1st Day of Intership!

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1 year ago
Topics: Student, College, OJT, Work, Philippines, ...

Hello Guys! I would like to share my day here in Read Cash Community! Even though I know that only few people will read this, I still want to write about something that happened to me today haha.

So, Let's get started!

Earlier, I woke up at 5:30 am as my alarm clock keeps ringing. I don't want to be late so even their opening hour is 9 am, I'm already there at 8 am hehe. I want to make a good impression to our employer by going to their office on time.

Also, I cooked my meal during breakfast and I bring packed lunch to lessen my expenses. I ate on my friends dorm near to our company's place.

I have a funny and stupid thing I did today, and thatwas I ride on the wrong jeepney haha. Thankfully, I heard the two guys near me, they are talking where they will get off and I asked the driver if he will pass to my destination and he said no haha. So, I got off to the jeep and I ride another one haha. Fortunately, I left the house early, if I didn't I might be late again, just like what happened to me during our OJT orientation lol.

Then, the manager came in and gave us the list of their company's requirement before we start our internship to them. So, we just asked them if it is okay with them to follow some of the documents needed, and they said it is fine with them.

After, we arranged and get the requirements one by one. First, we went to our school to print the documents and signed it to our OJT adviser and our institute dean. They visit us this coming Wednesday to signed our Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with our company.

Another, one of our professor before asked us to filled up an evaluation form for her. I think, their ranking are near and she said that if it is okay to us to encircle all number five haha. Wherein, number 5 indicates a very satisfactory performance while 1 is the lowest.

Afterwards, we went to a diagnostic center to have our medical (X-ray). It costs 250 per head and it was my first time to have an x-ray haha.

Honestly, this day was very tiring not just physically, and emotionally, but also financially haha. It seems my wallet was the most tired from both of us lol. I spent almost or more than 500 pesos or about $10, only for today.

That would be all! Thanks for reading this and stay tuned on my next article!

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:January 30, 2023

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1 year ago
Topics: Student, College, OJT, Work, Philippines, ...


Good luck and God bless with your internship sis. Ang bilis. Malapit kana talaga sa dream mo sis. Laban always sis. 💪

$ 0.00
1 year ago

salamat sis! kanina naman second day hehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wrong ride, I can say I have got off the wrong exit or got into the wrong interchange many times. Glad it didn't cause you to be late. :) Soon a first week will be in the books. Keep going and stay interested :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hoping that we do a field work during our internship, to experience something new😬

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I'm sure that will happen Joyce.

$ 0.00
1 year ago