Interview of Marc De Mesel "The Magnanimous"

90 5768
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Written by
4 years ago

Today article is a very special one in this we are going to interview the person who is known for his generous Funds for BCH community . Everyone in BCH community is familiar with one name @MarcDeMesel many us know for his Fundings . I am very excited and curious today for having an interview of him and I know alot of us curious about this man . Let's find out answers of the question to know more about Marc.

Introduction of Marc is hard for me and I will be not able to justify his personalities in my words . Marc is a investor since 2008 with 40% CAGR, Marc invested in BTC (Bitcoin) since 2012 He sees what others were unable to see in crypto currencies . He is very fond of volunteerism as we all know about it with all that he is a youtuber . On his Youtube he share his life experiences which also includes financial experience he have. Now I don't want to bore everyone with my words lets start interview with Marc.

Q1. As I said I will be not able to introduce you correctly. So tell us what Marc de mesel do?

"I'm an investor, I invest in cryptocurrencies and stocks. I usually hold my investments for many years as it usually takes also long before an investment goes from seriously undervalued, when I try to buy, to seriously overvalued, when I try to sell."

Q2. Where did you grow up?

"I grew up in Belgium, Europe, the northern Dutch part of Belgium called Flanders. They have beautiful small cities like Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp with historical medieval city centers that are very pleasant to walk in during summer and drink something outside on the many terrasses."

Q3. Right now you are inspiration for thousands of people but Who inspired you?

"I got inspired by big entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Roger Ver and great investors like Marc Faber, Roland Vandamme, Edward Thorp. Also was very inspired by philosophers, liberal thinkers and economists like Nietzsche, Ludwig Von Mises, Ayn Rand, Julian L. Simon and Stefan Molyneux. There are many more as I love to browse the internet, following my curiosity, watching videos every day about all kind of topics, including, girls, dating, supercars :) Check out my YouTube playlist "My Heroes" "

Q4. You are Serial investor and investing needs creativity, What is your creative process like?

"Great question! I think very often about my investments, and look at it from different sides, what could go wrong, why it may not pan out. I try to see objectively the pros and cons, the realistic risks and potential rewards. I also try to be in touch with my feelings, and what they tell me about a person or investment."

Q5. You started in crypto world in 2012 with bitcoin and now you are one of the top supporter/funder of BCH. What Made you change your belief from BTC to BCH?

"Already very early on, middle 2013 I noticed a bad attitude by some people in Bitcoin, they were very dismissive and even hostile towards other coins like Litecoin or Peercoin, and so was I in beginning, thinking they made no chance against Bitcoin's strong network effect. But towards end 2013 I realized competition is actually good as it brings out the best in people, and even though these offerings may not succeed, some likely will in the future as the potential cryptocurrency market is very big and many niches will exist.

As the years went on Bitcoin "Maximalism", as they called it politely, only got worse to the point that absolute idiotic ideas as looking at the bitcoin blockchain as a scarce resource, where only those that payed a high price, should get access to, got the upper hand.

By early 2017 when it became clear they would not increase block size and transactions would likely become a lot more expensive in future, I had enough and sold all my BTC for other crypto's, just in time as only months later BTC market share started to drop from 85% to bottom of 35% only 1 year later. When in middle 2017 Bitcoin Cash forked off Bitcoin, I was very happy it finally happened and invested big in it from the start as we finally had a Bitcoin again that was lead well, where onchain transaction remained cheap and fast, and where the vision to continue to innovate and attract all kind of use cases and application to Bitcoin, was strong."

Q7. You supported Flipstarter nodes campaign with heavy funds , You supported with heavy funds . People wonder what in return you will get as you are a investor and investor invest for profit. What profit you can get from these donations ?

"I made a lot but also invested a lot in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash later, not only in money, but also in time. The donations I made to @flipstarter teams are only a small part compared to my holdings, and if I don't do them, the chance Bitcoin Cash fails and my BCH goes down in value is a lot higher. It makes perfect financial sense for me to donate big to for example, as they are by far the most promising application that uses Bitcoin Cash as a currency that may attract massive adoption and put BCH in the hands of many new people, that earned them!

It's easy to build a cryptocurrency these days, it's very hard to build a unique use case that finds strong adoption. It requires not only great coding skills, but also great entrepreneurial skills, a combination of talents that is rare and clearly present in team as well as the BCHN team that is building an alternative client to dominant BitcoinABC client, also a team with great track record, strong vision and work ethic, respect for the community, users and investors, hence why I invest/donate strong to them."

Q8. You are a great father and we can see your love towards your kids in your videos. World is changing rapidly and technological revolution changing things faster than ever. Being a father what skills you will make sure your kids should have for surviving in future ?

"Thank you so much :) Thinking for yourself is very valuable, using your own logic, your own reason, and possibly coming to conclusions that are very controversial, still finding the courage to speak them, to follow them, to invest in them, is hard. We are social creatures and being excluded from the group in the past often meant death, hence why we follow the group all too often, yet in entrepreneurship and investing, the group is often wrong or very late to see it. You have to be ahead of the pack if you want to make money, and for that independent thinking is crucial.

As children this gets often beaten out of us by teachers and parents who want you to conform and will punish you for stepping out of line. I hope that I give more quality time, love and attention to my kids, than I got myself from my parents. Giving them a rich environment where they learn a lot by seeing a lot, by giving them the freedom to follow their curiosity instead of wanting them to learn what I like or become what I want, instead of force feeding them boring subjects. A child when nourished well, when not abused, will become smarter as you in many subjects before they reach 18 even and be a specialist in fields that it can even make money from. But it needs the right support to get there."

Q9. Why you believe in Bitcoin cash?

"Because it's Bitcoin done well, which has proven to be a success already. Against all odds, Bitcoin succeeded as an independent private currency, in a climate where it was illegal to launch your own currency and compete with local gov it's fiat money. People that tried it before lost it all and some even got jailed.

It succeeded because the timing was perfect, in 2009 we were in biggest financial crises past 100 years and even rulers worldwide who benefit the most from the fiat banking system, as they print more of it every day and put in their pockets, were in doubt whether it would survive. It also succeeded because of how it was designed and marketed, in decentralized fashion, making it much more costly for rulers to prosecute the people involved, possibly having to jail many young coders and idealists with no penalty record, and still not able to get rid of it as it was global movement, hence they decided not to crack down on it as before with brutal cease and desists orders and even allowed governmental agencies such as central banks to make declarations about it, thereby confirming it was not considered illegal to use or invest in.

However, they did use many other tactics to slow down it's growth. In USA they categorized it, not as money, but as property, causing users to have to count and possibly pay capital gains tax on every transaction. Many other countries disallowed traditional banks to launch any services or products using these new cryptocurrencies and commercial banks often went further and saw the new competition as unwelcome, even closing accounts from clients they saw investing in them.

However, their biggest success was infiltrating Bitcoin and changing the direction it was on, from a currency that was aiming to become a global peer to peer currency and bring economic freedom around the world to even the poorest, into a currency that aims to be just an investment asset, where onchain settlement is only affordable to the richest and scaling only available offchain as second layer, where counterparty risk and expenses are much higher.

Hence why Bitcoin Cash needed to fork off, to not follow this dark path, but instead to continue the bright path it was on, to become a global private currency, popular with many for it's known brand name, it's cheap, fast and reliable onchain transactions, and it's many users. Many crypto's try to offer that, but I think Bitcoin Cash has best chance to become it."

Q10 . Bitcoin cash enabled people from third country to adopt it as a medium of payment and BCH community playing Vital role in it. What you will advice to people of these countries to do to be successful and make some money in this community ?

"To be successful in crypto world it is simple, but hard to do. Just save your coins, they will likely go up a lot in value, however most sell them long before that to cover bills of all kind. Try to have more coins over time by offering valuable things to people and asking a competitive price for it. You can be active in many cryptos as marketer or coder or build a business on top of the coin, or write for it on Careful for the many scams, and learn how to secure your coins safely, as it is the wild west of the internet with many idiocy and thefts happening."

Q11. I can tell you after your exposure of generous donations to many projects in BCH community a lot of people with ideas come to you and pitch ideas to get your attention . What advice you will give to them in order to get support from you ?

"Respect my time, so be brief and to the point. Show me how you help in making Bitcoin Cash a success, and I'll be happy to help you. However many are offering little value, better in talk than delivery, I look at your track record usually, past or actual results. Stories and promises I rarely buy. You can contact me on Telegram at @marcdemesel"

Q12. In last what you think how BCH will evolve in next 5 years ?

"I think BCH will continue to be a top 5 coin, and even go up in market share thanks to more people over time realizing it is the real Bitcoin, guaranteeing cheap, reliable and fast transactions as Roger Ver so famously says, in contrast to BTC where fundamentals were changed and we see either higher and higher transaction costs or less and less growth over time."

Thank you @MarcDeMesel

I am very thankful that you gave me your time for interview. I was amazed by answers and reading it made me realize that this is not just an interview it is the experience of 8 years you've shared with us. One can easily save his/her 8 years by just reading your experience toward CryptoCurrencies and "How to do it " . For readers, writers and @Read.Cash Team I must say you guys are the real hero to make BCH what it is today and when it will lead all Crypto in future . I hope Like me Every one can learn from Marc alot for that you can follow his channel on youtube believe me in his video you can learn some golden tips for many cases .

Youtube Channel:
Twitter account :
Telegram: @marcdemesel

$ 141.51
$ 110.00 from @MarcDeMesel
$ 13.37 from @molecular
$ 7.67 from @TheRandomRewarder
+ 26
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Written by
4 years ago


Hello. It's great to know a little more about this generous man. I had no knowledge about cryptocurrencies until I recently discovered the platform and I am happy that my first contact was with BCH, I am still learning. I only wish that the platform remains active for much longer and that BCH continues to grow. Thank you for allowing us to generate income in BCH through creativity in writing. I congratulate you for this great interview.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much everybody for the tons of appreciation you gave me, here, on twitter and on the article announcing the $40k and later $100k fund.

Truth is, the 400 BCH I donated is only smaller part of my total coins and without more users, Bitcoin Cash will not go up in value, so finding new users is crucial for my coins to go up in value. The problem is to find new users that deserve my BCH, that earned it, and this is what you guys do thanks to genius system of of attracting many new users and making right judgement who earns it and who does not, so they deserve as much praise for making this possible.

Important we see continued growth of the website so please tell your friends to come join and keep on creating valuable articles and comments, keep on tipping others, and your work will very likely be rewarded. Also save some of that BCH you earn as they likely will go up a lot in value in only 2 years time ;)

$ 0.11
4 years ago

400?🙄 OMG🤯🤯🤯. Wow you are indeed one of a kind. God will bless you sir. You have built a foundation for us to continue the legacy and you have shown me that indeed, "there is more blessing in giving than receiving"

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i salute you sir.your my inspiration now.i hope someday ill become a successfull trader in crypto.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are such an inspiration.. Thanks for the donation by the way...May God bless you and your family..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I actually found your donation supportive and I appreciate it alot because through you I can some amount of money almost every day thank you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your advice sir. I am just like the other that new in this platform and I find it very helpful though some user didn't see the good in this platform.

The BCH I earn here. I'll hold them. Thank you and good Health.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sorry to interrupt sir, I just finished reading your comment and thought if you we're actually the one that found BCH, you have indeed done a good work so far I must say

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I couldn't believe that aside from being a successful crypto investor, @MarcDeMesel is also a great father. Can't imagine that you can do that. I'm happy to hear that, despite of success that happens in your life, you still make sure that you have time for yourself and your family.

To make things shorter, @MarcDeMesel is the image of success in BCH. I'll look up at your dedication and will surely follow your path.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow this is a great advise from you sir, all my earnings here on read cash I will hold it on my bch wallet so it will grow just like you said the value will grow in two years time.. taking advise from well experienced person is a good choice. And also we are all very much thankful for your generousity and believing Read cash platform. We will do our best to create useful articles and enjoy being a read cash user. God bless you sir.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good advice! I’m also new to BCH but already in love with it.

It’s now my responsibility to spread the good news in my country and beyond.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much for your generosity sir! You are such an inspiration to everyone! May God bless you and your family always.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I believe that your gesture and appreciation of community it's a sign of a generous and astonishing investor you are and clearly that open new doors to people to start seeing the platform as good place to be, I was watching one of your videos (I will later attach the link) where you spoke about investments on Oil and at that point I realized one thing: you was expressing your really feels about that and clearly show up how realistic you are and that took me to start following your investment tips and I want to be like you one day, and have a foundation that will can teach Africans about BCH and other Crypto! You are an inspiration🙌

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I appreciate your generosity and the heart to give your so called "small amount" of coins to the system. Your money will never be wasted. You'll see how far you've gone through this. Salute!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sir, you have created a footprint for any person aspiring to be a successful investor in the crypto world should follow. I'm personally motivated through your advice. God bless you

$ 0.00
4 years ago

400 BCH is huge sir. And really appreciate the things you have done. Thanks for the support and continue to be a successful man on the planet.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hello, I was just searching about Marc because of my on going article, may I ask a permission to get some informations here? Thank you in advance

$ 0.00
3 years ago

An extraordinary interview, serves as inspiration for projects like mine BCHouse👍👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Excellent opinions. It is very valuable article. It’s plentiful post for everybody.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dear sir, I have translated this article into my own language Bengali. Forgive me. This article is really about extraordinary and many important things. Here is below my translated article link :

Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice interview sir

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I got to understand more on bitcoin evolution, thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow very nice article know i can understand many things thanks for sharing this sir😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow very nice article thanks for sharing this sir😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article about him! :D he's so good i want to be like him someday knowing about more in cryptos

$ 0.00
3 years ago

@MarcDeMesel is a very good person with good personality. He does many contribute for Recently, he donations a big amount on It is really a good news for us who work on Thank you a lot @MarcDeMesel.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow this is really great

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well, of course, we are so much thankful to Mr. Marc for having such a good heart. Let us all work hard to be the deserving users that ReadCash is looking for. This is a good way also for ReadCash to continue on this platform because the fund will help the website to stay longer here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Such a wonderful article...I really enjoyed it and didn't know when I finished reading it because I had my doubts about joining this platform when it was introduced to me by a friend of mine,but on seeing this article I think it's very reassuring about BCH..@MarcDeMesel your interview is indeed of great inspiration to me. Though I don't know much about this platform because am actually new but I promise to be dedicated and willing to learn and know more,I really hope this brings out the best in me because I also have the vision and motive of becoming an investor like you so I could motivate others like you motivated me.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow 😍 You have a great article interview about Mr marcdesel, Only rarely do such articles. congratulations you made a great article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Such a long article. We are all hoping for the best for this site. And thanks to our generous sponsor I never seen such a big donation up untill now. Thank you sir @MarcDeMesel.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This was an eye opener to someone like me who doesn't really know much about investing in cryptocurrencies or assets... Hearing it from you sounds really assuring... Truly before now joining this platform I had no idea who you were but after joining and seeing how generous and vision driven you are... I am inspired to take the path and see where it takes me. Thanks sharing this and thanks @MarcDeMesel for creating such an opportunity. I believe our vision would be accomplished and I am betting all my BCH I earn from this platform on your words.

$ 5.00
4 years ago

With this, there is an undying inspiration to invest in cryptocurrency. Thanks for the support for newbies..... You are and will always be an inspiration to everyone.... Hoping to be like you someday.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow... such belief and devotion... sir you are indeed all they say you are. I felt like i was having a one on one conversation with you and you just told show me the path and secret of being an investor which I haven't been able to get from my time online and to see how you are willing to grow others and motivate them instills in the me charge to keep going on this platform... I'm are indeed lucky to have some one like you, my devotion to BCH is forever because it is my first cryptocurrency and that is thanks to I hope some day I would also be able to inspire others just as you have for inspired me and countless others here. Thank you very much sir @MarcDeMesel

$ 5.00
4 years ago

Felt so impressed and inspired by Sir @marcdemesel and after reading , having much faith in BCH. Thanks for the author for bringing in this meaningful interview !

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I enjoy reading this article. It's always interest me to know people who are successful with their endevour. As by reading or watching interviews like this, one can get a glimpse of wisdom and thinking of the people who are successful. Thank you @MarcDeMesel for your investment for , as this can surely boost the usability of BCH for many people.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I just like it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hello Calvin Ayre 2.0

$ 0.00
4 years ago

this is BS

Marc is giving his money with no strings attached and he doesn't try to control anything.

please show how Marc is in any way similar to ayre or stfu.

$ 0.10
4 years ago

Just ignore people who are toxic :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

He is just envious. He knows that no other coin has as many supporters as Bitcoin Cash and that something like is not possible with BTC. Sad man

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hahaha true👍😘

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You really do well thanks

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great. Nice interview.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

I really love this article a lot . I know it will helpe in my guest.. Thank you @ralak , @Read.Cash and @ MarcdeMesel for your great work

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a great advice:

To be successful in crypto world it is simple, but hard to do. Just save your coins, they will likely go up a lot in value, however most sell them long before that to cover bills of all kind. Try to have more coins over time

I mean seriously, people, listen to financial advice from the man who owns a Lamborghini, not from yet another "millions of money" scam operators.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good interview and tribute to @MarcDeMesel. The momentum investor in helping make Read Cash a success! :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I enjoyed reading this interview!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Really good interview and a lot of takeaways from this. A lot of things he said are easier said than done but I think it's definitely worth doing. I will be following him on all channels.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This is a great article very informative :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well say Mr. And thank to @marDeMesel

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I wonder what wallet he use for this coins, is it or other wallet?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I got more knowledge from this article this a huge and knowledgeable guide thanks for the best article i just enjoyed alot ,,,

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Just joined and very excited to be here ! Great platform !

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks to Mr @MarcDeMesel for his generosity and great contribution to the growth of and Bitcoin cash

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Excellent interview.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks so much for your generous donations to help grow BCH. After reading the interview, I decided to buy even more BCH. I plan to hold for the long term and spend it in the future. Keep up the good work!

$ 2.00
4 years ago

Very good interview.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

BCH is the way to go , the future is looking very bright for BCH

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

inspiring, luckily my friend introduce this site to me to join in time :))

$ 0.00
4 years ago

nice article👍👍👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I cant Imagine people like is exist in this world.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have been following up the activities and actions of @MarcDeMesel, i have mever been more awed by such inquisitive act. Reading the interview did not only open my eyes but made me think of you more like a mentor to me. I felt like i was there ,interviewing you myself. I had so much insights into the realities of crypto. I have never being more convinced about bitcoin cash I am so grateful and i look forward to hearing more from you sir

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank u, sir marc, God bless n more power :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This move by Mr magnanimous has motivated me tremendously and Change the way I see BCH, I can say the future of Bitcoin cash is Bright and @MarcDeMesel wants a lot of people to be a beneficiary, thanks for your fatherly heart. Your name will surely not be forgotten in the Crypto world. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

From the article @MarcDeMesel displayed characters of a real man and not another millionaire who want to just profit from others. He is an icon that does what he says and inspires other to do the same because of his success attained.

Thank you sir. Your now my role model

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Woow. What a wonderful interview. I didn't really know much about cryptocurrency but this interview is eye-opening. I've indeed learnt a lot from this. Thanks to MarcDeMesel. As you said, I will make sure I save up my BCH. I also believe the value will come up in two years time. Knowledge is powerful!

Currently, I am referring people to this system so that they can see what I have seen. You are an inspirer to many..thanks alot!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's so nice interview, I'm so inspiring about @marc Demesel says I hope i can achieve what he achieve now.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

@MarcDeMesel I wonder what wallet did you use? how many money you spend when you start to invest?, I would like to know that thing if possible, I want to invest in BCH also, all the money I will gain here I will just put it into the wallet and never spend them about 1 or 2 years I'm just a student and once I got work and enough money I want to invest for my future, I want your advice on that thing I wish you will reply.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

very nice and informative interview good job thumbs up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

With this, there is an undying inspiration to invest in cryptocurrency. Thanks for the support for newbies..... You are and will always be an inspiration to everyone.... Hoping to be like you someday.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

After I read all the question and answer, this answer of Sir MarcDeMesel in question no. 8 truly amazed me "giving them the freedom to follow their curiosity instead of wanting them to learn what I like or become what I want"

I love you word Sir :) Your kids are lucky to have you as their father!

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
4 years ago

Waooo I did not know that it was sir the creator of this divides until now you made a good job sir

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This guys is a legend and inspiration to many of us. Any investment needs patience and this guy is a prime example of that

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What a wonderful interview. @Marc you are really a huge role model to millions and your good work must surely pay off in the nearest future. Thank you so much for your donations and your advices. We are all looking forward to be great as you some day. Thank you so much once more.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing this Sir. Its a big help for. Us what you had share with us. Continue sharing and it helps us.. Godbless you Sir.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's a wonderful time to support cryptocurrencies and the competition will most certainly bring out the best in them with value increasing rapidly.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow you are great @marcdemesel nice men.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

wow this is nice

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I really enjoyed this article. Bitcoin will progress to being a top crypto currency.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank You for your article

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great interview!

Nietzsche, Ludwig Von Mises - you read good authors! (I read almost all books on Nietzsche and several of Von Mises, and now continue to study more about Austrian school)

Also really good investment explanations in this video!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I never knew people paid much attention to BCH until now. I'm glad I'm a member of this platform. I'll spread the word

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is very nice to hear about your interview and glad to read it . Thank you all

$ 0.00
4 years ago

An extraordinary interview, serves as inspiration for projects like mine BCHouse

$ 2.10
4 years ago

Every project that moves BCH forward and helps others is a good project. Keep up the good work with BCHouse.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for this amazing information❤️😍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Waoh! Very concise answer.

$ 0.00
4 years ago