We Were Once Impaired
Once in our life, we look at ourselves and accept the flaws and imperfections we have. The toughest moments would make us doubt what we could do, and how much we can offer in this life. Sometimes we learn to embrace the emptiness we feel. The disappointments and rejections we face each day seem to be just part of the game. And we cannot deny the fact that we were once impaired.
There is no exception to imperfection. Everyone can be in the state where they mostly end up doing the wrong things and then meet the consequences after. There are times when we cannot recognize who we truly are, especially during the moments when we had to choose between doing what we want versus what is right. The days of being in the state of being weak and imperfect are inevitable. No one knows when it will come and challenge us. And once again, we are sometimes impaired and it is part of being alive – always part of the survival.
We could be emotionally and mentally drained. We are only human beings. We get tired, and some situations could be draining for us. There are problems that can crumple us emotionally, and there are some that can hit our mental health badly. Under these circumstances, we are facing the demons and weaknesses we have along the process. It may feel like walking in a dark place, hoping to find the light that could guide us to better days ahead.
We are not perfect. Each of us have flaws and that is a fact. No one could ever tell that they are perfect because at some point in their lives, they were also imperfect. There are situations when we feel like we could not offer our best shot. We can never claim to be perfect individuals, because there are people who already saw the dark sides of us – showing them that we are not the way they think we are.
We make mistakes. There are times when we act according to what we feel or how heightened our emotions are, and it sometimes turns us to make mistakes. I mentioned above that we are not perfect at some point, and it also connects to how we could commit wrongdoings too.
We have made wrong decisions in life. Of course, we could never know how situations would turn out. I know that most of you also made wrong decisions in your lives. There are some who can still feel the regrets, yet we cannot turn back time. We cannot correct the undesirable actions and decisions we made, whatever outcome we got after.
It is true that we were once impaired, or always will be. But it is okay because these imperfections, weaknesses, and wrong decisions we made are part of who we are. It is either you live your life full of regrets, or embrace them and learn to step forward.
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Article # : <302>
Category : <Personal Blogs>
Author : <charmingcherry08>
Posting Date : <August 9, 2022>
Nobody is perfect but a lot of people I've known of being feeling perfect that really irritates me roarrrr..Mistakes is part of our life that reminds us how to changed it.