Suggested Reading 7

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3 years ago

In this series, I assume the role of a reader instead of a writer, discussing articles by other writers... things I recommend.

Let's begin with International Coalition Fails to Address Ransomware by @M.Rosenquist, an author whose articles are always relevant for the crypto community. The only thing that disturbs me, is that they are sometimes just introducing a video. But that is my own taste, not a statement of objective quality; personally I like to read, not being referred to a video, and this author's texts usually convey the message anyway. There are others, being much worse in that respect (no names mentioned).

@Jnavedan wrote Keep the internet open with reflections on the future of internet.

Hard working member @Fexonice1, who has been here a long time and always publish well written material, wrote two recently released articles I would like to mention: Bitcoin can, and will be shut down by government and Four major excuses you must deal with if you want to be successful in life. This is a member who has evolved much as a writer during his time here.

We have 3 read-worthy articles by @aniruddhasen: The spirit of crypto, about the revolution, of which we are all a part, and its effects; The darker side, where he discusses the always present dark side of the human nature, a side of cruelty, oppression, violence, torture and killings; and Mind control through mass psychosis., about something that is going on around us all the time.

@sleepyjey discusses divisiveness and its destructive power in The Power Of Divisiveness. Reading this makes me think of the old Roman principle, "divide et impera", divide and rule. People in power has good reason to stimulate such divisiveness in order to practise their power more easily. Small divided groups disliking (perhaps hating) each other are easier to control and dominate than a large group of people working together. Dividing people is realpolitik, and we will not get rid of that unless we get rid of politics as we know it today.

@ClDvor, an old member who recently returned, made a strong comeback with a series of 3 motivational articles:

The Words You Need to Hear.

Words You Need to Hear 2

The Words You Need to Hear 3. ( Final Words)

On a related theme, @Bjorn recently published Criticize Yourself Often. It is about how criticism helps us to become better.

@VoluntaryJapan explains what voluntaryism is in What Is Voluntaryism?.

A new member, @Ash458, wrote The Toxic World of Online Fake Gurus!, about an ever actual subject. The article is not extensive and doesn't profoundly analyse anything, but it is this author's first article here, and its message is one everyone should share.

Another new member, who also has published only one article here yet, is @remona, and the article is We cannot do 'Everything' but we can do 'Something'. @remona argues that if you can only do a little for a good purpose, it is still meaningful to do it.

@turuncu writes about Freedom of saying I don't know! This is somewhat related to my own Is Ignorance Better Than Knowledge?, although from another perspective.

In Life creating content, @MicroReylatos writes about the low “professional” prestige there is in being a content creator. Most people think it is easy, not ta real work such as lawyer of physician.

In Stream Of Consciousness: What Is The Mind Like Of A Creative Writer, @Peter-Molnar analyses the mind of a creative writer. This is a really good article, which I highly recommend.

@sj0820 claims that Silence isn't empty : Silence is a peaceful center of life. I fully agree.

@Stainless_BCH writes about 7 things to carry like a crate of egg . Not deep, but thought-worthy.

Another lighter article which is worth the while to read is 21 Things I Learned by @cherrynwine.

Some poetic reflections by @Yelenab: Time...

How about some history? @ceky321 writes about Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon and the creation of Spain in A wedding that united two powerful kingdoms.

In The Théâtre des Vampires, @Librarian analyses Anne Rice's “Vampire Chronicles“, a book series which is one of the best known works of modern vampire literature, perhaps the most important one since Bram Stoker's “Dracula”.

And here another article related to vampires: Dracula Moonlight Sonata by the same author.

Speaking of vampires, here we have a review of a vampire movie: Black As Night by @Jaxson.

The same author also published Are We Heading for Unprecedented Territory with Vaccine related AIDS?, which is a very important article. I, myself skeptical about covid-19 vaccine, which has been pushed in rocket speed through incomplete tests & research, just get my expectations confirmed by results as these.

Read the whole series, ”Suggested Reading” and my series “Retrospection”.

Copyright © 2021 Meleonymica/Mictorrani. All Rights Reserved.

You find all my writings on Read.Cash, sorted by topic, here.

My 5 most recent articles:

Old Language & Distorted Text

Animals' Sense of Smell

Retrospection 11

Vitamin C (part 2): How to Use & What it Does

Vitamin C (part 1): Can Science be Trusted?

$ 23.14
$ 22.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Librarian
$ 0.05 from @Eybyoung
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3 years ago


Thank you for the mention of my articles. Vampires have so much to say about us, mortals. Also, I liked the comment: "divide et impera". I regard it as one of the primary forces at work today to maintain control across the world. Many interesting and deep thoughtful article this week. Thanks.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is creative. Though I'm kind of new here. I was still expecting my article to pop on here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Better luck another time! There is considerable competition, and I am not even able to read everything - I don't even know of all authors being on the platform, nobody can do that, so I am sure I am missing several good articles. It's unavoidable.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Siempre es bueno contar con personas así que sepan y valoren lo bueno de otros. Gracias por esto y le deseo linda mañana

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gracias, que tengas un buen mañana tú también.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks man

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonderful skills of analysis and dedication. This is the spirit of collective participation

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I guess you've done enough justice mentioning the names of seasoned writers here and their interesting write ups and topics. I'll try and check out some of the suggested write ups by you here

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's quite some deep and intense reading you have done! Avid readers are what make this site chug along. And thanks for adding my article to the list. It feels good to know you have read it with care!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like the fact that you've taken your time in digging deep into other writers works here

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am trying, but it's still impossible to read everything. I'm sure I have missed many good articles that would have been included here if I had ever found them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago