One of my favorite employee in the office!

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1 year ago

Hello Read dot Cash Community! How you all doing? I've been away for a few days and this platform keeps being silent!

Anyways, I became busy in my internship and whenever I got home, I just ate and sleep after. I was so tired even though I didn't do so much things hehe. So, I always slept early and study a little for the incoming civil service exam.

Yesterday, one my favorite employee in the office said good bye to us because she will transfer to another branch. She was promoted as a branch manager to the office she will go to. I was a little bit sad because she is the one who was handled us. I like her attitude because she is a soft spoken person and a kind hearted.

I will definitely miss her even though I only met her for a month. I know there a bright future a ahead of her because she is so dedicated and hard working. I am hoping that when we see her again, she fulfills all her heart desires.

That would be all! Thanks for Reading and have a blessed Weekend!

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1 year ago
