in my Day 1. Ready? Let's go!

"Believe that you can accomplish anything."

For so long, we have always fooled ourselves by thinking only the gifted ones can accomplish many things. We sometimes even think we are ordinary ones, and that we can't achieve such big feats like how others can.

When we start to think like this, we are already eliminating ourselves that potential that we, too, can do it. We can achieve great things, as long as we put our focus and efforts on it. It has been proven many times. Look at those successful people. Some of them did not even have a diploma, some presidents of some countries even shared that they did not top their classes before. What may have contributed to their success is their talents, but it's mostly due to their mindset, and efforts.

I have learned that being smart enough does not actually matter. Working hard enough does.

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Here it is for the Day One!

I hope you enjoyed! Sharing only good vibes for tonight, and let's grind again tomorrow.

Source: Unsplash

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2 years ago


I fully agree with your viewpoint. Self-belief is the key to driving one towards improvement.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for reading! 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trying to focus in my self too but there are instances that I'll priority some other aspects in life

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's indeed hard to focus when we have lots of distractions. 🤷

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As a wise man once said, the first step to greatness is believing in yourself and that you can do it, then the fight will now begin.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Very well said! 👌😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago