I Celebrated My Birthday in the Office!

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1 year ago
Topics: Food, Life, Blessing, Birthday, Celebrate, ...

Yesterday, I turned 22 years old.

What makes this year's birthday celebration different? Nothing, it just that I celebrated my birthday with new and amazing people I met this year!

I always celebrating our birthday with my twin sisters, we just eat at home and blow candles together. But this time, we have our own errands and plans for our birthday. My sister had their final practice for their graduation and the other went to school to work with their thesis.

Anyway, as I said on my previous article, I have an internship so I came at the office. So basically, I celebrated my birthday in the office. Sadly, our manager had a client meeting and one my closest employee went to other branch to do some work there. But, it's okay because I also enjoyed the celebration yesterday!


I asked my friend's mother to cooked palabok for us to eat and I also bought pizza.

This was the photo of delicious palabok that cooked by my friend's mother.

We shared it together and I was happy that they really enjoy that simple birthday celebration of mine.

I spent my entire special day feeling grateful and blessed for everything I have. I am hoping that my 22-year-old self will be more productive especially once I graduate from college in July and start working.


That would be all! Thanks for reading and have a nice day! xoxo

More of my articles to read:

:May 10, 2023

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Avatar for re-joyce
1 year ago
Topics: Food, Life, Blessing, Birthday, Celebrate, ...


Happy birthday sa iyo, dami mo din handa.

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