Cutting Off People In Your Life

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2 years ago

I think most of us believed in the illusion of being happy of having many circles of friends.

Honestly, I have acquaintances, and it’s a lot of them from my childhood, high school, and college years. It was a rollercoaster ride being with these people. We had so much fun, and my life would be boring without them during those years. They say having a lot of friends means you are a good and kind-hearted person. Some may agree, but some may not.

Once in my life, I believed that having a lot of friends was fun. You can laugh together, do crazy things, and even experience the best moments of your life. I was in that illusion before, but realizations hit me. While growing up, reality will make you reflect on things that you once thought were fun. Life is not all about those. There is a bigger world and more complicated things ahead. And not everyone in your circle will be there when you are in your worst moments. In this piece, let me elaborate on the goodness and advantage of cutting off people in your life.

At some point, you will be in a situation where you will see the genuine people around you. Some people that you call friends are there physically with you but not emotionally. You will never know the real ones unless complications start. You cannot determine their intentions of sticking with you unless you will be in a situation where you will need their hands to lift you. When the tough days begin, you will see the people who will show you the same affection and care. And then you will receive a blessing that will open your eyes to who’s real and not.

As I got older, I realized the importance of learning that cutting off people in your life is fine. You are doing yourself a favor. It is not a bad thing to do if they affect your peace of mind. Also, especially if you think that they are not giving you the same energy as you do. Some may not understand the sense of why a person cut off people in her life, but as long as your reason is valid, it is okay.

I remember being in the same spot. I will not tell the story in detail, but there is this particular circle that I had to cut off. There was a situation where I needed them to at least defend my name, but no one did. It is when I decided that they treat me as their friend if it is for their convenience. I focused on the idea that it is so much fun being with them and that I get the loudest laugh every time. But life is not always about laughter and good moments. It is about surviving in difficult times as well. And that circle was there only during the good days, but they forgot to be with me in times I needed them the most.

If you think that you did nothing wrong and gave your best to be a good friend, you did not lose them. It is painful knowing that the people you once thought would stay with you through hot and cold times will only appreciate you if it is to their advantage. You can feel the sadness and the disappointment, but it is okay. It will not be an easy ride, but you will get there.

You will be reminiscing your moments with them and realize that it was a good decision. Real friends will not bother your peace of mind. They will not take you for granted, and they know the essence of give and take. Also, they will not be with you for their convenience but rather stick with you when you need them.

So, if you think of cutting off people in your life now, whether they are friends or acquaintances, do it. Do not hesitate to do it for your inner peace. And if you are having second thoughts about whether your friends are genuine or fake, observe, and God will let you see it. Choose your circle wisely, but still trust no one.

End of Article
Date Published: November 18, 2021
Author: charmingcherry08

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2 years ago


There is no one whom we consider as our "Real Best Friend", it is absolutely better to have a real friend than the 100 fake friends. Once I also wanted to surround with lots of people but when I realized and started to understand their real intention then I started to cut them off from my life. It is really important to give ourselves importance and love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes it's important to let someone go, no matter how hard it may be. Perhaps by letting go of something that doesn't belong to you, you are only improving your life and the life of the person you need to say goodbye to. Life is sure to give you something better and bigger in return.)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes we have to take one of the hardest decision to achieve ours goal which is cutting off some friends though it's never easy, but if would stop you from achieving your goals I don't see anything bad doing it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I could not agree more. Sometimes if it's for our own good and we think that they are compromising us, cut them off. It's time to have the advantage on your side.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good thing you did that. I am already 22 and I must say I still did not find that circle of friends who truly are willing to help me out on hard times. I met ones that even forgit my birthday, or I felt left out. I don't consider anyone as "close friend/s" right now. Everyone's just a friend to me. Same level.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is a good way, still. Keeping everything at same level. I mean, maybe you haven't met or knew the real ones, but hopefully you will someday or sooner. It will be during the darkest and worst days of your life, trust me. You'll see who has a good intention on you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hopefully. Can't wait to meet friends like what you said. That would actually be so nice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most of the people we meet during our lives come and go, they are very few those who stay with us all the way. In good times and bad times. And we learn it over the years.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah, and I have learned this art lately. Thank you so much!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am one who ain't good connecting with people even at a young age. When I see that they only are befriending me because I have something to their advantage I will cut them off. But when I see they're good even if I have nothing then I keep em.. an its not bad doing so because it's not good for one's well being

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's good to know that you realized this ahead of time. Yeah, I kept a lot of friendships but realization hit me lately. It is not about the quantity, but always the quality. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with this. It's not bad cutting off people when all they do is to be with you when youre on top but when you are at you lowest they just no where to be found

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I AGREE! It's about choosing the right circle for you. Where they know you even at your lowest points. Thanks for that wonderful idea.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I have realized my self-worth when I was younger, I should have cut a lot of people in my life :) But thank goodness, it was not too late to do it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah. Sometimes it felt like somehow threw a stone right in our head and we just realized things. If I did know my worth before, hindi na sana ako nakisama sa mga maling tao. :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago