600 hours Internship Done!

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Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Intern, Student Blog, Trainee, ...

Hello read dot cash community!

I'm still feeling emotional right now because I already finished my internship yesterday. I cried a lot at night because I remembered how my internship started and it didn't notice how time flies so fast!

Indeed, it was the most memorable and unforgettable internship I experienced. I will put to my heart all the bonds we made, the laughter we shared, and the works we did together.

I also got tired during thia internship but I always remind myself that I am near from my goals in life. As they said "malayo pa, pero malayo na", so keep going!


Yesterday, we bought foods for the employees and lunch with them. I was so quite that time because I don't know what to say and I am not that good in saying my goodbyes. I learned many things in that company and I love all the employees there. I am hoping that we all get in touch even we if take different paths in life.

I will surely miss them all!!✨

More of my articles to read:

:May 20, 2023

$ 0.15
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @Porwest
Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Intern, Student Blog, Trainee, ...


That was a lot of training hours, probably you accumulated 3 months.

$ 0.00
1 year ago