Finally, Wifi is Back!
Some of you knew the reason of my inactivity in here for a almost a month, some of you are not. Due to ST Odette last December 16, 2021, the signal towers has been destroyed that is why the Internet Connection has been interrupted too and same goes with the power sources. Struggle is real, indeed. I was really worried about being inactive for that long because as what I have known, being inactive can lead to your account become spammed. Gladly, my cousin bought a generator where we were allowed to charge our mobile phones for free. But still, I can't open my account in here because there was no signal at all. The only thing I did was to make draft articles for the days that I was not around in here, so that when the signal becomes stable or I can access my account again, I can just easily transfer my drafts to "Write an Article" section and publish it right away.
Thank you to the Lord, that He sent many instruments to make the signal recovery as quick as possible. There were lots of people who helped to fix the signal towers. As what I have remembered, before it was fixed, the people in our town needs to travel for almost 3 hours just to have a good signal. "Kaloka talaga!" But I never tried that, though I was really worried. It was just too far for me and I don't want to ask my parents for my fare to go there because at that time, we badly need some money for the reconstruction of some parts of our house that was being destroyed during the typhoon. So, I just waited the day that the signal will be stable again. And at last, it was then last month that I published an article entitled, "Typhoon Odette's Judgement: Unforgettable Experiences". The signal at that time was not that stable. And for me to be able to publish an article, I woke up early in the morning or I slept very late at night. The routine continues until February 10, 2022. I used the remaining money that I have withdrawn before the typhoon to buy some cellphone load. Well, before that day, I asked my Aunt if their Wifi is already fix and she said that its fixed already. I was very happy to know that very good news.
Finally, Wifi is back! Its not stable as it is, but I am indeed happy that I can access my account in here anytime I want. Thank you Lord for this blessing!
That's it for this article my readcash fam. Thank you for reading. Please do take care of yourselves.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude towards the people that keep supporting my works in here. To my avid readers, likers, subscribers, and upvoters. As well as my sponsors; (old, new, and renewed ones), I thanked you all. Thank you for making my journey fruitful. And, thank you for our virtual friendship. May the Lord God bless us more fruitful days, months, and years to come!
Peace and Love,
|#192- |12th Article of the Month
|02.15.2022 @2:55 PM|
Lead Image source: edited using Canva App
"I Spent my Valentines Day this way!"
"Days that I am gone out: Where was I?"
"Oh my...Am I pregnant?"
"Finally, Our Lights are On!
"Where was I?"
...and you will also help the author collect more tips.
It's good to know that your internet problem is solved, stay tuned for your articles. Happy day to you