Patronage 2021 Week 27: the community has decided

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Avatar for Macronald
2 years ago
Topics: Patronage

What's up, folks! I hope y'all had a lovely weekend and staying safe wherever you find yourself.

Once again I want to welcome y'all to a new month - July. Another beautiful week here. And we're just a few days into July and there seems to be a lot of challenges ahead, at least for my family and me. This is about my sibling's admission for his post-graduate study at Teesside University, Middlesbrough, England - a story for another day. I may come calling for help and I hope to receive your assistance.

My goal for the new month is to raise enough money to make the required payment and expenses so my brother can accept and secure his admission abroad. This will be a positive change for the family, the best thing to have happened since dad's death. We can't afford to lose this opportunity.

It's a new week and here at the Patronage, it begins with the announcement of the new beneficiaries. But before that, let me share this piece of poetry without you.

The day they'll cease to exist again

The day they’ll cease to exist again

Happiness in our mouths

Smile on our faces

For our desert shall grow grains again

Our story shall be rewritten

The day they’ll cease to exist again

The living ones shall be stoned

Their names shall turn anti-goodness

Silence for their pending generations

The day they’ll cease to exist again

The revolution shall make us champion

We shall call ourselves the winners

Our livelihood shall appear in good colour

Hurray! For we’ve finally conquer

Who are they?

The Triumphant of several trials

Yielded victory by the glaring liars

The floor was swept by broomers

Who came to spot flaws of umbrellas

What have they come to do?

They all came with some worthy words

Then locking our mouths with swords

Making Nigeria one of the odd wards

How? We’ve listened to the wrongs

What are their offerings?

The Democratically elected robbers

Maximizing the insecurity numbers

Magicians of serial joyless wonders

Showcasing major talents; the Looters!

All these looters, Shooters and,

The uprooters of our resources

The day they cease to exit again

Our land shall be endowed with love and unity.

Back to the Patronage

This is the 27th week of the Patronage initiative. And the beneficiaries of the previous week were @Bloghound and @Peter-Molnar. The week has been quite busy for me, so I couldn't visit each day but I was able to tip all the articles they published within the week with as much as I could afford to give at the time. I subscribed to the two users and offered sponsorship which is currently active.

Patronage Week 27 Nomination Result

The post to announce the nomination round of week 27 was published on Wednesday, and we were honoured with the participation of 32 users. Also, users were allowed to nominate themselves and other users, and a few took the opportunity to nominate themselves.

Here are the details of the nomination:

  1. @carolinacardoza nominated @oizaguirres and @MiriannaLis

  2. @imanagrcltrst nominated @imanagrcltrst

  3. @fantagira nominated @CoquiCoin and @MarSou

  4. @Ellehcim nominated @helmetjetrimi

  5. @FarmGirl nominated @CoquiCoin and @emily2u

  6. @CoquiCoin nominated @FarmGirl and @fantagira

  7. @QueenRay nominated @Gaftek and @Olasquare

  8. @nheng1118 nominated @Burnok and @Zhyne06

  9. @Sequoia nominated @Zhyne06 and @dziefem

  10. @McJulez nominated @Burnok and @CrazyRichFilipina

  11. @EverythingBlockchain nominated @EverythingBlockchain

  12. @Gaftek nominated @QueenRay and @Princessbusayo

  13. @wakeuplincs nominated @Nyctofiles and @zolabundance2

  14. @Gracee nominated @MissJo and @Willtravis

  15. @Leymar012201 nominated @Zhyne06 and @Leymar012201

  16. @Burnok nominated @BurnokBurnok

  17. @renren16 nominated @Marinov and @renren16

  18. @rosienne nominated @gerl

  19. @Caroline17 nominated @Zhyne06 and @Pattatunay

  20. @Eunoia nominated @Zhyne06 and @Pattatunay

  21. @bheng620 nominated @Zhyne06 and @renren16

  22. @Pattatunay nominated @Zhyne06 and @Pattatunay

  23. @CrazyRichFilipinac nominated @CrazyRichFilipina and @Sassy_sassa

  24. @Laurenexai nominated @Zhyne06 and @Laurenexai

  25. @Zhyne06 nominated @Olasquare and @Marinov

  26. @Marinov nominated @Chor06 and @Zhyne06

  27. @Olasquare nominated @Zhyne06 and @Olasquare

  28. @JLoberiza nominated @JLoberiza and @friendlymoose

  29. @janz nominated @MissJo and @renren16

  30. @MissJo nominated @Janz and @MissJo

  31. @ThisisGrace21 nominated @renren16 and @Chor06

  32. @Yesdoflink nominated @Yesdoflink and @Princessbusayo

In the end, @Zhyne06 topped the nominees' list with 10 nominations, followed by @renren16 with 4 nominations. Congratulations guys.

My appreciation goes out to the users who made out time to nominate other users. Thank you, guys. You can rest for now until when I come again to announce the next nomination round and I am confident you will answer my call. Thanks once more.

As for me, my work continues. I have to follow the two beneficiaries through the week to subscribe, sponsor them, read and tip their posts with the little amount I could afford to give at the time.

Below are the benefits offered by the patronage initiative to the weekly beneficiaries. The nominators (users that nominated them) are not left out.

  1. Subscriber(s): I will subscribe to the beneficiaries and hopefully, other users will also get to subscribe to them.

  2. Sponsorship: I will send a sponsor offer to both users and it's up to them to accept or reject the offer. Note: You have to activate your sponsor block to be able to get sponsored.

  3. Tips: lastly, I will read and tip up to 7 articles published by the beneficiaries within the week.

  4. Nominators Bonus: The users who participated in the nomination rounds by nominating other users are not left out. Their nomination comment will be tipped by me. Also, those that nominated the users that became beneficiaries of the week will get an extra tip.

A few more things

  • To encourage users to participate in the nomination round, I will tip comments, especially nomination comments that give reasons for nominating the users.

  • I will only tip articles written in English. I can't tip what I can neither read nor understand.

  • The tip amount depends on the quality of your article. And I reserve the right not to tip your articles. As much as I want to support users to publish more, I also want to encourage them to stick to a level of quality which we will all appreciate.

  • Yes, you can vote for the same users as the user before you. As the more nominations, a user gets, the more his/her chances of topping.

I have to end this here for today. I will return soon, to seek your assistance again in nominating some users for the initiative.

Thank you all for the continuous support.

Stay safe everyone and have a lovely week!!

Love and Support.

$ 13.92
$ 13.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @D.B.Cooper
$ 0.20 from @Zhyne06
+ 5
Sponsors of Macronald
Avatar for Macronald
2 years ago
Topics: Patronage


Good day sir And thanks so much for the support and hardwork Also I big congratulations to the top nominee. Hard work pays off. They got the reward of their hardwork.

Thanks so much for the support and love. I so much love the poem 💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Weldone sir. And congratulations to the nominees

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yaaaay! I am so happy for both, they are my friends. Congratulations. 🤗🤗🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats to Miss @Zhyne06 n @renren16 :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much..🤗❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yayyy congrats mga mamsh @Zhyne06 and @renren16

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat memsh..😘❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Salamat mamsh. Puho. Ikaw na pud ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for congratulating us everyone!❤️❤️❤️

And to you sir @Macronald , I thanked you for giving us this opportunity. I hoped for your success and coping up the needs of your brother..

God bless you more blessings to come!😇

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulation to those two😊 You guys deserve it. Godbless you more .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations to the chosen 2 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, thank you for this opportunity. I hope and pray for your success to have enough needs for your brother's studies. Bless you more sir. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome.

I hope and pray for your success to have enough needs for your brother's studies.

I hope so too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

CONGRATULATIONS @Zhyne06 and @renren16 😊😊💚💚💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much..❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

my pleasure :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cngratulations guys ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congrats to all! That's a great start of the week :)

Good luck to you and your brother. Surely you will be able to raise enough funds for him. Cheers!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Encouraging one, although I don't know any of these two users who won but I know a few that were nominated and I know they deserved it for their efforts on this platform isn't a waste. I hope to participate in the next nomination week. Well done guys.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations @Zhyne06 and my girl Rain Rain @renren16 lol. You guys deserve this and I hope you enjoy it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hihi..😁😅 Thank you girl..😘❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago