My Internship so far

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1 year ago

Hello Read Cash Community!

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My first week of internship just ended yesterday and I was so tired even though we didn't work too much haha. We only do the basic things like printing or scanning papers andi documents

In this article, I would like to share the things that happened to my internship so far. Specially the things I did and learned this week in my internship

Let's get started!


During our first day, we were just asked to finished or complete their requirements. So, we went to school to gave it to our OJT supervisor and thankfully, she signed it immediately. Then we went to a diagnostic center to have an X-ray, which included in the company's requirements.

I learned that I need to obey first before I complain because arranging requirements is needed to be able to start my internship in their company. So, should be patient and do the responsibility as an intern.


The only thing we did was to arrange the files and documents. We arranged it alphabetically and by year.

One thing I learned in this was to be detailed oriented because when I was arranging documents, I read it thoroughly before I put it on its designated year.


The branch manager wasn't there last Wednesday so the Sales Consultant was the one who assist us during the whole day. She just discussed the background and introduction about the company.

Knowing the company will help me to be understand how they work as a team, their job descriptions and how the operates.


Our day was productive this day haha. We did a lot such as; tagging, arranging files, and typing documents. We didn't notice the time as we were busy doing those things. Also, our OJT supervisor visited us in the company for MOA and (Memorandum of Agreement) NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) signing.

The documents they signed are one of our requirements for our internship and we will use it on our journal.


Yesterday, we don't do much haha. We just tasked to do their bulleting board haha. It seems that we were creating a group project lol. But, they said that we will also do the things they are doing one step at a time. They only taught us the basic first before we proceed or do an actual.

I realized that even the small things counts. The things we did is part of being an intern as we are in a training ground to enhance our skills and gain some knowledge.

That would be all! Thanks for reading and have a nice weekend!

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:February 4, 2023

$ 0.10
$ 0.05 from @Porwest
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Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago


You go Joyce be that sponge 🧽 SpongeJoyce !! 🤣 I'm sure things will be more productive soon.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope so too! lol🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Btw can't find you on Hive. Can you send your link

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't know if the referral and profile link are the same but here's the link anyway🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It didn't work but it gave your username. I was searching for re-joyce lol thats why I couldn't find you. I wish I could delegate you some HP. I only have 7 of my own the rest is borrowed because it was delegated to me. There is a site where you can get 15hp twice if you want me to send it to you. Maybe it work for you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

try it with no "-"🤣 I still don't know how hp and points in Hive (Ecency) works haha. But, thanks anyways hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago