I got a friendly advice

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Avatar for Duvinca
1 year ago

It's good to receive advices that can be useful and help us, usually from people close to us, but sometimes it can also come from people we don't know in real life but do on screen.

Unsplash.com (by frame harirak)

Image source: Unsplash.com (by frame harirak)

And so it has been, a virtual friend wrote me to tell me something...

This person is on Hive and we had already exchanged some comments and I have always appreciated his encouraging words. Yesterday he made a suggestion to me about something that has already been discussed in a general way also here at Read.cash and is the subject of content, plagiarism and the management of the different platforms where we publish.

And certainly it is not easy to be able to keep up by publishing in various places, I left Noise some time ago and I already told what the reasons were here. So I decided to focus on Hive and Read.cash mainly. Because I have a Publish0x account, sometimes I publish something, more in relation to promotions and I re-share a post, especially of nature but in a much less systematic way, just because it was the first place in the world of crypto blogs that I discovered, plus something emotional, in addition the rules are more relaxed in a matter of publication.

But let's get to the important thing!

The person I'm talking about told me that he had seen my same post here on Read.cash and that I should be careful because they are seeing other platforms as competitors and there have been cases of authors on Hive who have been banned for posting on other platforms as well. Some people may do it, but in some cases it can harm the user himself, not only in terms of rewards but also his own reputation on that network.

He advises me to focus on Hive with my own content to be able to grow in an ecosystem like Hive that offers so many possibilities, where the content is my own because I have my own keys, therefore it is a network that provides great reliability.

It is true that if it is your own content we could do what we want, but it may be that on the second platform they see it as plagiarism. As I say, it is an open debate, and some time ago I read a post about it here.

Normally I post everything on Hive and re-upload it here, like some other users do, but almost like it's an extra backup, because a few years ago I was writing for an online magazine that one day suddenly closed and all my online content was gone, disappeared. Now I keep everything better but in any case my intention was just that, another copy. Well, in addition, it's not easy to create double different content almost every day for two or three different networks!

And what does this mean?

What I am going to do? I'm still reflecting on it, maybe you can also give me your opinion or point of view, or what has been your experience. At the moment I value the words and the intention of this virtual friend who simply wants me to grow on a platform that he knows well, so his knowledge is important when making any decision, so I have to take that information into account...

I sincerely want to continue growing on Hive because I really get very good feedback and good rewards in some articles that I publish, although not in others, but it is normal to a certain extent. And I have decided that I am going to focus on it because it seems to me the platform with the greatest potential for growth and the most security despite the volatility and uncertainty of this entire world. But I think that on Hive everything is more decentralized and each user, depending on their voting power, can be part of the system itself.

Also Read.cash, I must say, is more discretionary or more fragile, because many times, most of us depend on Rusty's visits to get something, even despite the good intentions of other friends and subscribers, to be honest we depend on his random criteria. And when it disappears one, two or three days (well for me already four days missed) we can even see that the even activity of the site decreases.

Looking here at my profile now, I can't say that it's been going so well, posting the best content I can almost every day, but not bad either, I see that in 10 months I have 79 subscribers, I only grew very fast on Noise, not here. And I still have two sponsors, I've lost two others (no worries! I don't just love that system either, and those two remaining sponsors if you want you can stop to sponsor me it's ok because I don't know how much present I'll be).

My profile screenshot

In any case, I also get good feedback here from a few nice friends (thanks!), I would like to continue to be around if this platform continues to work… but I don't know how I'm going to manage all that with being able to continue posting here on Read.cash because I don't want to suddenly stop now either. Although I announce that the travel articles especially I will only publish them there, and some others, so I will have to see if I have time and more different content to offer here. Ufff.

Perhaps I could use this account to publish everything in a more personal way, more like a daily blog and for cool challenges too, and leave those different contents with more photographs and material, or other themes for Hive. Oh, I don't really know, I'm still reflecting on all this, because I don't want to be penalized or banned for the simple fact of wanting to share my same content more. There are those users too who make some modifications so that it is no longer the identical text, but I wonder does that work?

I don't know, actually I don't know much about the fundamentals of what these networks are, I'm learning over time, but it's not always easy because there are many doubts. What do you think about all this?

Final Thoughts

Yesterday I received that advice, with the best intentions, and I appreciate it, but it leads me to make decisions and to reflect, and very possibly to change things, and to be less present here. That's how it happens, in life sometimes you have to evaluate the situation and take action, and in these moments of readjustment, especially mentally, I can't guarantee how much or how I'm going to publish in Read.cash right now, I'll see... But I wanted to share my current dilemma with all of you and make my own reflection out loud or rather published in public here only for Read.cash and for all my virtual friends who are still here.

With a photo of mine, on of those that I really like, from another inspiring morning near the sea I greet you all! (And those of you who are on Hive, see you there too).

The sun always rises again.


Thanks for reading! Have an inspiring and friendly day.

November 27, 2022

More articles here!

Sometimes we are like cryptos

Me, my friends and some questions

Sound of storm and smell of rain

A bright moment on the rooftop

Writing content

Just finding flowers around: Polygala Myrtifolia

The life of a Bromeliad

The shape of the ficus

I see fleeting clouds over the sea


Thoughts and clouds

Some color on a gray day

A drop of water

This text is totally mine by ©Duvinca And the last photo too

The lead photo is from Unsplash.com and the screenshot is from my profile here

I have NOT published this article on Hive

I'M ALSO HERE: Ecency(Hive) / Publish0x / Odysee

$ 0.93
$ 0.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
+ 7
Sponsors of Duvinca
Avatar for Duvinca
1 year ago


Whatever you do, don't overthink it 🤣🤣🤣

I'd partly agree with the person who you got this advice from, but adjust it to how you feel about it. Observe and ask questions.

For me personally I see it like this - I don't mind occasionally reposting a post from hive here or vice versa, although I always add a link to my original post into the new post as well as a few words that explain what I did.

I don't copy paste my every post, because it just feels like low effort for me.

I make sure to write some posts specifically for one platform or the other. Like 1st week's of new months I post a summary here which include earnings on other platforms. I also participate in some fun challenges here.

On Hive I write long, thoughtful articles that never found a good audience here. It's a much bigger and mature platform and quality posts are valued there and a lot of people actually read them and engage in a meaningful conversations in comment sections. The same goes for posts with many pictures.

Hope this helps to some extend 💙

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thank you, this is a very clear explanation, in the past I used to repost all with the proper links but many of them. But it's true after considering that advice I'm thinking as you do now, adjusting content, and well, I also join here challenges and I prefer to post long texts or travel posts with many photos there, more valued there as well.

So yes after some overthinking moments jajaja that's me! I have all clearer, I think so... although in general Hive seems to be more reliable and not so depending just on Rusty... So now with the situation here on Read.cash and my coming holidays I will have a time to organize all my ideas better and take a break and some breathe too!

Again I appreciate your helping and kind words! And your time to explain all sometimes I feel confused about what I'm supposed to do. A big hug for you!!!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You got me Duvinca not much for me to add here as I'm not on Hive. I will miss your travel blogs. I've known a few who write different versions of the same article between the two platforms . I've heard some bad things about Hive but I don't have the time to try it out to see if there is any truth about it Also are pictures considered a no-no between the two platforms? When noise cash was producing at the same time noise app was up I posted the same thing on both but tweaked the content some so it wasn't the same. Seems sad that we as authors can't pull and use are content as we want. I guess one could argue we're making money posting it already.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

It's really a pity we can't decide what to do with our content but I can understand that each platform has their own rules... and now I feel a bit lost somehow and I'm thinking how to do it but not sure about pictures, if they also are considered a content material to be exclusive, maybe probably... And it's true some people create different versions of their own posts, but that is not always so easy at least for me, and in special for those travel posts.

So just being practical and analyzing rewards, I have already written 3 posts about Chicago, here on Read.cash I got: $0.81 - $1.56 - $0.59

On Hive, those same posts (just 50% because the other half goes to voting power) so: $32 - $32 -$17

I don't how about those bad things on Hive, sometimes it happens I got just 0.20 in some posts (but we can use the accumulated points we are gaining just for being and use them to boost or promote the post) and here the same post more less always around $1 it's hard here to grow more, at least in my case. Also number of subscribers is a bit higher there...

So in general I want to preserve my account there but not to abandon this.

$ 0.10
1 year ago

Wow I didn't know the potential of earning was that high. I heard you can make more there but it heard it all depends on if the curator likes or not. Seeing this information I can see why more focus goes into Hive. Is user engagement with other users similar to here? I also heard content is more serious there. I really can see someone like you getting attention there. You put out really good content. Your travel blogs are the best I've seen hands down.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

Yes the potential in general is high, it's an ecosystem, there's a part for blogging, actually three different frontends and also games, and more different applications connected... it's a world itself, difficult to understand at the beginning and still learning. And yes content is more serious, well you can find everything but some posts are really good, it depends on the topic and which community, because usually people posts content according to the topic in different communities. Some communities give a lot of rewards and sometimes I got surprised when I have been chosen by some curator, it can happen.

I really appreciate your words, and yes I think as a decentralized big project it's more reliable and it doesn't depends on just Rusty... About the engagement, I feel here is a bit easier because I know a small group of user who I can interact with. There it seems there are more people but in the end you can find also known users and comments are also very welcome.

Well if one day you want to try, let me know I might help you because I can understand that the first moments it's complicated and a lot of patience is needed the first days... I didn't understand anything and I wasn't sure but even me I got it!

**By the way, and now there is a problem here of connectivity of wallets and I can't even give you a tip.....

$ 0.05
1 year ago

I really like the engagement here. You have to post regularly over at Hive right? That would be my demise sometimes, it can be a few days to almost a week in between my posts.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Engagement here is a bit closer somehow at least among users you used to read more... but on Hive it's not necessary to post regularly everyday, I think if you post once per week it's ok as you can post in different communities. Posts' rewards go to your wallet within 7 days so. Here as we depend on Rusty maybe he see if you are more active or now, still I don't understand well this guy here jaja but on Hive it's different.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yes a mysterious one is he. When you think you figured somethings he goes against it 😂 how does the upvoting work? Mostly curator is sought I would think. Do users tip as much as they do here?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I try to explain, you can vote every post you want, not with your wallet directly but with your voting power... that power called HP (HivePower which is rewards in stake basically) is increasing with time. You are posting, commenting, voting... and without realizing you see you have more. During the first week you don't have and when you try to do anything, for example, give one vote the system says that you don't have enough resources.

The problem is you don't have enough resources to post your first post! But don't worry, you can wait one week, because after some periods we are recharged OR you have a nice friend who can delegate HP to you ( i have delegated to people who needed). When I started I felt desperate jaja but people help, and I got enough resources to start but during the first days is better to not reply comments or vote, because maybe after a second comment you don't have enough for your post. You have to priorice your scarce resources.

What I mean, you need to be patient during the first week or two, many people get tired very soon but later you don't care at all about this issue anymore. I can vote all I want now, but some people give an advice, don't spend all, try to not be under 80% of your resources. Just wait to the next day.

This system seem to be complex when you start or someone try to explain it! But it is not when you are more familiar, even me I got it!

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Oh got it. So for me I think I would use the proceeds here for tipping if I would ever decide to give it a try.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

HP is not needed for posting, but rather RC. I had this issue in the past, but if you decided to join I can help with RC delegation. Hive is different, but I feel you'd like it there Bob 💙

$ 0.01
1 year ago

So little time I have to make a commitment there. If read cash ended I would surely go there.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

No pressure! I created account in summer 2021, but haven't started writing there till my last holiday in Poland, in October this yeah. People were telling me I'll enjoy it there with all the communities specific to my interest, but it was too much to wrap my head around at that time. Now I'm there I wonder why I haven't started earlier, but I guess there is a perfect time for everything. It's easier to find my ways there now, once I've learned so much about crypto already and also many of my friends are already there too 💙

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yup I noticed the tip thing to. :( I have more to add but I have to get ready for my day. I'll revisit here later Duvinca

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That is true there should be a backup. As nowadays, Rusty has been visiting every third or fourth day and with a smaller amount. I have also been trying to work on Hive, but honestly I don't have time, read.cash, study and short days and especially the final year and final year project have been making me so busy.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes the thing is that I received that advise when Rusty is gone, well today he came but as you say the amount is smaller and who knows when he will be back... so that's why I was reflecting about all this. Truly it's hard, we don't have enough time to create content everyday for many different places, so we need to reflect in our priorities. It's sad we can't reach all we want, and I understand you are busy for doing more also on Hive, all sites require attention and time. But in my case I want to focus on there because it's a bit better in terms of rewards and reliability, in my opinion. I will see how I can keep posting here...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Rusty has visited me too today around 18-19 hours ago with a smaller amount. When will everything be back to norma do you have any idea l?

You have been doing so great, honestly. You work hard and you deserve much better and good.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks for your kind words! Well I like writing and posting but sometimes not easy, no time or not enough motivation. Rusty's visits can be a reason for a lack of motivation for all of us right? Honestly I don't have idea... I think it can be due to the crypto crisis, but it seems it affects more the BCH??? I don't know but for example on Hive we can feel also that but still rewards can be very good sometimes, so it's worthy although not easy to manage it specially in the beginning.

I'd like all sites could be more profitable for us, because profits affect really a lot the engagement and the activity, here obviously it's decreasing these days... if here we could all earn more we all will be happier!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's my pleasure you have left so nice and lovely response

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's why I am banned in other communities, not from Hive per se, because I post in Hive and Steemit especially with my Actifit account.

I lessened my crossposting from read to Hive and vice versa. What I do sometimes is to edit my post like add some more content to it if I repost my post in whatever platform.

Personally, it's one of the things that disheartened me. We are just caught in the middle because of misunderstanding of the few. I don't think that should be an issue but I don't own the platform so I guess I have to follow the rules lol!

$ 0.02
1 year ago

What? You were banned from communities on Hive? Which ones? Did they explain exactly why?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes maybe actually that friend mentioned something about Steemit too (it's like those all platforms are competing), so as you cannot be banned on Hive per se, you could be banned in some communities (that person knows well communities management) and maybe you can suffer some shadow banning... not sure.

I thought to do that some edition but sometimes it's not easy, so as you I feel a bit discouraged now, but I prefer to priorice Hive honestly, so probably it will be harder to do many posts here too but as you say too, we have to follow the rules and possibly in the future if we do things correctly on Hive for example we will grow better there, I guess...

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yup. I would choose Hive as well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Is it possible to put a note on the end of the article on Hive that this has been posted in read.cash too. Sorry, Iam not sure of it as iam not in Hive.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Well I usually posted first on Hive and here I always do that, I put a note, but I think it's not enough, that friend on Hive knew that I was posting the same here, he told me friendly before I could have problems so... it has been something to take into account. It seems there is like a competition of the platforms and they don't want content is replied in others maybe... It's hard for us, that's for sure. Thanks for your concerning dear.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It doesn't matter I think. It's like whatever was posted in Hive, stays in Hive.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Are you watching the Worldcup football match between Spain and Germany?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

No sorry not really interested in football...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Actually, we used to cross post from Hive to Readcash but it seems they stopped it, I mean the Hive system stopped it and doing it now is risky because we don't know when one will be caught.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh I see... thanks for the info, then we have to be careful as I was advised.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thats been circulated months ago I think,but I am not aware is someone been banned or penalized for doing so, not so much updated with issue after

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes I remember and those day I thought maybe not so important I will continue but yesterday after those comments not clear to me. I have very good feedback and rewards in some Hive communities and I don't want to risk that...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You can't get banned from Hive.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Well not sure sometimes some are shadow banned and some posts are silenced if they don't follow the rules, and sometimes those rules include plagiarism. So not sure but I don't want to be one, at least those posts that are going well there on Hive in some communities...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You can get blacklisted but not entirely removed from the platform. You have no reasons to worry as your posts are original. 😀

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Not removed not, but blacklisted or depend on the community, it has been said by a community owner or moderator, not sure... at least those in those better communities, just in case better maybe. Thanks dear!

$ 0.00
1 year ago