Family Outing 2023!

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Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago
Topics: Student, Life, Outing, Family, Relatives, ...

Happy Easter Sunday, Read dot Cash Community!

As I said on my previous article, holy week is the time of the year to reflect in our lives. Aside from it, we also have some time for our family, relatives, and friends.

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and unwind during this year's Lenten season.  As for me and my family, we just had our outing earlier. Yes, we had our family outing this easter sunday. So, I would like to narrate some of the happenings of the event in this article.

Family Outing 2023!

The adults set a call time and they agreed to meet at my aunt's house at 9 am. We ride a jeepney which we rented because we are a huge family. Then it was not followed because there were many who came late and we left at 10 am already.

We arrived at the resort at 11 am and we lined up for the ticket, and cottage. Thankfully, the cottage was free so it will lessen our expenses. 

After we place our things, and foods in the cottage, we ate our lunch before we swim in the pool. The resort has 6 pools for adults and kids. But, the water was not that clean haha. Honestly, the place was nice except the swimming pools haha. The pool for kids is much better compared to the adult's pool lol.

Anyways, our lunch was cooked by my aunt. She cooked adobo, menudo, spaghetti, pancit, and that's it haha. The adobo was so delicious, you can easily separate the meat to its bone😋.

This was my sister's plate and her second or third round of eating lol.

That's all, Thanks for Reading and have a great week a head! xoxo


Looking for Sponsors of the following:

I will be graduation in July and I'm out of BCH as I paid our grad pictorial and year book. There are still many things I need for graduation day. I am now accepting an early graduation gift from my read cash family lol.

More of my articles to read:

:April 9, 2023

$ 0.56
$ 0.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Porwest
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Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago
Topics: Student, Life, Outing, Family, Relatives, ...



$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow I see that you use Google Keep to take notes, I also use it from time to time. I will rest this last day of rest to start with the energies ready for the start of the week.

I wish you a happy Sunday!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We also have our swimming last day. It was very fun and I get tired after. I am happy how I spend my holy week.

$ 0.00
1 year ago