The 200th! and maybe the last?

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Avatar for Duvinca
1 year ago

Hello dear readers!

Are you still there? I don't know, in these last few days there seems to be a certain emptiness or silence on this platform. Yes, there are some users who are still active but fewer, it's a pity, there is less engagement too, when I always thought that it was on where there was a greater natural and close interaction between all of us who write here. And challenges and prompts here are great and motivating.

Well, if I'm not mistaken this is my 200th article on, quite a milestone but not the best time to celebrate.

My image (using

Well, you know that some days ago I complained about the absence of Rusty, commenting on it with other users, I'm not the only one, it may be that there are 80% affected, or so they say... I don't know, but I do know that something has changed due to here and it's not for good.

Other friends comment that, now with the new version of Noise App and with Cashrain, most of them have focused their attention on these other platforms, leaving aside for now. If we add to this the lack of incentive in BCH, the rout makes sense.

The truth is that I feel now quite demotivated, I have also commented on it to others and the same thing happens to me a bit, also from time to time I look at the Cashrain thing and I have returned to Noise, to Noise App now, to see if it works better as I was commenting on "And now again this, Noise (updated!)".

But strangely here now on I feel a bit when I started to get tired of when it blocked me and all that story that I already told. All my friends told me to be patient, and I had it for 9 months, but they blocked me even more without any sense. So I decided to drop it and focus on other more stimulating things. Among those things was, which during the first months was somewhat irregular but encouraging, I found old friends and met new ones. All interesting, and also there was Rusty supporting me. But as I say, here something has changed.

And honestly I'm not going to have the same patience here that I had on Noise, seeing the current situation I don't intent to waste my time as we all have more things to do. But about rewards it's almost "funny" that I get more tips even on Noise App now or on Cashrain than here. What happened?

Probably everything I've mentioned before, or something else that escapes me... Maybe the friendly advice I received here "I got a friendly advice" (about not copying my same content back to this platform mainly from Hive) a few days ago was a sign of what would come, who knows.

TIPS: the thing is that I see now that I am giving all I have in my wallet here in tips for some of you but they are the last tips as my funds here were small and there are not more now, my funds have run out. So for now on, I can't give more tips. SORRY.

So I don't really know what to do, well yes, probably I should focus on Hive because everything seems safer and more reliable there, under the circumstances, it is true that at the beginning it is very complex and yes, you also have to be patient but I think I have improved, my profile has grown and I hope it continues like this.

The truth is that I would like to read and comment on other posts there, and there is also Noise App, although I am not very sure and I will go from time to time without rushing. But I don't know if on Noise users are looking for more quantity or quality, or the platform, we'll see if it introduces changes and these are for the better.

On Publish0x I have no problem at all, I always do the same (it was the first platform I discovered on 2020) I dedicate little time to it and that's enough for me, without any kind of objective, calmly, only when I really want to.

And what to do with, I keep reflecting about the current situation and I don't think I will write much for now, if there is not some improvement. Starting next Tuesday I'll be away for a some days, enjoying Christmas time offline in reality. So almost without realizing it, soon it will be January, and it will also be in that month when I celebrate one year on Maybe after this pause that I intend to take, it will be on the first anniversary when I make some decision about stopping writing on (or not) and then if so, definitely focusing all my time and energy on other sites where I don't feel like I'm writing in the emptiness, where my words become just an echo virtually and among friends, a dark wall has been erected unfortunately, although I hope just temporally.

So this is the 200th article, the last of the year, or just the last.

Maybe it's just normal, something it happens time to time, as usual, maybe everything changes over time and we have to know how to adapt and flow with the changes. Maybe it's time, right now that I've reached 200 articles on

Thank you to all of you.

I wish you all the best of luck, Merry Christmas and see you around!

(in Noise App, Publish and in Hive, even on Twitter too!)

Thanks for reading! Have a motivating and nice day.

December 13, 2022

More articles here!

Christmas challenge! Decorations, surprises and plans

This is a random post

And now again this, Noise (updated!)

Time to say goodbye,

Take a nap and then write

It's December! And who is this?

I got a friendly advice

Sometimes we are like cryptos

Me, my friends and some questions

Writing content

This text is totally mine and original by ©Duvinca 

And the image has been created by me using

I'M ALSO HERE: Noise APP / Ecency(Hive) / Publish0x / Odysee

$ 0.58
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.10 from @Gemstone
$ 0.06 from @Unity
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Avatar for Duvinca
1 year ago


There are only a few who do active cashrains. I guess it's going to be the lucky ones who will receive the most rewards there.

Here, I haven't been that active for I am focused on other things plus job prospecting but I do feel the change even if I am not that active.

I haven't been earning that much here for a long while now but whatever I have earned, I give it back and now the funds are dwindling as well.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I'm getting literally zero, but as many people say it must be a general issue as many users are complaining more less about the same. But during these last days I just read some others' articles, I see they have Rusty's rewards, some bigger than I usually had, so no everybody is in that situation, so I don't understand really.

My idea is to take a break now (as I'm also pending on a small job option) but if I see Rusty is alive just for others and I don't have any BCH to give more tips, I can't do much in this platform...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is so emotional to read 😢. It's well my friend, your decision is okay too considering the situation of things here. Maybe I'm gonna stop here soon because it's demotivating to keep engaging and nothing to show for it

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yep, and thanks for reading it... well I think maybe it's a good time to take a break, I'm pretty busy, in few days I have to travel, then Christmas holidays, some other business, and so on... I will be back then later to see how the situation is, hope again better for all of us. So I wish you the best, the good thing is we will see each other still on the other platforms where I intend to continue. Merry Christmas my friend!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ahhh, what a milestone 200 articles. Great 👍. It is indeed not easy to get there untill you give time.

Yes. I agree that the Rusty is sort of sleeping and also accept that I there are days I got less than tipping others, but I still confused. To be honest, I am also gonna write about this.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks dear! Well 200 but now less active, probably I will take a break here since Christmas holidays are approaching could be a good moment and also to wait for Rusty again because the whole week was not good at all. I think we all are confused at least me too!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good luck, enjoy you holidays. It is good to have a break especially when you are confused and when you don't have other options or when you are tired and want some me time.

Once you are done, you know where to find us

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly, well said. Thanks dear!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Have a blessed time

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Congrats on your 200th article dear friend. I think many of us are experiencing the same problem that you mentioned here. May be time changes everything. Wishing advance wishes for Christmas and New year. Do come back and keep posting new places of your visit.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yeah I'll be back probably to tell more about what I have experienced in my next trip during those specials days. But maybe this break can be positive to feel full of energy and more motivated, we will see. In the meantime I also wish you a great Christmas time to you and your family!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Let this beeak give you a positive energy as you wish.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I can't deny that this was the first time that I felt really dry and demotivated since I started blogging here. Maybe I was just too tired to do things that I used to be or maybe I've found another platform, Hive, but my heart has been always with I am hoping for the best for all of us and will still continue to post articles every now and then.

Congratulations on your 200th article too!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I think the same, hope just some bad period and after some time all will better for all of us here. Thanks a lot my friend!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

In my 1.5 years I have noticed that there are ebbs and flows to both dot platforms and some months are better in one while others are better in the other. They change and flow like this. We're still in crypto winter and that makes last year here not really comparable to this year. Most people are here for the earnings alone and when they dry up, they leave.

For me is the first crypto platform where I found many friends and interacted daily. My earnings here and in noise are pretty much next to nothing these days, but it matters not. I use the BCH I earn for tips, like you and for rains in my community on cash rain. I take breaks when I feel like, then I'm back when I'm ready. I hope will be here for a long time and for as long as it is here I will continue to write (sporadically, as I always do) and support my favourite authors here 💙

PS. Congratulations on your 200th article!

$ 0.04
1 year ago

I hope this platform stays as well. I really feel obligated here for some of the authors I adore. I use all my earnings for tips along with my own wallet. I've really stepped it up this month in hopes to encourage some to keep writing and engaging. I've come to realize my efforts have fell short on some but that's ok.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

You're one of the most generous writers here, Bob. It shouldn't really be one person's job to provide for everyone else though. You write entertaining articles and should really keep a bit for yourself too or else it's really just unbalanced relationship ;)

That said, I really hope this platform will survive the bear market and becomes lively again 💙

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes I agree... I like writing here as I like writing, and here the engagement is better or it was. Hope you are right and now in my 200 I feel it's time to take a break, next week I will travel so it's a good time for a break and let's see if all comes to normal soon and I can write more or more sporadically as you do without pressures, and also write something good for my first anniversary here! Thanks for you support really, my dear friend.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yay, have a break. Me, even if I have a break I still come scanning through my notifications every now and again to find some interesting titles to read. Enjoy your xmas break and I guess I'll see you more on the Hive side 😉💙

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yep exactly I'll do so these weeks after I will come back at least with, about Hive I will be there not much during some days also but still time. Thanks a lot!🤗

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I've been noticing the slow down because I have caught up, lol. Now Rusty seems to be moving in the last 12 hours or so now I see a load of articles, haha. Congratulations on 200!!

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Jaja well it's good if there is movement... but still it's not good the total dependency of Rusty.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I agree so many look for that rather than take the opportunity to grow as an author or engage with others

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yeah it's ok of course to be visited by Rusty but there must be something else too... but these days this platform was like empty somehow, so it was like writing texts for no one.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yesterday was sad day here. I had to go the home page to find articles to read. Also read some users older articles.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I haven't tried yet the Publishox my friend. I want to try the platform. I'm sure it's a good platform also. I heard it already.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well that platform is interesting, good info sometimes, but about earnings, it's very difficult, some people get something more, the rest as me, just few cents but you also earn voting others (7 votes per day) even if you don't write...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ah okay my friend. Thank you for sharing this. I will try it soon. I want to explore.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good! Happy to know, hope it will be fine for you!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you so much for sharing it my friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks to you for stopping by. Happy day!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It has become a bit of a sad thing. I really did enjoy a lot, but have pulled away recently, only very recently having come back a bit just to give it another go. Not sure where that will lead me. Yes, Rusty seems absent, as well as the 'audience.'

The thing is, I think the site maybe focused a little too much on Rusty and what he was worth rather than focusing on what SHOULD have mattered.

Writing good content that people want to read, and that would incline those readers to draw a little from their own funds to tip and make it a place that really was fully interactive, fully engaged, and profitable for all concerned through a collective funding process that is not one-sided.

Whenever Rusty was around a lot, he was always the main source of 'income,' and I always felt that was a bit wrong and a bit off.

If the people engaged on this site wanted the site to succeed, their focus should have been on SHARING in the wealth. Not just accumulating it for themselves, which I think many people did.

At the end of the day it is what it is, and if the site has failed, it is not because of the admin doing something wrong. It's because the readers (and even some of the writers) did not do what they needed to do, to do their part and make the site work.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

I agree with you, actually I wrote in other post about the total dependence here on Rusty, practically almost the only source of income, when everything should be more interrelated and decentralized between everyone.

Content should matter, more than quantity, quality and genuine interest should be valued. For this reason I like Hive, I speak frequently, although there are also "whales" I think everything is more decentralized, well the system is different and perhaps should consider improving the system here so that everything goes better and attracts more people that really like to write and read. Because it is, right?

I really appreciate your feedback Porwest. Thanks.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Öncelikle tebrikler canım. Hice 200 makale yazman dileğiyle. Evet bir sakinlik hakim burada. Umarım bir sıkıntı yoktur..

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Tekrar tesekkürler canım! Ben de umarım gerçekten...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Umarım. Ümidini kaybetme.. Seni seviyorum...😘😘😘

$ 0.00
1 year ago