"Someone who Believe in Me"
Good day ladies and gents! How are you? Finally, our electricity is back! We are hoping that the Internet Connection will be stable then. If you have wondered why I was able to replied your comments in my previous article, I went in town with my cousin yesterday. We bought some stuffs and some ingredients for "Binignit" or "Landang" like, sweet potato, bananas (lakatan), malagkit rice, etc... Its "Maundy Thursday" today and I supposed most Filipino users in here are starting their "Pagninilay" or Contemplation.
As for today's blog, I don't know what have gone in my mind but I just can't stop thinking about my life, about my current situation and thinking about my future. I am filled with deep emotions as of the moment.
Do you have someone who believe in you? Someone who supports you whatever it is that you want to do? And someone who keep pushing you to move forward whenever you feel discourage?
I can't help myself but cry. I overthink again. To the point that I want someone to cry on, someone that I can talk to and hear me out just a sort of releasing the pain I felt inside. To be honest, I don't know if I can still go on with my life. I came to the point where I felt like there's no hope. Talking about finding a stable job, I still don't submit my application letter for the Rankings. I'm still waiting the call from the previous job that I applied for, so that I can have first a Teaching Experience and I can have something to submit for "Certificate of Employment or Service Record." That's what I've lacked on my previous rankings kasi and of course, I'm on a state of confusion. In contrary, there's a part of me that greatly stand on a belief that here on earth everything is just temporary. That everything that I went through- pains, heartaches, disappointments, rejections, discouragements are just temporary. That I should stand in my faith that there's a brighter future waiting for me ahead. That all I have to do right now is to believe in myself that I can gain that kind of future that I always believed in, but then again, is just too different when you have someone who believe that you can do it and have it, sooner or later.
Its just hurtful to think that those people that you expected to believe in you, support you, and encourage you, they are the ones who will do the opposite thing. That instead of pushing you up, they pull you down. That instead of giving you encouragements, they give you the reason for you to feel discourage. Its kind of ironic. That those people that you expected to be with you all throughout the journey, they will just left you in the thin air. Because a lot of times you failed, and a lot of times you've got rejected. And the only one who left in you, is yourself.
Pressure is on, right? As I keep doing my contemplation, I then came to realized, "My greatest opponent is myself" and My greatest weapon is myself." And that someone that I am always longing to believe in me, is just ME!
That's all for this blog my read.cash fam! Thank you for spending your time. Take good care of yourselves!❣️
I want to extend my deepest gratitude towards the people that keep supporting my works in here. To my avid readers, likers, subscribers, and upvoters. As well as my sponsors; (old, new, and renewed ones). Having you as my Readcash family and virtual friends, gives me the an immense sense of satisfaction. Thank for the love and support you have given to me. Thank you for being my everyday inspiration and motivation to keep doing this thing. Thank you for making my Readcash journey fruitful. May the Lord God bless us more fruitful days, months, and years to come!
Just Love!❤️
See you in my next article!😊
|#244| 9th Article of the Month
|04.14.2022 @8:35 AM|
Lead Image source: edited using Pixlab App
"A Day with a Nonstop Rain and a Sudden Brownout"
"A Day Imperfect but I Chose to believe that its Perfect"
"Food Preference: This or That Challenge"
"I Ended up Hurting Myself for Expecting Too Much"
"Feeling ill Monday with a sudden Twist!"
"Celebrating New Year's Day of BATHALA and my Godchild's Third Birthday!"
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
I've been there my friend. There was a time in my life when the pressure was tight. I don't know if I'm still walking the right path, or will I get tthere to my dreams. But never lose hope, you'll get there, in His time.